Thursday, November 02, 2006

YouTube Randomness

Day 13 of unemployment...

I spend the bulk of my morning combing the want ads but then- it's off to see what hilarity YouTube has in store for me. Usually I only find some mildly amusing stuff and then I'll move on to more job hunting and some thesis writing ( there's no thesis writing...I watch DVD's and eat cereal all day- what do you want from me? I'm UNEMPLOYED!!). However today I found some rare gems and just had to share it. I hope your sense of humore is just as twisted as mine:

1) Penis Piercing. That's right. LIVE! It was so train-wreck funny that I actually watched the WHOLE 9 MINUTES of it.

2) Paxilback. A parody that is so witty I just had to share it. And the video is almost as good as Justin's.

3) We Need to Fund More After School Programs. Or more videos like this will resurface.

Okay,'s 12:09...back to the hunt.

*smooches...without a job or a plan*
how much do you want
how much are you willing to do
baby, this is no business
for a sweet little girl like you

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