Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Jaded NYer Takes a Break

Instead of just disappearing off the face of the 'net, I'm letting you know that I'll be on hiatus until August 3rd. I'm taking a much needed break to deal with a full plate of issues that I don't feel right burdening any of you with right now (was that sentence grammatically correct? See why I need a break??).

Thank you all for reading my ramblings and not demanding to be removed from my mailing list all this time. I look forward to coming back refreshed and with a wealth of new material to keep you enlightened, entertained and distracted from your jobs (Marcin...I'm looking at you...).

Enjoy your break. Go outside and get some sunshine!

I'll try and enjoy mine.

Oh now I do recall,
we were just getting to the part
Where the shock sets in,
and the stomach acid finds a new way to make you get sick.

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