Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Two Days And Counting: Deep Cleansing Breaths

Mid-week report... hot off the presses...

Money, Schmoney
I have to wait until May 30th to get my tax refund. I'm stank. Why come when the IRS wants their money it has to be NOW NOW NOW, DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT YOUR ECONOMIC STIMULUS CHECK, but when they owe me I have to wait 10 business days? Bitches, man, all of them.

(just kidding... don't audit me... love you guys... wonderful job you're doing there...)

And I was able to settle with two of the credit card people. Just two more to go. Yes, FOUR, okay? Don't act like I was the only one. And that AU Perkins Loan will soon be a thing of the past... bringing my new student loan debt down to a mere $73,000. Piece of cake. No problem.

*wonders how many shifts at Scores she'll have to pick up to pay off Uncle Sam*

Go North, Young Lass
Cali was a no-go, and Cathi's offer to relax in Maine was not the kind of devilish, paganistic raunchiness I was looking for for my birthday/holiday weekend. Enter Nina. Ahh yes, the Queen of Debauchery herself. She always tries to downplay it like we're just gonna chill at this lounge or that, grab a bite, hang out, catch a show, but the next thing you know I'm at the Canadian border hoping they won't shine the flashlight directly into my eyes. Sounds like fun, right? Fighting with border patrol?? Yup, that's why I'm heading to Massachusetts for my birthday.

Good thing I have a passport!

Oh lord... who can stay mad about some stupid Ghana trip with all the HOTTIE McHOTTIE SAILORS all over Lower Manhattan? Thank everything holy on this earth that I no longer have a nanny to cover for me in the evenings, otherwise I might've ended up pregnant by Friday!

And don't even ask me what Fleet Week is, okay, cause you're just gonna piss me off with your sub par knowledge of NYC. Google that shit.

Oye Hermanas!!
Cool link about a Latina Blog Tour; I hate finding this shit out after the fact!!

Let's try and be included up in that bitch next year, mmkay?

If You're In The Mood To Party...
I finally settled on what to do to celebrate my old age in the city. If you live here, you're more than welcomed to come out. If you'll be visiting the city next weekend, absolutely stop through. And this goes for readers & lurkers alike. You know you want to experience this Jadedness up close... you ain't got tah lie, Craig, you ain't got tah lie..."

Just be at Moe's in Ft. Greene, BK (80 Lafayette) anytime after 10PM on May 31st and chances are you'll see me in there acting a fool on the dance floor and trying to keep from bursting out of my top (every year, man, never fails... sigh...). Email me if you need more info.

*smooches...putting on a happy face whether I want to or not*
oh, and everybody go peep Mari's awesome "I Am" poem over at Stranger Than Fiction. It runs in the family... don't hate...


Bretthead said...

I like your updates of mass variety. We are both parents, but it sounds like you get out way more than I do. I think I'll live vicariously through you. Except for the Fleet Week excitment and getting pregnant by Friday parts - that is all you baby!

Anonymous said...

IT'S FLEET WEEK? And here I am without my "titties hanging out" shirt. Damn!

Oh, I spoke to CM and the preg and she is having the same issues I had with my preg. I gave her a few words of hope.

12kyle said...

Aint it funny how there's always a deadline when they want money but everthing moves soooo slow when you're 'sposed to get paid from them???

Student loans...suck! Ugh! I feel ya pain. Not to the tune of 70 stacks but I do feel ya pain.

*mental ya boy and send him to that spot to meet Jaded on the 31st. Tell him to take pics. Preferably in a drunken state. Pics to be posted on the 12th Planet*


Dave Van Buren said...

Never Heard of Fleet Week but I'm not much into sailors, lol.

Be sure to bring back some meds from Canada, pushing them will help your student loan situation lol

The Jaded NYer said...

@wow- my secret? DIVORCE! Since the girls split their time between us, when he has them I can go out and act a fool knowing that they are in good hands with their father.

Oh, who am I kidding... it was like that before the divorce, too! He was like a live-in nanny LOL

@irene- OMG! Girl, you are somebody's momma!! Put your titties away!!!

@12kyle- go ahead. send a spy. see what happens...

@homer- Canadian meds? Really? which ones specifically??

12kyle said...


*rethinking the plan*

JACK said...

Re: Canadian Meds:

Xanax. If you get your hands on that, you could pay that off in no time.

Oxyconton. Pay it off in half the time, when compared to xanax.

Either way - call me.

The Jaded NYer said...

@12kyle- smart man... lol

@jack- how did I know that the mere mention of pharmaceuticals would bring you out of hiding, HMM? how much of a cut you lookin' for?

The Pew View said...

Hey Baby where exactly can I finds them Hottie McHottie Sailors you talking bout. I sho could use a good few mens. Take care now.

Ruthie Ann

JACK said...

You know me so well - of course I want in! I can count half a dozen right NOW that I could add to your network for, oh, 30% finders fee.

I got 75K of my own that sallie mae wants within 30 years. I'm just saying.

Kyle - Please, oh PLEASE, don't rethink your plan! She's all talk, I promise. (tee hee) Don't rethink it!

Bretthead said...

LMAO is right! You shouldn't have divorced the nanny!! BTW, I bet you don't have to go out to act like a fool. You seem to have many talents and acting like a fool at home prolly comes easy to you. ;-)

The Jaded NYer said...

@Ruthie Ann- honey, anywhere in lower Manhattan, by the Pier, Times Square... they're everywhere!

@Jack- I can work with 30%... and STOP giving Kyle ideas, dammit!!

@wow- oh HELL NAW; did you just call me a fool?

*side eye*

let me stop... I can't even be mad if it's the truth! LOL

KatBouska said...

I want my money too...but 73 grand, holy crap. You got a ways to go.

Sounds like you're due to have some fun on your birthday! I can't wait to hear all about it...and pictures are always welcome...

Lena said...

I am just now having to learn how to deal with this student loan debt which is around 73k as well *sighs* it sucks...
You're also right about all the hotties walking around downtown, I caught myself drooling at one point!
Hm..I am going to check out that Latina Blog tour. Thanks!

Dave Van Buren said...

uuummm do I get a finders fee for this whole Canadian meds idea? I don't even need a percentage just fedex me some pills and I'll handle the rest. lol

The F_Uitlist said...

Canada is awesome for pharmaceutical purchases that is all I will say :)

FLEET WEEK IS the best! I love to get hit on by all the zexy sailors swarming manhattan. I hate breaking their poor hearts by telling them I am married Boo hoo sailors. LMAO at preggers by Friday.

@homer Female sailors are out there too :)

Pay attention to how manicured their eyebrows are!

The Jaded NYer said...

@kathy- it IS a ways to go... I'm thinking I should give a try.

(don't ask)

@lena- those men are SO drool-worthy. AND some of them DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH... it's like they were sent from heaven *sigh*

(welcome, btw!)

@homer- well I guess, since you *did* suggest it. (I'm never gonna make any loot this way!) lol

@the f$%k it list- you know about Canadian meds, too? am I the only one not hip to this??

i.can't.complain. said...

giving myself a cyber pat on the back for knowing about fleet week.

so what if i learned about it from sex and the city.

details. details.

wish i were gonna be in the city to party w/y'all for r-day

i do believe y'all will have a jolly good time.

even if u don't bust out of your top



Eb the Celeb said...

I am going to try and make your shindig... I dont do BK to much but I guess for the jaded nyer I can grace the boro with m

I will keep you posted when I am back in town

The F_Uitlist said...

ok when my colleage use to go for business trips he use to take a list of things we wanted from the pharmacia and the best body shop store Lush (now there are some in NY).

ok I won't go into any more don't want to convict myself!