Thursday, December 20, 2007

Kickin' Ass And Taking Names...

Don't hate on us, is not your color...

From the DR newswire:

Dominican volleyball women shine
The Dominican women's volleyball team has finished undefeated at the women's pre-Olympic tournament being held in Monterrey, Mexico. The team's winning streak will guarantee them a final first place in Group B of the tournament. The DR is considered the only team strong enough to beat out the Cuban team for the last remaining spot in the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing.

Polanco honored
Dominican ball player Placido Polanco was named Defensive Player of the Year for the Major Leagues by more than nine million fans. Polanco, who plays with the Detroit Tigers, didn't commit a single error during the 2007 season and established a new record with 888 attempts without an error. His last error was recorded on 1 July 2006. This is Polanco's second post-season award as he won a Gold glove for his 2007 play.

This news totally makes up for this foolishness, made by some country-ass Dominicans I'm sure, that Evelyn sent me from YouTube:

*smooches...eager to add my name to that list of GREAT Dominicans*
and you know, the star of that women's volleyball team? yeah, she's married to my uncle...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need about 8 more items from the newswire in order to break even with the video. Sorry.