Monday, February 04, 2008

Operation Bikini Body, Day 18: 4 Down, 11 To Go


I just wanted to put that out there because I'm so happy that I stuck to my monthly weight loss goal without sticking my finger down my throat! Yay, ME!

What I haven't really done, due to financial and time constraints, is attend Bally's as much as I wanted to. And that sucks because I have this free pass that's just going to waste, plus I had a list of group classes I REALLY wanted to try. C'est la vie!

However, my eating habits have improved dramatically: I'm eating breakfast now, which I NEVER used to, and it has helped to regulate how much I eat during the day (all those nutrition experts were right! Who knew?). I've cut out the fast food and take-out, so that has also helped. And I've been making more food from scratch, so the processed and frozen foods have been cut out, too.

What I'm looking forward to this month is stepping up my physical activities. (No, not THAT kind of physical activity, JACK!) I need to be out on the courts more playing ball with N and K (you should've seen my babies trying to play handball! And that N has some fancy footwork on the b-ball court...that girl got skills, yo!) and going for walks either in the early AM (now that the sun is peeking out earlier in the day) or after I get home.

PLUS... I stopped by the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater on Saturday and picked up a class schedule. Do I dare? Oh my god- if I run into Linda Celeste Sims in the halls I might just pass out like a stupid European Michael Jackson groupie!

*smooches...fighting the urge to celebrate this four pound loss with a large order of fries!*
someone really needs to "accidentally on purpose" blow up the McDonald's around the corner from where I live...


Anonymous said...

Paraphrasing, "since when you liked dance studios?"

But seriously, how you gonna call me out like that?!?

(actually, thanks for clarifying - cuz I kinds did need it. but shhh!)

Grampa said...

As someone who has worked very hard on weight issues for a long time, I can attest that diet is indeed the key.

All last year, and most of the year before that I was doing mad cardio and heavy weight training and while I was gaining better lungs and massive shoulders, I still had the gut and the love handles.

I started to talking to a guy, at an NA meeting, incidentally, that used to be an amateur/pro body-builder - he competed and nearly won the Mr. Arizona several years back.

He looked at my diet, and how atrocious it was, and gave me some tips. In the morning, I try to exercise before work, on an empty stomach and then have a shake consisting of skim milk, protein powder and either a banana, or a cup of berries, all thrown in the blender. I can also have a half a cup of oatmeal, if I want (I have a microwave and bowl at the office and sometime do, as soon as I get to work).

Then about three hours later, I eat an apple and a yogurt.

Then, at lunch time, I eat on of those south beach prepared entrees - they're actually not that bad and all last month they were 2/$5 at my local grocery store.

And anything that is 2 meals for 5 dollars, in hawaii, that's one fuck of a bargain.

Anyway, I have one of those and a slice of whole grain bread.

Then, about 4, I have handful of almonds, mixed in with a quarter cups or so of raisins - or a protein bar - I like the promax bars, you can get them on body and delivered to your door, they're less than 1.50 a piece.

Then, for dinner, I have another south beach deal (I bought enough to stuff my freezer and refrigerator).

Here's the important part - no food after seven. If you do have food after seven, nothing but the light, light microwave popcorn. You can eat a whole bag, if you want, but nothing else.

If you have a bad day and cheat, alas. Don't beat yourself up about it, and come back swinging tomorrow.

I've lost ten pounds in less than a month and have had several less than perfect days.

Diet is the most important, far more so than cardio or weight training. Neither will matter if you eat like shit.

-yours in struggle
grampa (kevin)

The Jaded NYer said...

@ Jack- you LOVE the attention. admit it!

@ Grampa- aren't you concerned about the sodium level in those prepared foods? There's high blood pressure in my family so I have to be aware of the sodium content in my food.

Besides, I love the taste of fresh ingredients, whose names contain less than 3-4 syllables, too much to eat anything but.

Also, I've heard and read many experts and PTs say that the time you eat doesn't matter but rather your activity level and schedule. As in, I'm up late sometimes, hard as I try to fight it, because of work, so I'm still active in the wee hours of the night, so eating after seven isn't a big deal. Just not a heaping serving of Lasagna LOL!

Slowly but surely I'm trying to follow a more Caribbean eating schedule, which puts the larger meal at lunchtime and has dinner as something light, like a sandwich or the likes. That's how my family in DR eats. Now if only I can convince my boss to let me take a 2-hour siesta...

Grampa said...

I hadn't really given much thought to the sodium content, to be honest, but with these they are better than most, one meal contains roughly 25% of the RDA, so that's no so bad, even if you eat two, considering the rest of my diet, which is largely sodium free.

As far as the being up late at night deal, all of our lives are different, I never thought that I would become a morning person, but then again, I never thought that I would kick heroin either, so anything is possible.

As a parent, you have an especially difficualt task, or trying to work, live, exercise and prepare healthy food for not only yourself, but also take time to raise, nuture and provide for your children.

We all just do the best we can, sis, and, well, sometimes that just has got to be enough. Thanks for stopping by, and I'll see you around the way.


The Jaded NYer said...

Amen, brother!

These girls do NOT make it easy to eat well: the little one won't eat brown rice, no matter how I season it. the older one won't eat salad or green veggies.

Neither one wants ANYTHING to do with mushrooms, and the only way to get calcium into their bodies is through yogurt or a fortified OJ because they might just DIE if I made them drink any kind of milk!!

Kids these days...

PS- congrats on kicking the habit; I can't even imagine what fresh hell that was!

Grampa said...

As of December 12, 2007 - four years clean and counting.

It put into perspective what is really difficult and what only seems difficult.

I have a much different calibre of problems in my life today, that's for sure.

Unknown said...

congrats, hermana... good job

fyi -- one does not need a gym to work out and lose weight. i use the YMCA to do my own workouts with fellow capoeiristas. but most of it i do at home actually with the babies.

matter of fact, i will blog about it