Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Glad I'm Not This Kid's Mommie

So, nastiness behind me, taking deep breaths, remembering that murder is still a crime in New York, I've decided to bring the funny back to the spot...

I saw this on the bulletin board at my daughter's elementary school about a month ago.

It jumped out at us, and for two seconds we paused like deer caught in headlights. Then we laughed and laughed and laughed all the way home.

*smooches...checking in the mirror just to make sure*
now you KNOW that child's teacher had a field day with this drawing!!


dejanae said...

im mad u checkin the mirror tho

i.can't.complain. said...

talk about pissed.

although, im taking parenting a lot better than i thought i would.

kids are jerks. mine included.

i find myself laughing at the insults that my 2.5 yr old throws at me.

for instance, 2day when my phone rang she reminded me.

"ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. mommy, u can't talk"

AND her personal favorite.

"mommy, u look funny".


Still Patrice said...

girl i would have been WEAK!!

12kyle said...

"checking in the mirror just to make sure"
LMAO!!! You are crazy!!!

The Jaded NYer said...

@dejanae- girl you know I have to make sure my 'stache is not prevelant!

@i.can't.complain- kids will drop truth bombs on you, no doubt. but they say it so cute, that way you won't kill 'em :)

@pajnstl- I was trying so hard to be covert in my picture taking, but of course the girls kept laughing so hard they were making it obvious! I hope the mom in question didn't see me...

@12kyle- hey, I'm over 30 and Latina, I have to check for these things! LOL

Sister P said...

I just said to my husband I wasn't going to get waxed until Monday...but now I'm logging off and going to see Mimi, my Korean magic maker. That is fuggin' hilarious!!

Unknown said...

all i can do is laugh. i have to take pics of my children's rendition of me...