High School Applications
I really don't remember having to jump through so many hoops when I was applying to high schools. I was a super-genius so it was a given that I would either A) get into a specialized high school or B) get a full scholarship to a good Catholic High School. And in case you're wondering, both happened, because I'm THAT good...
But these days there's so much to do...not fair! My mom didn't have to go through all this!
I had a phone conference with my ex and Ks guidance counselor to discuss her options, and the counselor let us know that she was interested in attending a school with a dance or drama program. Really? But what about when I gave you that application to that FREE summer intensive drama program at Pratt Institute, the same one I went to when I was a kid, and you were like, "no, I'll pass." I think she's inherited my lack of an attention span; I only lasted 1 1/2 summers in the dance program. I'd say it's safe to cross LaGuardia (the "Fame" school) off the list for her, too.
The child is just not interested in Math or Science, either, much to my dismay (I blame her dad...goddamn History major...) so I'll have to wait for Nerd, Jr. before the Brooklyn Tech legacy can continue. K expressed to me that she wanted to look into Brooklyn Latin, one of the newer specialized high schools with a Humanities curriculum. Guess where it's located? BUSH-WICK! When I heard that I was like, HELL TO THE NAW you ain't going there. Her guidance councilor co-signed with me on that. I grew up on the Bed-Stuy/Bushwick border, and that's like saying you live on the border of REALLY BAD and REALLY FUCKING BAD; I'm surprised I'm still alive to tell the tale...
So we're now looking at programs in schools like Benjamin Banneker in Clinton Hill or Midwood. I haven't had time to look at Manhattan schools yet because I only have 24 hours in my day and I've been told that some of those hours should be spent sleeping or eating.
But I'm also looking at getting her into Prep for Prep, a program that will enable her to gain admission (and a scholarship) to one of NYC's highly competitive prep schools like Trinity or Columbia Grammar or heck, even Horace Mann (I know people; I could make it happen...). But that might also guarantee that my future son-in-law will be of the melanin-lacking variety with ties to people like NY's recently disgraced Governor. So I gotta think about this one.
K is a very smart girl with excellent grades, so her options are wide open right now. I shouldn't have to resort to the Catholic School option with her, although attending Mt Saint Ursula, Mother Cabrini or St. Joseph's School for Girls (my almost alma mater) would not be the worst thing that ever happened to her.
The Results Are In
This might be more than you've ever wanted to know about my reproductive organs... So I have a 2cm fibroid taking up residence in/on the muscle (wall?) of my uterus. Fun! However, this is not the cause of the pain. That, she thinks, is due to a probable infection as a result from my operation (ectopic pregnancy) oh-so-long ago. Translation? She don't know; there's a pain, it's not cancer, it's not fatal, suck it up and deal. For now we are to ignore the fibroid, but keep an eye on it during my yearly visits.
And for that I gave up how many weeks of sanity? Did I mention I was so stressed that my period was TWO WEEKS late? And I'm never late. I was so freaked I took one of these... I call this photo: You Are NOT The Mother...

Nerd, Jr. Defends Her Title
The child is too smart for her own good; her report card for the 2nd marking period came back with all 4s (on a scale from 1-4) except for a 3+ in gym which was VERY surprising, seeing as the child can't sit still and loves sports! We'll get that fixed for the final grades in no time.
Her dad and I are so proud, but keeping an eye on her; Ns brand of evil genius is just not safe to sleep on...before you know it, she's hacking into government files and stealing plutonium from some Libyan nationalists...
Almost Got Caught Out There
Why do my friends let me go on and on about supposed love interests when they KNOW nothing will come of it because A)I can't pay attention to anyone long enough to really see it through and B) sometimes I suffer from a severe case of "What if he doesn't like me back?"
And OK, maybe I AM into him a little bit, but I'm chickenshit, OKAY?? There, I said it! I'll just hang out in the wings and let things unfold if you don't mind...
*smooches...glad to put the politics BS behind me*
it's just not my area of expertise; I really should just mind my own business...
like the spot
ull see me around
You are stooooopid! LMAO!!! The picture of the test is funny. I remember the last time i saw one of those. It was blue...i twirled it in the air hoping that the color would change...and it went from blue...to DARK BLUE. Haaaaaa
When my wife frowns b/c her period is on i just utter the magic words..."I'd rather it be on, than off."
MUY high ledge. As in climbing-the-antenna-atop-Chicago's-famed-Sears-Tower high ledge. I should totally get an award for that. Is there an award?
And regarding this JACK being between "Ow, my liver" and "Religion" bit ... I detest this blog!
(channels Seinfeld's classic NIP episode...)
You want an award? You want an award?
*smushes Jack's face into her scarred fallopian tube*
Here's your award!!!
-end scene-
You cheated on this contest.
"I'm OUT"
*slams her money on the table, and gets a good night sleep*
LMAO!!! Talk about being on a ledge. I can only imagine how scary that was.
*Turns on big red chicken sign outside your window*
"ponte a sleep ahora, carajo"
*keys into Jack's apartment at 3AM*
These chicken roasters are making me THIRSTY!
Look, Delores ...
yes, Mulva?
You're not getting vanda-laid here ... get your gipple out my apartment.
*falls to the ground*
you win...
que dramatica ...
ok. whut the hell iz going on? Has anybody else been drinkin besides me?
@12kyle- Jack and I do this all the time, but usually over IM or email... this time, we had to take it to the blogz. This is us SOBER... you don't want to see us drunk
ooooooook. Now i understand. LOL
the test - TMI!
about high school in nYC: when I left NYC, i learned that 95% of my peers in the Navy did not have to go through that. i was like huh?
my son will be going to high school next year. i am so shooked.
LOL @ TMI comment... hey, what can I say? I gots no shame...LOL
you have a son going to HS? I thought your babies were, well, babies?? Isn't it just a slap in the face with the mortality belt??
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