Sunday, December 02, 2007

The Tests Have Angered The Pain

I kinda noticed it on my way home, mostly because I couldn't walk without wincing or limping, or wanting to take a machete to my own midsection.

But now, at 8:31PM, coupled with the cramps, the pain has tackled me to the ground, wrapped my shoelaces around my throat and whispered in my ear: WE ARE NOT AMUSED.

There goes my goodnight sleep...

*smooches...afraid of my own body*
wish I hadn't thrown out that Aleve last spring...


Bangs and a Bun said...

Holy Jesus - when do you get the results of these tests?

The Jaded NYer said...

well, lets assume it was sent out today. and lets also assume that this lab is more competent than the lab my tests were sent to before during an ill-fated and ill-advised visit to a shady-looking office in Brooklyn that looked straight out of one of those Save The Children commercials...they ended up contaminating the specimens.

If all goes well, I'd say I should be able to hear the bad news by Wednesday, Thursday the latest.

In the meantime, feel free to laugh if you see me hobbling down your street...