I mean, I have really good friends that are white, people that I'd trust with my children and my life even (doesn't that remind you of the justification some white people use to prove they aren't racist? "My good friend at work is black!" HA HA HA HA!!). All of my girlfriends but one have/had white boyfriends/husbands, and I've been cool with them. And yes, I, The Jaded NYer, have dated white men in the past. So what has changed?
Well, I did some breathing exercises and cleared my mind (as much as one can with crazy N in the background) and this is what I came up with, straight from the heart, after 4 hours of deliberation. Please note that whatever I write from here on out can and will change at the drop of a dime if the Universe answers my prayers and John Cusack and/or Slash come to their senses and fall madly in love with me. And actually, Slash don't even count in the "exception" category 'cause his momma was black. I'm just sayin...
As a preteen, all of my crushes were white: Jon Bon Jovi, Bret Michaels, Slash, John Cusack, Rob Lowe, Kirk Cameron, Jason Bateman, and that mute kid from the 3rd Nightmare on Elm Street movie who never went on to do anything notable with his acting career. One would think that as an adult I would end up with someone who resembled these dudes, and so did I, but it didn't pan out.
In high school, I suppose I flirted with the idea and even dated a white guy for a short time as a senior, but we all know how that ended up. I found that white dudes- at least the ones I knew- just weren't that into me. Or if they were, they were not bold enough to approach me. Plus, bear in mind that I'm from Bed-Stuy, and before gentrification there were only like 3 white people in my neighborhood. And what is it we learned from Silence of the Lambs? We covet what we see...
In college, the time that seemed ripe with opportunity for interracial dating, I came face to face with a HUGE turn-off when attempting to date outside my race... the questions!
"How do you get your hair to do that?" it just does; I was born this way.
"What is this strange flavor in this chicken?" adobo, fool, DAMN! you ain't never heard of ADOBO?
"How do you say [fill in the blank] in Spanish?" [insert half-assed translation here]
So, as my first order of business as an adult, I suppose I made a conscious decision to only date brothas. Someone who shared my experiences and wouldn't treat me like an anthropological project or a new exotic creature that they can display on the mantle. Now mind you, at my school, black people were few and far between, and the three Dominican dudes on campus were into white girls [and SHORT] so they were a lost cause, but the few brothas on campus... yeah, they gave me much love.
After my divorce, when I dove back into the dating pool, I tried to be open to all kinds of dudes because, well, my marriage sucked ass and I was only looking to have fun, but the white dudes I met up with were mad corny, and not in a cute way. So not only were there questions, but this weird annoying species of white dude started to emerge in NYC: The White Dude Who Swears He's Down-- he listens to old school hip hop, he plays basketball, he likes to quote the movie Friday, and thinks that Lauren London is the shizznit, and says it just like that: "Lauren London is the shizznit!" I can't be a part of that sham (damn you, Eminem!!!).
Add that to the fact that white men rarely if ever have sexy, kissable lips or that "Mandingo" physique that makes this girl melt (and when they do it screams "STEROIDS!"), or the beautiful butter smooth skin in all shades of brown that complements me so well, and there it is- why I can't get with a white dude. At least the ones I've run into.
I need someone who I can really relate to, not just in looks but the whole package. Someone who's mother won't look at me sideways 'cause I'm a little darker than she expected and vice versa. Someone I won't need to translate for at family functions. Someone who won't try to hold my hand back as I try to add hot sauce to the food. Someone who knows how to use a wash cloth and appreciates the importance of lotion (okay, that was ignorant... but funny... admit it!!).
It's a preference like any other; I hate eggplant but I love broccoli. Same thing. (Okay, that totally made sense in my head. In print...I'm not so sure...). I need to be with a dude that gets me and mine without having it explained to him. And it really wouldn't hurt not one little bit if he just happened to look like Javon Walker, Robert Griffith or Boris Kodjoe!
mmmmm.... Boris Kodjoe....
Hermanas- where ya at? Can you feel me on this one...
(But John or Slash, honey-bears, if you're reading this, it doesn't apply to you two, okay? You can ask me all about my hair, and I'll translate ANYTHING for you ANYTIME!! Call me!!)
*smooches...hoping this isn't as offensive as it seems*
and if it is, oh well, what can I say?
lol.. hey I hate eggplant and love Broccoli too. Whats with black girls loving slash? must be the hair.
But you have to ask yourself, have any of the brotha's ever "gotten you"? Cause girl, I think you are way past being "gotten".
My preferences are all genetic. The last time I even considered a relationship with a black guy, I just thought "how am I going to do my child''s hair?"
My child absolutely had to have a white father. Could you imagine me doing my Olivia's hair if it looked like K's? You remember that disaster, right? LOL! I am not skilled in that department.
So yes, I chose my life partner by whether or not he can provide me with a kid who had "good" hair.
Oh lord...
I feel where you're coming from. I like coffee in my coffee, too. I gotta have the sistas. I wouldn't want it any other way. For some reason, I've never been attracted to white women.
first time viewer.....Jon Bon Jovi...lol.. i aint gon trip, i loved me come cowboy and runaway, and still love playing them on the guitar.
@ Irene: Callate! I get her just fine - she's plenty "gottenable." Come back at this when you're divorced and back in the dating pool. (btw, does your kid HAVE "good" hair? I mean, it would seem that mr. husband would have to have REALLY, REALLY good hair for even the remotest chance)
@ Jaded: So, let me get this straight - you spent four hours meditating on this and came up with that "White dudes are like eggplant, Black dude are like Broccoli?" Fine, I will admit that you wrote a lot more than that up there, but in synopsis, that's all you said, really. It's reminiscent of the mars/venus concept - you should so write a book. I would like to write the preface. Because JACK does luv him some coffee in his coffee, too. In fact - who dat in that picture up there? He's on my list of fantasy bedfellows. But you can't choose Irene to write the preface if you dont choose me though - she doesn't "get" you (after umpteen years? REALLY?)
mmmmm coffee. brb.
@homer- it is the hair... I've seen Slash perform live three times and he just gets sexier and sexier with every performance. Plus I love that he's a musician's musician- know what I mean?
@irene- I've yet to find ANY dude to get me, but, hope springs eternal. I feel you on the hair thing, too, but seeing as my family genes wouldn't guarantee "good" hair either, it would be a crapshoot all around lol
@12kyle- I've seen some attractive white men, but I just don't picture myself settling down with one. We can chill, but they can't be my man.
@torrance- welcome to my craziness, and yes, my tastes in white boys were very weird! What can I say...
@jack- mira, carajo, I'm gonna have to insist you play nice or I will put you in time out! Entiendes??
As for the analysis and subsequent book... I can barely finish my thesis and you want a book? How about you write it, put my name on it and we'll call it a day, okay?
...maldito sea este cabron... dique write a book...
And the guy in the pic is that deliciously handsome Boris Kodjoe...mmmm...Boris...
10-4. Sorry Irene. :-(
@jack: eh, I don't get me after 33 years. Really.
Sorry. I should have known better than to speak.
Editorial Note:
I no longer "approve" comments because I ain't got that kind of time anymore, and frankly, it felt like censorship. I can't be a part of that.
That said, I expect everyone on here to be respectful of others' opinions and behave like grown-ups.
Everyones opinions are welcomed at The Jaded Nyer... capice?
(however, I *do* reserve the right to behave like a 4-yr-old on this site. after all, it IS my site. and besides, if I grow up, I'll lose my core audience! lol)
Oh, and Jack...
If I were to ever get divorced, I wouldn't date...ever. There is just so much bullshit involved in it. I am so over men.
Oh, my poor hubby. He's a decent guy and our marraige is fine. It's sad, but I realized after getting married that I was perfectly happy not being married. I spent so much time in my 20's thinking that my life wasn't complete without a significant other.
Now, in my 30's, I realize that wasn't true. Eh, life is a lesson we are constantly learning, isn't it.
No regrets though. No regrets.
Wow, I usually LOVE to stick a deep analytical comment in there... but you got it all down already. I'm gonna go back to my little gimp-box 'till I'm needed =)
And P.S. I like the coffee, the cream and the cinnamon bun!
What do you mean by corny? Because if it is what I think you mean: that white men aren't as aggressive as black men. Well then that is the case for why I date white men. I cannot STAND to be looked at as a piece of meat, nor can I get over the fact that any music made by black men is either sexist or violent toward women, and the fools that listen that garbage take it for real. But you know why the balck man puts the black woman down: becasue he feels slighted by the rest of the world, so he takes his frustrations out on us. But I digress.
However, I am VERY put off by ANY man that only views me as a sexual object, only opens conversations with talk about his sexual prowess, and like one girl I knew summed it up perfectly:
"I am so TIRED of brothas talking about the struggle...."
That nails it on the head. In my experience, most talk with black men revolves around sex, money or the struggle. I can't STAND the MySpace pages of brothas that put up pictures of money and "bling". Puhleeezzze!!! Get over it!! There are some that don't do that and I will respond to their emails, but it usually fizzles out anyway because they turn the conversation back to sex. Like it's all they have going for them. and that's very sad to me.
My point is that white men have a lot more to talk about. They generally travel more. They read more (Jaded, you remember what I said about hiding money.....). They seem so much more secure than the average black man. But do NOT get me wrong. If I met a gorgeous black man that had all the same interests as me, it is SO on!! But the fact remains that our culture is still in it's "growing up phase" in which we need a few more generations of black folks who grow up upper middle class or higher, that can certainly have more to offfer ANY woman more than his sexual prowess.
@pan- LOL@ gimp box!!!
@sweetabear- I guess we never ever have to worry about fallin for the same dude...
to address some of your points: I think you are taking the stereotypes of the mysogonist, agressive, sex-obsessed black man a bit too far. Maybe that's all you see on MySpace, because, well, it's MySpace. And those dudes serve their purpose as distractions and f-buddies (at least for me).
when I say corny white guys I didn't mean that they weren't aggressive, I meant that they have no swagger... know what I mean? They don't have that aura about them that says: I am MAN. there are definitely corny black men, too, and I ignore them as well.
And I'm a woman who's not afraid to admit-- I want my MAN to be able to "take care of me"- not in the pay my bills sense (although I wouldn't say no, OKAY?!), but I want someone who would defend my honor, in who's arms I'll feel safe even if there's nothing to be afraid of, the "warrior" type. And I'm sorry, but I only see that happening with a beautiful man of color (which includes Latinos and West-Indians, in case anyone was wondering). It all comes back to the swagger, and I've yet to encounter a white guy who has it.
But hey, if you know one, give him my email addy post-haste!!
(John, Slash, seriously, CALL ME!!)
Well I'm still hung up on that whole eggplant/broccoli thing.
Here's my 2 cents: I'm an equal opportunities dater. As someone currently involved in an inter-racial relationship - I don't think our cultural differences stifle our relationship. We just get on with it. We embrace our differences. We met playing poker and watching The Wire and our respective colors had shit to do with it - we just clicked and got on.
In regards to your daughter: I have the most wonderful parents who have always loved, respected and embraced anyone I brought home. Your daughter's still young, she's gotta feel it out and make her own decisions. I don't know shit about being a parent, but I do know if my parents had said to me when I was younger don't date that white/black/hispanic/jewish/muslim/whatever boy, it would have made me go right out and do it out of spite.
When she's old enough, she'll come to her own conclusion on the subject.
@bangs and a bun- that is precisely why I didn't make my feelings known to my daughter... my mom kept trying to push these wack-ass Dominican dudes on me and it just turned me off from day one. I guess you can say I learned from her mistake :-)
If she brought home a white guy, I wouldn't be mean about it; I would just sigh and wait for my fine-ass bi-racial grandbabies so I could spoil them rotten. ROTTEN, you hear me? Oh yes, I'm gonna be one of THOSE grandmothers...
i get u hon
aspecially that whole not wanting to have to translate shit part
HMM I don't know chica... I mean I date anything that moves and it's sexy but it seems the past year and change I'm the sexy White dudes queen and you know what
I'm fine with it
I don't get asked to say Papi during sex like a syncopanth
or get told I'm "very covenient" cause I'm dark enough to take home but, you know I have the dumbass accent
I get my hair played with but not very many intrusive questions, music tastes are in sync, they are on the right amount of CRAZYMOTHERFUCKINGFREAK in the bedroom without taking me to the E.R
And anyways Brothers around these parts make NO bones about the fact that I should keep my hair straight and regardless i'm not having enough ass for them.... Yep really like that... is almost like dating an assbackwards Latin old man around Florida
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