Saturday, March 08, 2008

It's Saturday...

Had a rough week. Kids are gone. Rain is pouring. Landlord's kids won't shut the f*ck up (damn those are some whiny ass kids!).

And I really don't feel like being.

What's a girl to do?

*smooches...finally bored enough to crack open that bottle*
does this make me a sad, pathetic lush? really? cool!


Unknown said...

well my grandmama sent me a nice bottle of brugal. we have close to two feet of snow.. it got cracked open like a mug

12kyle said...

my beverage of choice on saturday night??? henny! i slept like a newborn baby. didn't make it to church. who am i kidding? after that 4th cup, i knew i wasn't gonna make it to church. lol

The Jaded NYer said...

Dang! You skipped church 'cause of the liquor? Ooh...Pastor ain't gonna like that... LOL

12kyle said...

LOL!!! I don't think it would have been appropriate to be in the house of the Lord smelling like henny. LOL. I'll make it up next sunday.