Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I'm Sure You'll Have Some Cosmic Rationale...


I waited til the last minute, thinking I was all set and too cute; now it's tax time and Uncle Sam ain't even trying to hear it. And that pinche magazine sent me the WRONG 1099, goddammit!!! That money was NOT distribution from an annuity you fucking morons!!! UGH! I want to cry... I WANT MY 1099-MISC POST HASTE BITCHEZ!!!!!!!!

So, um, I need to take a blog break. If you'll excuse me, I need to call somebody in Miami and find out WHAT KIND OF MICKEY-MOUSE OPERATION THEY'RE RUNNING DOWN THERE!!!!!!!!

I'll be back tomorrow with more hilarity, wisdom and all of the answers to the mysteries of the universe...

*smooches...mad that my mom won't do my taxes anymore*
I mean, she's a freakin' accountant; why can't she hook her baby up??? The only good news is that, as usual, my refund will be FAT; don't hate- I EARNED that freakin' money. Just ask my grey hairs!

Title courtesy of Billy Joel, "Pressure"


Anonymous said...

Ok, I could see waiting to do your taxes if you had to pay. But you are getting a refund and you HAVEN'T DONE THEM YET?


Don said...

lol @ jaded nyer waiting til the last minute.

trying to still have your tax money while all your friends money is long gone. i feel you.

The Jaded NYer said...

@irene- I was waiting on that damn 1099 from one of the magazines I wrote for last year. And after months of the whole back and forth, bitch sends me the wrong one!

*grumble grumble*

@don- I usually get this done by February, but I couldn't [see response above]

BUT- I called my mom this morning and my whining paid off- she's gonna help me get it done. *whew*

i.can't.complain. said...

yesterday, i paid the good folks at h & b block a whole $301.00


good luck w/your miami call

relax. relate. release.


i.can't.complain. said...

dang, it.

h & r


Twanna A. Hines | FUNKYBROWNCHICK.com said...


I totally forgot today was the 15th until I saw your post.

Um, yeah, I'm filing an extension form for sure.

Blah Blah Blah said...

OK...I may have done my taxes wrong... but I show nuff know that Unc Sam took my refund... but Porque New York...I've only been here for 4 years...I don't have a car...why I ain't get my shit back from them yet...
Talk about Mickey Mouse operations...NY ain't that far off...lol

JayBee said...

we need to have a talk with mom about doing the taxes. that's her reasonable service. if you were a dentist, she'd expect regular teeth cleanings. hopefully we learned from this that we won't wait til the 11th hour anymore. but, if you're anything like me, even when you know better than to procrastinate, sometimes you still do. like right now i have something i need to be doing, but i'm reading blogs on the clock. this is my first visit. you must have a great sense of humor. lol@ I'll be back tomorrow with ... all of the answers to the mysteries of the universe...

The Jaded NYer said...

@-1- (why did I JUST catch on to the fact that that's your signature... I'm sorry, I'm a lil slow)

I'm trying to stay calm, but those Miami bitchez still haven't called me back- WTF?

@blah blah blah- and is it just me, or is it trez unfair that we have to pay federal, state AND city taxes? *side-eye*

@jaybee- thanks for stopping by... she finally agreed to help me after I called at like 7AM talking about:

"Maaaaaaamiiiiiii! The magazine sent me the wrong 1099 and I think I screwed up the income section and I DON'T WANT TO GET AUDITED! WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH"

So at like 10-ish she sends me an email saying she can help review my returns this weekend. I'll file for the extension and rest easy tonight... Mami to the rescue... ahhhhhh

Anonymous said...

You know H&R Block online makes your taxes completely foolproof. We did ours and got our refund in February.

Get on board with online filing and stop bothering your mami.

James Tubman said...

get those taxes done gurly

and when you go to miami make sure you get me some cafe coolata

i miss that stuff

Wendy Greene said...

First of all, as the descendant of accountants (my father and both my grandfathers and all my uncles are accountants) I tend to get my taxes done early. It's just in my blood. Today has historically been a very big day for my people.

But really I just needed to sign on to comment on how much I love Billy Joel!!!! Inspiring blog entry title.

JACK said...

I'm going to have to side with irene on this one ... you're getting a REFUND and you're waiting? Report the income the way it was supposed to be reported and tell miami to get wit it.

Interestingly enough ... I kept getting confused between MAMI and MIAMI, since they both doin you wrong.


12kyle said...

(*stomping off as i file my extension*)

Damn I hate Uncle Sam!!!