I'm not a big believer in the devil; I know that the evil in this world is created by man because that is our nature, truly. We put out all the negative energy that is felt throughout the world daily.
I'm up (at 5:23AM... damn... I swore I'd stop looking at the clock, but there it goes again... 5:23... WHY do I keep seeing that particular time???) after a fitful nap that followed a frustrating evening, where I attempted to start making changes and upgrades to my site. Only to have it "disappear" from the World Wide Web for nearly three excruciatingly painful hours.
It took everything I had in me to:
1- not throw this damn computer out of the window,
2- not press the "delete" button on my Blogger dashboard and just rid myself of this shit, and
3- not throw a full-on tantrum, complete with kicking, screaming, crying and vase smashing.
It took everything I had PLUS Jack on the line with his very calm voice to say "sleep on it" in the same breath that he went on to explain what a deal he got on his new bed.
So there I was, locked in my bathroom, crying and pouting like a 5-year-old, listening to Jack tell me how he'd made out like a bandit at Ikea, while the web consultant I "hired" REFUSED to leave until he found a way to fix the problem.
And obviously he fixed it because here you are reading this post just fine and dandy. But let me tell you that for a split second there, I played out my life without this blog and had already resigned to it- the extra time I'd have in my day, the freedom to just check my email and then "be out" and of course, the bonus of not having to deal with computers.
For a split second I was like, "FUCK THIS SHIT" and decided to just sit quietly in my 9-5 prison everyday and churn out OPEDs and newsletters and give up on this whole "media empire" bullshit, recognizing that I'm not really equipped to handle the lows that most assuredly come with the highs of self-employment.
And right when Jack- sensing that my blood pressure had reached that point- said to me, "Just go over there, tell that dude to go home, shut down the computer and sleep on it," and I was on my way to do just that, dude knocks on the bathroom door to say, "It's fixed."
I didn't know what to do with that, except cancel the post I had scheduled for today and sleep on it.
I'm not sure when I'll move forward with my plans again but for right now all that shit is on hiatus. I need a breather. And a drank! Not a drink but a DRANK, okay?!?! And some of those red pills I remember from back in the day... maybe even a hit or two off someone's bong... something!
But first I need to say,
"Señor Devil, whoever and whatever you are, and whoever sent you to put the kibosh on my plans, you almost got me, bitch. You almost got me. But you know where you fucked up?? Remember in 'Buffy, the Vampire Slayer' how none of the bad guys could figure out how she survived where other slayers had failed and died? She wasn't alone. She had the Scoobies. And they always had her back.
"Someone always has my back, devil, so fuck you very much.
"And don't come back over here, neither, because next time, I might just have to cut you."
*smooches...for Jack, AND dude who ignored my tantrum and fixed my site*
it was hard for a minute there to just accept being a quitter; I didn't want to be a quitter, but you know, it was almost midnight, I was tired, I hadn't eaten dinner yet, I had some articles to work on, and with every keystroke I heard from the living room while dude tried to find the solution, I became more and more enraged. Here I am avoiding salt at all costs, reading food labels like a sodium Nazi, when really it's life that's gonna give me high blood pressure...
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Do I hear your Whiskey bottle calling you again?
Don't sweat computer stuff, they break on the regular, shyt it's the reason I have a job lol. Just remember to back everything up and you should be fine.
glad it worked out hon
dont let that devil get to ya
sleep is the best cure. trust me. i had those moments...
Oh I know how you feel. I've been there.
We're going drinking tomnorrow, so no worries.
@homer- you know, I actually FORGOT I had liquor in the house! Damn! I shoulda drank the hell outta that bottle last night!
@dejanae- girl, he almost had me by the throat!!
@brother omi- I get so rattled when I don't get my way... that's why I surround myself with rational people who are able to talk me down off the ledge
@irene- GURL- the level of alcohol I will be consuming tomorrow will make my liver CRY- you hear me?? I'm bringing CAB MONEY, that's how drunk I'm gonna get, dammit!!!
and god help the Mets if they even have a passing thought about losing tomorrow's game...
It's the Mets. Of course they are gonna lose.
great post.
I'm not a big believer in the devil; I know that the evil in this world is created by man because that is our nature, truly i too am beginning to view this as a truth. it definitely allows one to make sense of pretty much everything.
i love the post. the arrange of emotions shown. crybaby. lol. it took everything in you to not throw the computer out the window....
that's deep. lol.
@irene- I'm gonna slip a mickey in your drink tomorrow, video tape it and put it on youtube... just wait...
@don- CRYBABY?? Those are fighting words... oh who am I kidding! That episode took everything out of me
go on and have your laugh!
*sobs heartily*
-end scene-
FIRST OF ALL ... JACK did *not* unsympathetically and selfishly talk about his IKEA furniture for the hell of it ... JADED was seriously, seriously, SERIOUSLY in need of redirection, I hear. I coul... I mean, JACK could've totally sunk into the funk (I hear he was tempted to) because he moved all that damn IKEA furniture all by himself, schlepping all over chicago on trains, in vans and on foot - all in ONE evening, and he wasn't even home yet when this call happened! But noooooooo - JACK is a good guy - he tried to get her mind off of the horrendous, unimaginable quake-in-China-like catastrophe happening right in her living room!!! (Seriously, people, 50,000 people could've turned up missing last night - right in Brooklyn - and you don't even know it!)
Anonymous my ASS!!!
mira come mierda, nadie dijo que you were unsympathetic y selfish so cojelo con take it easy, carajo!
tu tienes your own freakin label y tambien te di los "smooches"
- que mas quieres de mi vida???
LMAO!!!! (that was funny, though... dique 50,000 missing in Brooklyn... you crazy!)
I'm sorry - what? Me?!? Que?
*smooshes* (como se dice en espanol)
lmfao @ -cues violins-
hilarious !!
i like hearing about your tantrums. they make mine sound tame. LOL
@jack- mhmm... I'm on to you, buddy!
@don- gotta laugh at myself sometimes; keeps me from going insane
@12kyle- you just looooove for me to look at you sideways, don't you?? lol
aaah yes.
the good ole bathroom cry.
there's not much better than that
glad the devil didn't win.
i woulda missed u.
kudos to jack for the advice.
and for shoppin' at ikea.
u have great friends, young lady
...so I don't have a job, right?
Well, I made sure they signed off that I had given them all company property, right?
I have a Sony Vaio, right?
Not mine, but theres, right?
Forgot my password for 3 hours this morning...who the eff am I suppose to call? Ols job asking them for the administrator password to fix my shit?
Hell no...after all, them bitches don't know I have a free Vaio...
I was sweating because I tought I was shit out of luck *thanks to all my personal IT friends*
My dad called me and told me to turn off computer, relax and come back to it later...it would come to me...
heeheehee...I am leaving you this comment...means just like you...my shit is up and running!
We rule the world!..
@-1- thanks... I would've still made the rounds, though... I'm too addicted to everyone else's blog to have left completely lol
@blah blah blah- damn! I would have lost it too, girl; I feel you. And those IT people can suck it- dad is the man!! lol
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