Thursday, May 01, 2008

Twenty-Two Days And Counting: Oakland's New Eye Candy

So obviously I didn't watch the NFL draft last week, what with no TV in my house and all, and the fact that I find the NFL draft to be the most boring event ever cooked up by the powers that be, but I looked it up online right afterwards to see who picked who and WHAT DID I SEE?

This handsome, sexy, drool-worthy draft pick out of Arkansas... Darren McFadden. Look at this cutie:

And those GUNS:

And he cleans up reeeeaaaaallllll good, too:

Mmmmm, I want me some of THAT!

And since today is the official kick-off of The Jaded NYer's Birthday Month, I feel like someone reading this right now should arrange a lil meet n greet between the two of us.

Just introduce us; I'll take it from there [insert maniacal laughter here].

*smooches...thinking I may have to take a trip out west real quick*
or maybe I'll check him out when the Raiders play the Jets this year...

in other news, my neighborhood sux ass! My poor baby has killer allergies and all of the drugstores by me closed at 9PM. Stupid bastards! What is this- Communist RUSSIA??


dejanae said...

more eyecandy

Dave Van Buren said...

lol... Dude has like 2 baby momma's already and that's when he was broke. He'll have like 3 more before his rookie season is over.

Blah Blah Blah said...

LOL @ Homer

I actually know some Raiders...
Back in my groupie days I was all up in that camp.. to

The Jaded NYer said...

@dejanae- you're welcome

@homer- dude, why you gotta be hatin? lol

I could give 3.59 craps how many baby mommas he got; I'm just trying to use him as my boy toy for like a month or two HA!

@blah blah blah- you know some Raiders? Honey, well then you're my new best friend!! Hook it up!! LOL

Anonymous said...

dang i thought i was your eye candy. thats right u cant see my brain lol

Minnie223 said...


The Jaded NYer said...

@braincell- I love all my eye candies equally *kisses*

@minnie- hey now! come with me to a Raiders game LOL

Eb the Celeb said...

are you serious... he is not cute... it must be looking real scarce in oakland if this is going to be the best thing they have to look

12kyle said...

the kid has only been tearing up college football for the last 3 yrs...don't blame Jaded NYer just b/c she JUST found him. LOL

He's a humble kid. Just a country boy. Maybe he needs a city girl

And yes...2 baby mammas

The Jaded NYer said...

@eb- I'm actually very very very OK with you not liking him, seeing as you'd have more access to him than I would LOL

@12kyle- thank you, kind sir! I believe a city gal would *do* him just fine... just fine indeed! HA HA HA!!!