Friday, January 04, 2008

Even The Stars Know I Belong In School

Found this on MSN:

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
Use your natural curiosity to your advantage. Take the opportunity to really learn something new this coming year. Don't just skim the surface, but really delve deeply into a topic that interests you. If you've been thinking of getting an advanced degree, it's time to stop talking about it and just do it! Where there's a will, there's definitely a way. If you can find a way to harness some of that scattered energy, the sky is the limit.

How can I fight destiny?

*smooches...studying for the GREs like the nerd girl I am*
that's right, I said nerd, and what?!


Anonymous said...

Do I have to?? I like my scattered energy, lol.

The Jaded NYer said...

YES! The key word for 2008 is FOCUS... imagine how powerful we will be once we just get our shit together... the world ain't ready...