Monday, March 17, 2008

The Jaded NYer Does Hair

I truly believe that the ability to do hair is part of a Dominican woman's DNA, all us colored women, actually.

I've been doing hair since, whoa, like maybe age 8 or so (Minnie, correct me if I'm wrong)... I can do my own rolos, and have done them by myself from very early on; I can braid, apply a relaxer, hair color, pass the blower, hot comb/iron, trim the ends, and, most importantly, take this:

and turn it into this:

*smooches...with a WICKED backache that will last me for weeks*
it's always totally worth it, though, to see them head bang- wild hair all over the place- to Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody...priceless moment...


12kyle said...

awwwwww...daughters!! I wonder how well I would do if i had to do hair. LOL

The Jaded NYer said...

about as well as my ex... he always brings them back home looking like extras from "The Color Purple" LOL

Don said...

Yep, you definitely have skills.

The Jaded NYer said...

I should charge those heifers for my services...

Ms Sula said...

Whoa! Mad skills indeed...

And you only work in NY? Loll!

Her hair is beautiful though!

(came by way of Dejanae... :))

The Jaded NYer said...

Hey- if I'm ever in your area, I'll hook you up for free :-)

Thanks for stopping by; come again soon!

Still Patrice said...

you did a good job! I dont press out other people, takes too long, i barely want to spend the 2 hours doing ,y own. lol

The Jaded NYer said...

I barely notice it anymore; I got my own hair down to one hour if I'm pressing it.

Wearing the rollers under the dryer, though? yeah, that still takes 5 years...HA!

eclectik said...

Look at you with all the talent!

Do you give bald blogger scalp massages :)

The Jaded NYer said...

Only on Thursdays...


dejanae said...

thats too much damn work for me
good job
id be like 'here's ur twists '
be gone

Anonymous said...

Mi esposa es Dominicana. Siempre esta poniendo esos rolos en su pelo cada semana. Todo lo que tengo que decir es...gracias a Dios que no soy una mujer. No me gusta tanto pelo.

Y la muchacha. Sola una palabra....DAMMMMNNNNNNNN!

Eb the Celeb said...

yeah you definitely got some skills... they are too cute!

So um... can I come to BK and get the hook-up...LOL

The Jaded NYer said...

@ dejanae- don't think I'm not tempted to do just that every time I have to do their hair LOL

@ gandi duke- see what us women go through for you? I hope you compliment her on her hair ;)

@ eb- LOL... sure, come on down!

i.can't.complain. said...

ima need 2 book an appointment next wednesday at 3p

i pay in fries, but we gotta share them.


lemme know


The Jaded NYer said...

Hon, your french fries are always good here, and if they're sweet potato fries I'll be your best friend for life LOL

(I'm such a fry whore...)

Dave Van Buren said...

I was just about to post about my complete inability to do my daughters hair. I need to attened your school.. lol

The Jaded NYer said...

Single dads get free lessons... I hate to see a little girl with crazy hair because her dad can't comb her hair...