Monday, October 22, 2007

Please Please PLEASE!!!!

I just received a very promising email from the secretary at my school that implied that my thesis packet- all the missing line edits I've been waiting for for over a month- might have been sent to my mom's place in Jamaica instead of to me in Brooklyn.

She asked me for my current address and said I needed to make an official address change with enrollment services.

Could this mean the packet was returned to the school? Does this mean she's sending it to me now? And that it should be here by week's end? That I will not be forced to turn in work that isn't 100% for my final product??

I swear- and I've never been more serious about anything in my life since I signed my divorce papers- if this is the case, if that packet is in fact on its way to me, I'll give up alcohol until L's birthday in January. For REAL! I won't drink if I go out on Halloween. I won't drink when I go to DC to visit Mari NOR will I drink when I go visit Nina in Boston. It will be club soda with lemon from now until January 18th.

All I want is to turn in quality thesis work and have clean, polished stories I can shop around to the literary magazines I've been eyeing, and a nice piece of paper I can place in a frame to add to the others. That's all I want. And I want it more than any shot of Tequila or glass of whiskey.

I swear.

*smooches...willing to go cold turkey for my art*
(I'm too excited/anxious/nervous to look for a poem...)

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