Me and Jack, circa October 2006
Jack: New Rule. Slutty=having to plan a shower between partners.
Me: Is there a story behind this rule? Slut!
Jack: Um. If the shower isn't PLANNED then = no slut
Me: Accidental sluttiness...the new craze sweeping America!
Jack: Oops
Me: I was minding my own thing I knew his penis was in my mouth...don't know how that happened.
Jack: And then this other one fell into my hand...I'm confused
Me: What was I to do? I didn't want to be rude...
Jack: Obviously I did what any polite person would do...I said Thank You
Me: And put them BOTH in my mouth. There was no time for a shower...
Jack: And next time I won't do that on a crowded train, officer
Me: I promise this time for real
Jack: Excuse me, officer...are those real handcuffs?
Me: Cool! I only have the pink furry ones. Hey! Is that...your PENIS?
Jack: LOL!
* longer wondering why my Verizon bill is through the roof*
this is pretty much how ALL my conversations with Jack go...