Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Her Mind? It's A Genius.

Parent-teacher conference last night at Ns pretty much went as expected:

Her grades are stellar; she does all her work; she gets along with everyone; she needs to start reading books on a 3rd grade level (she's in a gifted program in the 2nd grade); she's a good writer; she participates in class; her behavior is appropriate, and she's great at math.

In fact, her teacher said, and I quote, "She's the perfect child. You've done everything right." As if my ego needed anymore stroking!

And N did predict this for herself. A few years ago during a party at my mami's house, Minnie complimented her on something, and do you know what my humble little schnookums said? "I know! My mind is a genius!" It's like that every time you praise her. For example, here's an exchange from just a week ago:

Me: Wow, I really like your painting.
N: I know, I'm really creative!
Me and K: (sighing and rolling our eyes) Oh, brother!

Some might call it confidence, and yeah, I guess it is. But in my book, that's straight up so proud!!! She's like a mini-me!!

But back to her report from the teacher... it leads me to wonder-- why is she so "stellar" outside the house, and then the millisecond she crosses the threshold of my apartment she's a wildcat. Is it me? Do I bring out the crazy in people?

*smooches...being a proud mama for once*
sure she's a EEE-VIL genius...MUAHAHAHAHA!!


lanibear said...

To answer your question: YES.

The Jaded NYer said...

HA HA HA HA!!! I figured...

Unknown said...

sounds like my daughter. we usually get "i wish we could clone her..." deal...

The Jaded NYer said... that case, she's more than welcome to join the Girl Army