Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Weekend: No Church For The Wicked...And Other Musings

My weekend in a nutshell (with many links and even a video!):

No Backsies...
My mom thinks she's slick- she asked to keep the girls this weekend since she had off from work and all, and Mari was coming home, and they were going to church, blah blah blah... so how come on Friday she tries to pull the whole, "Come get yo' kids" routine?

Nah, man, no backsies; you asked for them, you got 'em. I'm too busy chillin on my couch with some Thai food...

Laundry? What Laundry?
Listen- I picked up the stuff I've had at the cleaners since October (2007), so I think that was enough of a chore to do on my free weekend. It was more important to see WHY my beloved Kaba Modern got kicked off (one word: JabbaWockeez!!!) and to catch up with Lost, Men in Trees and...well...maybe I watched Love Jones again... I'm like OBSESSED!

The Jaded NYer Goes To...Africa?
My thesis mentor is really pushing for me to go to Ghana this summer for a literary forum he's organizing, to the point that he's offering to waive a shitload of the fees if I just submit a story for the fiction competition/scholarship and pay my own airfare (to the tune of like $1600... I wonder how much that is is twat hairs, 'cause that's all I have...).

Deb- I know you're reading this... are you still thinking of going?? Deadline is April 15th, same as with taxes... C'mon, don't make me go to my other motherland alone...

Someone PLEASE Take My Camera Away
Because I've gotten a little more serious about blogging, I never leave home without my camera. But sometimes, really, someone just needs to rip it from my hands.

Case in point:

That's supposed to be a pic of me and Lani at Reis Saturday night...can't you tell??

And this picture I like to call: Ginger's Must've Been Full (it's a private joke; just laugh and act like you get it!)

I'm Sure He Lived A Full Life
Mambo legend Israel "Cachao" Lopez died. I'm a lil sad. So in memoriam, I posted some clips of him on my other blog. Check them out.

I Gave Up On Fantasy Baseball
I realized something about myself this weekend: I'm a total computer junkie. And I love me some baseball. But Fantasy Baseball is like having another full time job. I had to quit...

In other news, St. Louis kicked our asses today... how salty am I right now?

No Church For The Wicked...

Lani: You make church today?

Me: Nope. I did everybody's hair and then stayed behind and cleaned up

Lani: Aww, one more spontaneous church fire avoided (from heathens like us crossing the threashold).

My Sister Is Delusional
Don't believe me? Peep this video right quick:

And to make matters worse... she purchased some FAKE UGGS this weekend...I'm so disgusted!

And here she is with a serious case of the "itis":

Where did I go wrong with that girl??

*smooches...not wishing you a Happy Easter 'cause I ain'ts no hypocrite*
I stayed behind and did dishes- DISHES, people- rather than go to church. And when I say dishes, I mean every dish my mom even thought about owning was up in that sink. I don't get it- she lives alone...why was ALL HER SILVERWARE up in the sink??


12kyle said...

"I picked up the stuff I've had at the cleaners since October (2007)" lmao!!! Shame on you!

it's funny...i wanted to watch love jones last night but I may be the only dude who still has it on VHS and not on DVD. I thought that I did but i don't. I know...I know...that's wack. LOL


The Jaded NYer said...

VHS? What is this "VHS" you speak of??

Don said...

Enjoyed the read and pics. The cleaners still ahd your clothes? wow. I've known some cleaners to get real grimey with keeping clothes not picked up in a certain amount if time. I can't watch the video of your sis. I think the Ghana trip sounds nice. I wouldn't mind going. I'm under the "you only live once" impression. Blog On.

Don said...

Oh yeah, we sat around and watched She Hates Me. And We also had Sliding Doors but never got the chance to watch it. Mofo's wanted to watch the former again. Love Jones is the bomb DVD. So is Disappearing Act.

The Jaded NYer said...

don't worry about the video... it's just my sis thinking she's a celebrity... I just hope her brand of crazy isn't contagious.

I am submitting my story this week and will take a chance that the money for the flight will just make it's way into my hands somehow.

The Jaded NYer said...

I've yet to see She Hate Me... I'm gonna have to rent that one; I heard it was ok.

Love Jones was so well-written and directed that it actually made Lorenz Tate seem attractive! HA HA!!!

dejanae said...

I wonder how much that is in twat hairs, 'cause that's all I have...).
how bout ima use that

The Jaded NYer said...

feel free to use it; I learned it from my mom HA HA HA!!!

i.can't.complain. said...

my mother pulls that on me too

my mama- "oh, i wanna see the baby. bring her over here. i will keep her for u."

fast forward 2 hrs

*cell phone rings*

"come get your child. she's colored on my walls/called me a crabby patty repeatedly/taken all her clothes off and refuses to put them back on/won't eat anything other than skittles"



Unknown said...

ah easter sunday... before 3pm, you can go anywhere and avoid lines. it reminds me of Omega Man.

word to herb.

Anonymous said...

Go to Ghana! It'll be the best $1,600 you spend this year. Trust me. Make sure you check out Elmina Castle too. That's where slaves where taken away from.

Eb the Celeb said...

you dead wrong for not going to

and you should really go to Africa... i wish I could go... but it prolly wouldnt be to ghana...

and does your sister know you put her on blast like

The Jaded NYer said...

@i can't complain- grandparents, indeed!

@brother omi- I never even left the house...

@gandi duke- I'm going to try my hardest to go

@eb- church and me don't get along; I'm gonna see about the trip; and yes, my sister knows I talk sh*t about her...she loves it! HA!