Thursday, April 12, 2007

Reduce My Impact?

So here's the deal: no matter how hard I try, I can't get away from the fact that I actually care about the environment and my part in it's deterioration.

True, I don't recycle because I'm lazy, and I waste electricity and I'm not selective about the food I buy and how it's produced and delivered to my grocery store.

But I care nonetheless.

Why don't I take more action? Because I'm broke, ya'll. Plain and simple.

Only rich, white folk and "BUPPIES" can afford to buy fresh, organic, free-range and install solar panels and use geothermal energy to heat and cool their homes. Those of us on a budget have to wait for chicken to go on sale before we can eat meat this week, so fuck whether or not the damn bird had a good life before the slaughter- my kids need to eat.

And yes, I'm inundated with the doom and gloom of global warming effects all day at work, and I know that NYC, being a coastal region, will feel the burn and possibly sink like Venice, but god-dammit- I need to have my computer on so I can find freelance gigs, chat with my friends...and find a man, fossil fuel burning be dammed!!

What prompted this defensive rant, you ask?

Well, I read this article about a couple who are attempting to reduce their carbon footprint on the planet by trying to make as little impact as possible- no tissue paper, no cars, no elevators, no food from farms further out that 250miles...pure craziness! Only white folks can some up with stuff like this...

Although, I have to admit I'm intrigued. And a little jealous. I want to do something like this. Sure, two people going with tissue and take out for one year hardly makes a difference, but the message it sends can move many.

Like a jaded NYer who's struggling to find her place in this world.

I want to start a movement. Have people say, "You know, that Dr. Penzo, she really did a great thing there." And I will, too, just wait...right after this commercial break...

*smooches...impacting the earth like a motherfucker!*
i bet you're looking for the little red x next to the red arrow
and the words 'you are here'
i bet you're hoping that your heart will send up the white flag this time
or some sign that the coast is clear


Anonymous said...

I often tighten my mouth when reading your posts. It’s not because I find you offensive, it's not because your cynicism is like a fog on my usually bright day, and it’s because of your honesty. I respect your ability to be so damn honest with yourself. But this post, oh no. this post is not honesty. This post is lame ass 3rd grade the dog ate my homework excuses. Lame.

I’m sorry but how is recycling a greater chore than throwing out the regular trash? Right.

Moving on to energy-efficient lights, which are four times more efficient than regular or "incandescent" light bulbs, and last 10 times longer. They cost about the same (2.50 for a pack of 2 at Home Depot) and save you about $47 for the duration of the bulb. I don’t know Raquel, this math seems in your favor.

Let’s keep a tally:
Conscious Raquel 2

Not Saving the Environment 0

You don’t need to start a movement to be heard. Just cut the bullshit. When getting food or other things, do you need to always take a plastic bag? I mean your hands are capable of carrying things. Bring a fork and knife from home, that way you don’t have to use plastic all the time.

Do your laundry in cold water. Hot water uses more energy. I’ve been doing this for over 3 years.

Paper towels…waste of everything. You have kids, your kids have clothes. They ruin their stuff frequently, I’m sure. Use rags, girl. Save money on wasteful paper.

Conscious Raquel 6

Not Saving the Environment 0

For sure, organic and free-range foods are pricier. I don’t suffer from the chicken syndrome, I don’t eat meat. But, if I did I’d defiantly be scared of the hormones and injected antibiotics and vile conditions they keep your meat in. I hear ya, feed your family. This one I can’t argue unless you go veg.

Conscious Raquel 6

Not Saving the Environment 1

How about herbs? Not those herbs Raquel! Have a window sill garden. Basil, Parley, etc. all cost money in the store, are all free when grown in your home. You get the point, just be creative mama, I know you can be.
Baby, I can keep this thing going. This is my daily mantra, not because I think I can make a difference but because it’s better for my soul. People emulate goodness, and I’ve taught a lot of people a lot of things. Don’t make excuses, make change happen. Teach your girls.

PS- If its yellow let it mellow…


The Jaded NYer said...

In response:

I'll give you the lightbulb thing and the paper towels thing and washing clothes in cold water, which I already do miss smartypants, but here's where you lose me-

1. carry my groceries in my hands? how many hands you think I got? You're preaching with your single girl mindset. I buy for a household of three.

When I go shopping I'm buying a shitload of groceries. Should I bring a blanket to the market, through all my shit in it, tie it together and then carry it all on my back? I'm just asking since you seem to be the expert...

2. the herb garden would be nice if I actually had a set up where it would work, which I don't, so oh well. I think Irene is starting one so maybe I'll steal from her garden when she's not looking...

3. I feel like I touched a nerve, which is good because I love to antagonize to the point of starting a riot, but you should know better than to a) believe everything I write and b) send me a comment with a preachy tone.

You have single-handedly guaranteed that I will now leave my lights on for three days straight using cheap lightbulbs and that I will have wet paper towel fights with the neighborhood kids...just for kicks.

You just made Mother Nature cry...happy now??

Anonymous said...

should have been clearer, I meant when buying lunch or shampoo at the store, not supplying two-weeks worth of eatery for your girls.

giving you options and trying to empower isn't didactic, ms. say anything for the last word

live your life as you please: paper towel fight and burning rubber tire fight all day long, but then don't say that you want to do something about it.

(ha i got the last word now!)

The Jaded NYer said...

And I should have been clearer, too. When I said I wanted to start a movement it was not an environmental one. Just something random to keep my name out there

I can be down with your options, just not the tone with which it came.

And you're right- I shouldn't complain if I'm not gonna make an effort.

From this day forward, let it be known that I, Raquel I Penzo, officially give two shits about saving the the time all this bad stuff happens I'll probably be dead and if not, well bully for me!

How's that for a last word??