Please understand once and for all that not all women are a size zero, or have the body of an adolescent boy.
Guess what? Some of us have breasts *THE HORROR!* and curves and a lil extra junk in the trunk.
And frankly, I'm tired of having to buy shirts one size bigger than I need them to be, so that a perfectly good photo op:

won't turn into a peep show:

Think of the buttons- the poor, poor buttons- on my shirts. The stress they deal with on a daily basis, trying to keep it together so that all of 23rd Street doesn't get a peek at my purple bra. WON'T ANYBODY THINK OF THE BUTTONS?!?!
And don't even get me started on how warped the designs get on my graphic tees... poor t-shirts didn't know what fate awaited them when I purchased them...
I implore you, keep this in mind next time you design a shirt. A medium should fit a medium. I shouldn't have to buy a large and then get it taken in at the waist. In fact, maybe you should reimburse me for the cost of tailoring my shirts, hmmm? Yeah, that's what I thought... fucking haters...
The Jaded NYer
*smooches...doomed to a life of always telling guys, "Hey, buddy, my eyes are up here!"*
this post brought to you by the difficulty I had in finding a top to wear to work today that wouldn't get me sexually harrassed, and dedicated to the dude on the F-train who's eyes were glued to my tits yesterday... did you get a good enough look, asshole? Take a picture next time!
Title courtesy of Amos Lee, "Soul Suckers"
LOL woman y u so hard on yourself, do see your smile?
lol..., I'll keep that in mind when I'm designing shirts although I like breasts so I might be basis to them popping out. lol
lol girl i FEEL you! just because i was blessed with ample bossom doesnt mean i want to wear muumuus to ensure coverage!
Dude, you KNOW I am with you on that one. It has gotten so bad that really, I do NOT buy buttoned shirts anymore. If I ever wear one again, it will be tailored to fit my body--and I will pay top dollar for it. So the next best thing? do what I do: let 'em hang out of a low cut shirt. Just don't wear said shirt to work.
I am SO crying laughing at the close up photo with the arrows!!
Mine's not so much the boobs as I'm just too tall for the "average" sizes I find in stores. Men's pants fit better because I can actually buy by waist and leg length sizes. Pantyhose? Forget it.
I haven't been to this store yet but NY Magazine did an article about a year ago about a store for girls of all sizes. They're average patron's height? About six feet.
I dont even have any boobs... I just have a wide back so my shirts do that mess too and I have to have a size bigger... only to have it bagging cuz I aint got no boobs...ugh!
The pic is too funny though!
Awww you know you wanted to give us a peek. Haaaaa
@torrence- if it weren't so hard to find clothes that fit right without going to a tailor, I'd be a much happier person
@homer- you can't see me right now, but I'm giving you the side-eye!
@pajnstl- PREACH!
@sweetabear- I guess I need to just accept that button-down shirts aren't for me *sniffle* even though I love them so... *sobs quietly*
@kelly- thanks for the link... I can't believe there's a shop just for us tall girls... too bad it's kinda pricey. It's good to know it's there, though!
@eb- isn't it just the most frustrating thing ever?
@12kyle- LMAO!!! My girl sent me that pic from her birthday last year and was like, "This WOULD have been a nice picture if your breasts hadn't made yet ANOTHER appearance" I'm paraphrasing, but that was the gist of the email LOL
It's always been an issue... don't even have to let me bring out the pics from my older daughter's first birthday party... you'd think my ex would've said, "Honey, your cleavage is blocking the baby's head" but nooooo, there I am for all eternity with my tits out in the family photo album!!!
Button down shirts? Girl, who you kidding? Don't even bother with that side of the store. There isn't any point.
You know, I always wonder if it's a good idea to tell someone their boobs are visible... or if it's just best left alone.
@irene- but they're sooooo pretty!!
*crosses arms in a huff*
Fine! I'll wear pullover knit tops from now on *sobs*
@pan- if you ever see me with my breasts hanging out, please tell me! They're never out on purpose (anymore) so if it happens it's purely by accident!
LMAO! =)
(shit sorry about the Caps, i'm drunk and uncaring)
as the sole member of the girls-shaped-like-pre-teen-boys-club i would like to tell u, my big chested friend....
that i WISH i could complain about popping out of a shirt.
grass is always greener.
i will point out a few things:
a. clothes (across the board) are actually being made to fit bigger people. do the math, a size 8 today is NOT the size 8 of say ten years ago. unfortunately, we tend to eat more and want more, so the clothes that are already made bigger have to be made even bigger.
b. actually, people OUTSIDE of the U.S. are actually smaller. I have been around the world (and i did not stay on resorts with people from the United States) and I have encountered women in their 30s who are built like 14 year olds in this country and they are NOT poor. they are well educated and make good money. unfortunately our 14 year olds are built like they should be 24...
c. another problem is that we all think that tight is better. which is why my wife complains she can't find a decent pair of jeans that doesn't reveal her backside coming out the top. everything doesn't have to be tight.
we men do like a little mystery every now and then.
i am not saying you are trying to wear everything tight.... but its the fashion that is being centered around that.
well at least you have them to bust out your shirt.....
i gotta wear push ups!!! LOL
@qucifer- LOL @ drunk commenting!!
@-1- the grass IS always greener
@brother omi- thanks for the insight... and tell your wife I totally understand; it's hard to dress like you're someone's momma with proper home training when all the clothes are cut for hoochies!
@the flyyest- funny thing, they actually make push-ups in my size (but I save those for special ocassions LOL)
I think the makers of shirt sizes got it all in point, ME...If I buy a "small" shirt, the buttons look like they are about to pop(mind you..i dont have big boob..i wish I did but I dont!)..if I get a "medium" I look like I'm 8 wearing my mums shirt...Whats a girl to do?? Wear a tank top on the inside of a "small" shirt, and wear the shirt with buttons open..
the other alternative is to wear the "medium" shirt with a sweater over it..very preppy..OR wear a "medium" shirt with a jacket over it....
Or we can do like you did and write to the "shirt gods" aka the makers of womens apparel... i saw we demand to see them wear these shirts and see how they fit on them!!
I'm with T, I didn't even notice the shirt for the pretty smile, that is until you zoned in on it.
@nataleesthot- sadly I don't think they'll ever really listen to us... we gonna have to storm the factories and demand they take real body measurements!! WHO'S WITH ME?!?!
@rich- awww shucks, thanks!
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