Monday, March 17, 2008

Damn Right I Whooped Her Ass

Y'all might have to call child protective services on me right quick...

So Miss K decided to let me go into this parent-teacher conference tonight without 'fessing up to not doing her work in Math for two weeks and being disrespectful to one of her teachers and basically being too busy "hanging with friends" to be bothered with paying attention in class and whatnot.


And I gave this child of god the opportunity LAST WEEK to tell me if there was anything I needed to know before I met with her teacher, and she stood there and LIED TO MY FACE. You know, I was no angel at her age- puberty is setting in, friends begin to matter more, etc, but you know what? I ALWAYS got my work done. None of this ghetto-ass mentality of being dumb and not doing your work being cool...NOT IN MY HOUSE. Not then and most certainly not now.

It took everything I had not to fly home and wrap my hands around her throat. DISOBEDIENCE IS NOT AN OPTION. THIS HOUSE IS NOT A DEMOCRACY. As far as she's concerned, my muthafucking name is Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, Fidel Castro, Augusto Pinoche, Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler and Idi Amin up in this bitch. And if she don't like it, she can get the fuck out. And if she thinks I'm playin', she can just TRY ME!

That child has four weeks to turn this shit around- that's when the next report cards are coming in. If I don't see a marked improvement...Lord help me I can't even finish that sentence... I can't... I need Jesus... or a drink...

*smooches...glad that Jack brought the comic relief via text...*
otherwise I'd be typing this from the back of a squad car...


Anonymous said...

Sorry! Can't call child protective services. They don't handle cases for when a parent is doing what they're supposed to!
I don't have kids yet, and don't have plans for 'em any time soon, but I've already have speeches and ways to whip their behinds when they decide to go left when they should be going right!

12kyle said...

I FEEEEEEEL YOU!!! You did what you're 'sposed to do. Beat that azz! Repeatedly if necessary! School is not the place to play around. And I don't play around. In a time when parents are more concerned with being a child's friend than being the parent, it's refreshing to see a mother put her foot down. I'm wit ya! *internet high five* lol

i.can't.complain. said...

u almost made ME wanna pick up a math book.


here's 2 hoping she gets it 2gether in 4 weeks.

cuz i don't have enough in my account 2 get u outta jail.



The Jaded NYer said...

@gandi duke- count your blessings and enjoy your child-free existence while you can. This child got my pressure up...

@12kyle- yeah, what's up with that being "friends" with your kid nonsense? I have enough friends! Go do your damn HW!!

And LOL @ internet high five!

@dejanae- girl...children will kill you. I've been saying it for years but people around me keep getting pregnant like it's the next best thing since sliced bread!

@i can't complain- no worries, I have a bail fund. Only I hadn't expected to use it so soon or on the older one. I thought little miss N would be the one to put me in the orange jumpsuit. Guess I was wrong...

lanibear said...

I feel you girl--kids need discipline. But like you said, don't forget what it was like at that age. I think that's the key. As for not having kids, you are right. Because if I had kids of that age, I'd be in JAIL for child murder the instant that kid tried to give me the side eye... Don't even get me started on how I can't even enjoy a movie with a smart-assed kid in it. All I want to do is to reach through the screen and choke a bitch......

Anonymous said...


The Jaded NYer said...

I need to invest in a good leather chancleta; I had to use the correa instead!

Baba Doodlius said...

Yikes! C'mon Idi Castro, take adeep breath, you don't wanna pop a blood vessel.

So, now that you're calm, go *calmly* strangle her.

Don't you feel better now?

Eb the Celeb said...

spare the rod... spoil the child... my mama tore my ass up and I think I turned out pretty good so when I get me some I damn sure gon tear they ass up when need be too.