Thursday, May 22, 2008

One Day Left: Minnie Has Some Screws Loose

So my prima-hermana, Minnie, ain't right in the head. I'm just gonna let you know that from jump. And she's going to read this and call me odiosa but WHATEVER, GUR- you know it's true.

Well never has her not-right-in-the-head-ness been more apparent than with her recent actions on two separate occasions.

1- She called me a few weeks back, a little distressed, talking 'bout, "You know the mom from Married With Children? They just found her dead in a hotel room."

ME: Wow, really? Hmm, maybe she was still depressed from that time she lost the baby?
Minnie: Oh, she lost a baby?
ME: Yeah, I read about it in an article
Minnie: Oh... and it's weird because now they're showing CSI, too...


Oh. Never mind.

ME: What?
Minnie: It was an episode of CSI. Never mind. Bye.

That's right folks... she was watching an episode of CSI, guest starring actress Katey Sagal. And thought it was a news report. I can't make this stuff up! This is a blood relative, too, on my MOTHER'S side! *shudder*

2- Last night she calls to relay a funny story, which she knows is dangerous because anything you say or do in front of me WILL end up on this here blog, ya hear? But anyway, her story...

She's helping her friend R with something, and they are on a three-way call with a customer service rep. A Canadian customer service rep.

So when this poor CS rep says the word "about" (pronounced ABOOT in Canada) Minnie gets all giddy and interrupts a business call to tell this CS rep how she and I would watch Degrassi Jr. High as kids, and how much we loved the accents, especially when the characters would say ABOOT or OOT.

Apparently the CS rep was barely tolerating the interruption and finished conducting the business at hand.

THEN, my nutjob cousin, without first verifying that dude had hung up the call, proceeds to tell her friend R in a sing-songy way: "Did you hear him, R? He said OOT and ABOOT. He said OOT and ABOOT." Until the CS rep interrupted her with a "Hello?"

Minnie: um, hello?
CS rep: Hello ma'am? Uh, we're just waiting for you to hang up
Minnie: Oh, um I was just going to get the soy milk... *click*

"I was just going to get the soy milk"??? WHATINTHEHELL? Who says that? And why would he care, seeing as you just proved his theory that NYers are rude and arrogant? What planet is this child from, anyway?

*smooches...waiting patiently for her to read this and then curse me out*
I take my job of "annoying little sister" very seriously...


Wendy Greene said...

Whatever, it all makes perfect sense to me. Maybe you are the crazy one an me and your hermana are the only ones who know what's up. Excuse me because I need to have a nice chat with my cat, because we have to catch each other up on what we did all day long.

who? said...

wow... wow... --... wow... lmao I really don't know what to say to that...

12kyle said...

Last night she calls to relay a funny story, which she knows is dangerous because anything you say or do in front of me WILL end up on this here blog, ya hear? gonna get cussed out! LMAO!!!

Marielys said...

WOW TITA WOW! I have no me DAMNIT!

I guess crazy runs in the whole family

Dave Van Buren said...

lmao... she sounds like fun. you need people like that in your family. Oh, um I'm about to go count the floor tiles... *click*

Anonymous said...

Minnie, minnie, minnie...

LMAO @ thinking CSI was a news report. I saw that episode too.

The Jaded NYer said...

@wendy- say what?

*backs away slowly from Wendy...*

@canon- right! what can I do but smile and nod and make no sudden movements around her LOL

@12kyle- oooh, you should've heard the VM she left me this morning HA HA HA!!!

@mari- yeah, I guess it skipped me, though *smirk*

@homer- LMAO!!! count the floor tiles!!!! HA HA HA HA HA

@irene- I've never watched that show, but apparently it's very realistic HA!

Anonymous said...

Oh merciful christ!

this be some of my friend's shit, she just told me that she don't think is realistic when in old movies they have people talking and talking.....cause back in the days NOTHING was happening and there were no news or internet so what did people have to be talking so much about

Minnie223 said...

OMG!! It was an HONEST MISTAKE with the CSI incident.. I'm flipping through channels and it just said NEWS ALERT!! DAYUM!
Yeah Yeah Yeah-I can admit when I'm caught in an awkward situation I just blurt out random shit, but at least I'm the one with the SENSE of Humor! I should be the one **SHUDDERING** being Surrounded by HOITY -TOITY women who dont know how to CHILAX!!!!

The Jaded NYer said...

@qucifer- but I bet she keeps you on your toes, right? lol

@minnie- QUERIDA! I've been waiting for you to comment ALL DAY!!!


You know I love you like Cibaenos like to not wear socks! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!

The F_Uitlist said...

HAHAAHA, I am so mad at you for putting your cousin on blast like that. Ok no i'm not that is the funniest 'Ish I've read in a long time.

Bretthead said...

nice work jaded - i love messin' with my friends and family. i bet you were giddy with excitement waiting for minnie to respond. she didn't disappoint, did she?!

KatBouska said...

My family knows to be careful with me too. My brother in law is always asking what I'll be blogging about when we are all doing something together...they don't usually do anything worth blogging about...but if one of them called me up to tell me Peg was dead, you can bet I'd be blogging about THAT!! Thanks for the entertainment Minnie!!

dejanae said...

oh man
she's a trip