And what will this exchange of power mean for Cuba? Will I finally be able to visit the island without having to execute a covert operation??
Oh- and stupid-ass President Bush was all like, [insert mocking voice here] "I hope the people of Cuba will soon know the blessings of freedom..." blah blah blah you moron. Just shut the fuck up!! Every time you speak you embarrass us!
*smooches...now wondering- Puerto Rico or Cuba in May?*
can you imagine the rip-roaring good times I could have in Cuba?? They'd better never lift that embargo or I might lose my damn mind...
I am planning a 3-day trip to Cuba for my 35th birthday. Cannot wait for Castro to DIE ALREADY!
Not that it will make any difference with things over there. But I am hopeful.
If you wanted to go sooner I got the hook-up...but I can't tell you here; this isn't a secure line...LOL
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