Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Friday Never Hesitate...

Today is Friday, as far as I'm concerned, because originally I took a long weekend to go on a mini-vacation that did not pan out.

I considered "putting the days back" and just going to work, but you know what? No. I don't like that place, and any opportunity I can possibly grab to stay away, I'll do it. Nothing can get me down today, no siree Bob! I'm gonna finish up a week's worth of work in one day, clean off my desk and then put up the peace sign as I sashay into my loooooooonnnnnggggg weekend. If I even see a 212- area code callin' me I'm not answering. I'm on vacation, suckerz, so leave a message at the beep. BEEEEP.

This means that while everyone else is slaving away at their 9-5 prisons, I'll be on my couch, in my flannel PJs, blasting The Cure or Ani DiFranco from my iTunes player (it's been that kind of year) and/or enjoying a scary movie marathon that will include The Exorcist, Scream, and maybe the first Elm Street flick... um, can somebody come over sometime this weekend to make sure the devil hasn't taken over my body...again?

I'm also popping into the 2nd Avenue Whole Foods to FINALLY FINISH MY THESIS EDITS, fix up the story I'm entering in the fiction contest of the Ghana literary forum my professor is organizing, and complete a few freelance assignments that have piled up on my desk. Cha-CHING!

Then I'm gonna hit up Bally's at least three times, and perhaps the hip-hop party at Southpaw (hey, NYC bloggers... are you thinking what I'm thinking? Meet-up at Southpaw?). Oh- and isn't it First Saturdays at the BK Museum? Shiiiit... I'm about to live it up on this FOUR DAY WEEKEND!

Oh, do you not have a FOUR DAY WEEKEND like me? Awwww. Too bad, so sad...

*smooches...just asking to have my mouth slapped*
I wouldn't be too jealous, though... it's rent week, so it's not like I got money to burn or anything...LOL

PS- Happy First Birthday, Miss Olivia ;)

Title courtesy of The Cure, "Friday, I'm In Love"


i.can't.complain. said...

aaah yes

rent week

*remember the rent free days with mom*

also, im super envious of your 4-day weekend

but it sounds like ure getting more done during your time off than i do during my time "on"

u over-achiever, you.


Anonymous said...

um, what's this rent you speak of? Is it foreign. Ah, I bet it's european!

Four day weekends are great! Oh, I don't work. Damn....


Anonymous said...

Did someone just call you an over-achiever?



I mean - oh. *ahem* YUH!

Enjoy your 4-day weekend!

dejanae said...

i need me a 4day weekend
did i hear meet up?

The F_Uitlist said...

I am envious and I don't even know you. I'm exhausted and don't want to do anything as I sit here at work making comments on your blog.

Thank God I'm big brother or I could be in trouble, hahah

The Jaded NYer said...

@i can't complain- ahh yes, rent-free days... I actually had that until 2005 when my ex and I split. I was sooo not ready for how expensive it would be to live on my own, that's for sure!

@irene- you're gettin' the side-eye for that rent comment...

@jack- you know what? I'm so breaking up with you again. and no amount of pics of your swollen molar-less face will squash things!! *crosses arms in a huff*

@dejanae- there can def. be a meet-up... spread the word :)

@the f$%K it list- welcome to the jungle. And I do so little work at work that every day is like a day off, except I have to deal with commuting and stuff lol.

I kid, I kid (in case The Man is reading this).

12kyle said...

damn this sounds like sooo much fun. for me, mentally it's friday...but i still gotta work tomorrow and friday. haaaa!!!

Bangs and a Bun said...

So here is your weekly British slang lesson - with regards to your four day weekend, you are what we would call a 'jammy bastard'. Take that, and do with it what you will.

The Jaded NYer said...

@12kyle- it's the working man's way of getting through another day until we can be our own boss... although, I'd be a sucky boss. I'm too laid back!

@bangs and a bun- JAMMY BASTARD? I love it! I'm gonna use that on everyone I meet during my FOUR DAY WEEKEND ;)