Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wearing My Nerd On My Sleeve

K called me last night to remind me about the Lunar Eclipse, which I was so so excited about to the point that I actually hung out my window in sub-zero weather to take these pictures:

This one I took as I was slipping off the window ledge and falling off the bed...

Dude, the moon ROCKS!!!

*smooches...nerdy and proud!*
seriously, though, that sh*t was cool as all hell! There won't be another one visible from NYC for two years...I feel so honored to have seen this one!


The Jaded NYer said...

LMAO!! Girl if you EVER encounter a penis that looks like trippy, kindly excuse yourself from the activities and quietly escape through the bathroom window!!!

Unknown said...

you can actually see it in NYC
i told my daughter you guys couldn't see it