Sunday, April 13, 2008

So What If Right Now Everything's Wrong?

Happiness is...

...smelling the faint perfume still lingering on Grandma's fan
...huddling under my quilt with the babies watching old sitcoms on
...a steaming bowl of sancocho with a plate of white rice when it's hella cold outside
...finding a check in the mail; payment in full for a job well done
...a roof over my head in a quiet & safe section of Brooklyn

...still having options
...five good songs in a row on my Pandora station
...a Saturday with no kids, no commitments, no chores
...shutting off my cell phone
...reading Martha Stewart Living from cover to cover

...pajama weekends at my mom's
...clean towels that smell like Downy
...Strawberry Fields, the Great Lawn, and the Shakespeare Garden
...fantasizing about relocating to Oxford
...really loud heavy metal, really smooth R&B

...walking to the Häagen-Dazs on 7th Ave
...smelling a baby's neck after you give them a bath
...playing records for the babies from "back in the day" and wings from Blasdell Pizza *drool*
...John Cusack movies, Stephen King books, 80's and 90's sitcoms, old boleros

...looking in the mirror and being okay with who looks back at me

*smooches...just because the weather is a-changing*
feeling a lil better after yesterday's rant; sorry I had to be on here showin' my ass, but sometimes even Jaded NYers need to blow off some steam.

Title courtesy of Sheryl Crow, "If It Makes You Happy"


Still Patrice said...

This is such a good post...sometimes all you need is a little time :)

Pan/Thanatos said...

Than you for that bit of sentimentalism... it got me thinking.
At least you do know what happiness is for you, which makes you better off than many (myself included).

i.can't.complain. said...

"i belong... a long way from here."

whatchu know about this song, young lady.


i just enjoyed one of those child-free saturdays.

it was glorious.

im glad to see the jaded one finding some happiness

i do hope the trend continues.

who says u can be jaded and happy all at the same time.


Dave Van Buren said...

lol.. you read Martha Stewart living? Sometimes you gotta think about the good things in life or else you'll be overcome by the bad.

The Jaded NYer said...

@pajnstl- that's why I closed the comments to the last post. I just needed to get it off my chest so I can move forward and move past it.

@i can't complain- Sheryl is my b*tch! That entire first album... "I Shall Believe" "Strong Enough" "Run Baby Run" "Can't Cry Anymore" I can go on and on... it's one of the few I can play on repeat without skipping one track!

@homer- I've been an avid MSL fan and subscriber since 1998; when I moved into my apartment I still had all my back issues- 8 YEARS' WORTH- and the guy I was dating at the time was none too pleased when he realized what it was he was helping move out of storage.

He was like, "Why do these boxes say 'MAGAZINES'?" LMAO!!!!

Don said...

...looking in the mirror and being okay with who looks back at me

clean towels that smell like downy

amen @ both. and what about the linen that smells like downy? aw that smells super refreshing.

JACK said...

... getting laid on the regular and spending all your money on cab fare to get home at 3 am.

JACK said...

... getting laid on the regular and spending all your money on cab fare to get home at 3 am.

Blah Blah Blah said...

...could you truly call yourself Jaded NYer if you didn't blow off some steam every now and then?