Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I'm A Little Swayed...

So I'm on this mailing list as a result of signing a petition to lift the travel restrictions to and from Cuba, and today I received an email from the group that kind of makes me lean towards Obama IF I decide to vote in November.

He's all for sitting down with the post-Fidel administration and stated that he would allow travel to Cuba for relatives.

I'm kinda feeling that...

*smooches...wishing Hillary wasn't afraid to go against the grain on this*
if anyone is interested in reading the email I received detailing Obama's position on this issue, let me know and I'll forward it to you.


Anonymous said...

Great - are you going to post the next I'm In Love With Obama youtube video?

The Jaded NYer said...

Ewww- no way! He's got Weed Lips! I'll pass on that!


12kyle said...

The future "Leader of the Free World" has weed lips. OMG!!! Hilarious.

Seriously, please vote...doesn't matter who you vote for but you should vote. If you don't like the candidates, write my name in. LOL

The Jaded NYer said...

look at that fool's pic and tell me he don't have weed lips? he be tokin' it up on the regular, I can tell! HA!!!

12kyle said...

Hmmm...I know that he used to smoke cigarettes. And you know what they say about people who smoke cigarettes. LOL

mp1 said...

Makes sense. I'd definitely like to see that letter. Doesn't make much sense to keep the door closed on new administrations that we know nothing about

The Jaded NYer said...

mp1- it's an html email doc... where would you like me to forward it?

(if you want your contact info private, you can just email it to me at rpenzo@thejadednyer.net)