Monday, April 14, 2008

...Que Dulce Fue Tenerte Dentro...

(In order to enhance your reading experience, play this song.)

I had the sweetest dream about an old lover. Not the kind where you wake up and say, Damn I miss them, but rather the kind where you wake up and think, Damn, I gotta find that again.

I was going to go into all the details here, but no, I want to keep this for myself. I want to bask in it and smile all day at this little secret something that only I know-- this really wonderful dream that had me cheesin' upon waking up, humming a tune as I did the girls' hair, walking to work with a lil pep in my step.

This is either the beginnings of the up-cycle of my fake manic depression/bi-polarity or I may be on the cusp of the cusp of being open to someone new.

Enjoy the tune :)

*smooches... seriously thinking about petting a dog or doing a cartwheel or something*
it might just be the weather; Spring is making me all romantical and shit...

Title courtesy of Bebe, "Siempre Me Quedara"


Anonymous said...

I LOOOVVVVEEE BEBE, she got even a supercool mention in the year's best fantasy and horror 2007 under music I was like: "AWW look my little chickie!!"

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

please no, say it aint so, no bipolar, no depression, no mania, i have lived that with a previous love and no can do, and as for the dream, well i was jamming to hard to pay atention

Eb the Celeb said...

With Spring finally in the NYC air... you should be past the cusp of being open to someone new... Do ya thang girl!

The Jaded NYer said...

@qucifer- isn't she the best? I got my kids rockin out to her as well

@torrance- glad you enjoyed the song. And don't worry; I'm undiagnosed, I just have so many mood swings that I decided to diagnose myself. It's easier (and cheaper) that way! :-)

@eb- I'm trying to, but dudes I run into are wack as shit! If you know any 30+ cuties, tell them I said "heeeeeey" LOL

dejanae said...

here's to warmer weather
and springtime love

Don said...

hey jaded...

i cannot listen to the song now but from your comments made @ your post. i think i need to listen to it.

sounds like you got your mojo back. at first i thought you'd gotten that h-town in (wanted that old thang back).

12kyle said...

"I had the sweetest dream about an old lover. Not the kind where you wake up and say, Damn I miss them, but rather the kind where you wake up and think, Damn, I gotta find that again."

LMAO @ you!!!

Put out an APB for that man!!!

Afrodite said...

Lmao @ romantical.

I wish spring made me all lovey. Maybe it's just a matter of time.

i.can't.complain. said...

how'd that dog-petting/cartwheel session turn out for u??


Blah Blah Blah said...

Just like flowers...I bloom in the spring time.
I ain't even got no man (umm, not really...just the I-cant-believe-its-not-butter tpe of boyfriend...good but not real)

Sounds special...well...special enough to track him down to see if it's really

The Jaded NYer said...

@dejanae- yes, warmer weather, please!!

@don- my mojo? WORD? It's back? Aw shit... men of NYC beware...

@12kyle- it wasn't so much the man but what said man could *do* LOL

@afrodite- oh, it will get you... trust me!

@blah blah blah- I know where the ex is and I def don't want HIM back, but if I could find a NEW dude who could put it on me like that, I might actually comb my hair everyday and cook him breakfast and whatnot LOL