The Side Eye: also called "looking at someone sideways" describes a look you would give a person who's acting a fool, just said something ridiculous or ignorant or is just plain getting on your last damn nerve.
I use it here a lot. And in real life, too. See...

Don't ask me WHO on Gary's side of the family was deserving of this :side eye: at his and Irene's wedding, but the photographer caught it on film. Undeniable proof that my stank attitude knows no bounds.
*smooches...not at all ashamed that this photo was taken*
meanwhile, there were a few humorous shots from this wedding... more shots may resurface at a later date :P
meanwhile, there were a few humorous shots from this wedding... more shots may resurface at a later date :P
Humorous shots at my wedding? Why I never...
If I weren't about to run a 5K race, I would comment more, but after sleeping 1 hour, I am in no shape.
I will catch you later, after the ambulance has dropped me off at Columbia Presbyterian (sp?).
*Looking forward to more funny photos.
PS.Olivia already has the *stink eye* down.
Thats the cutest side eye i've seen yet!
she's thinking..."i'ma slap this muthafugga". LOL
btw...i have posted the answers to yesterday's questions. thanks 4 participating.
3 cheers for the side eye
in fact, i'd never heard the term until u
sidenote on the side-eye : u do look really pretty giving it.
@irene- you know how wasted we were? yeah, there were funny shots from your wedding!
@pajnstl- thanks!
@12kyle- it looks like that, right!?
@-1- LOL... maybe I do that to cushion the blow. I've been told I have certain "face" that can really hurt someone's feelings LMAO!!
*snort*... I STAY on that speed, and I don't even try to front niceness as you clearly were doing in this pic!
@qucifer- I totally believe you, too! LOL
Girl, not only are you giving the side eye, but you are all purdied up doing it!!
Oh, look - the twins!
@sweetabear- professional make-up artist and everything, girl! my side eye was FIERCE!
@jack- et tu, Jack, et tu? MY EYES ARE UP HERE, BUDDY!
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