Tuesday, April 01, 2008


...I just don't feel like combing my hair. And nothing you say will make me change my mind!

*smooches...rockin' my frizz with PRIDE, yo!*
and if you think maybe I smartened up and combed it for work, you obviously don't know me very well...

Title courtesy of Papa Roach, "Sometimes"


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah?

Well, sometimes I forget to brush my teeth...for days.

so there


The Jaded NYer said...

um...okay... you win!

see, that's no fair, though- you get to stay home. I actually have to leave my house with this bush on my head...

12kyle said...

some days i don't brush my hair either. LOL

Pan/Thanatos said...

Funny the world we live in....

Picture as is: Girl who needs conditioner

Picture with an electric guitar added: So-Cali rocker, no conditioner needed.

dejanae said...

i like it.lol
u aint bout to go do that driveby right?
them look like gang colors to me.lmao

Twanna A. Hines | FUNKYBROWNCHICK.com said...


... and, by the way, I'm impressed by the woman who had ovaries big enough to publicly admit she doesn't brush her teeth for days ...

Still Patrice said...

hehehe... I don't comb everyday either! so Rock ON with your FRO! :)

The Jaded NYer said...

@12kyle- no fair with you either- you're a dude! no one cares if your hair is brushed lol

@pan- so if I learn to play the guitar I'll never have to comb my hair again? Interesting...

@dejanae- LOL @ gang colors... I was in Bed-Stuy that day...

@funkybrownchick- thanks; my mom HATES it lol

@pajnstl- isn't just such a pain in the ass? I mean I love my hair but damn- sometimes a girl needs a break!

Eb the Celeb said...

I wish thats what my hair looked like when I didnt feel like combing it... I have a hat on today cuz I just couldnt deal...

Anonymous said...

*snort* I am abusing Pantene like it's crack and it's going out of style tomorrow... i don't know wh people expect curly hair to do stuff other than look like a raggedy sponge