I was so ready to take the babies out, have them experience some culture, participate in a philanthropic event. But N was all like "My stomach hurts" and they wanted to watch a Kate & Allie marathon. 2-1 vote. So we stayed in and watched the damn Kate & Allie marathon.
I rue the day I ever introduced them to that show! Thank goodness we only have one more season left to watch before we're done.
This time, I wanted no excuses, and the Democratic process was thrown out the window. They each had a chore to complete by 1PM because we were going to the MERMAID PARADE at Coney Island. And if you're not familiar with the parade and it's history, freakin' Google it, OK? What I look like, Encyclopedia Brown?
Anyway, we went to the parade and, well, saw parade stuff. See:
Afterwards, we rode the Wonder Wheel
N and her DAMN crazy eyes strike again!
Here's the thing on top of the haunted house ride that I refer to as "Uncle Pete"
View from the top of the Wheel
Then we watched some boardwalk action
...this band from the Brownsville Recreation Center was pretty cool
see them here:
the girls seem not very enthused, but in their defense it was crazy hot! The band, however, was on point! Did I ever mention how much I love marching bands? No? Well I do!
(Check out the hateration in my voice on this video... and K giggling in the background... I'm SUCH a bad influence on my own kid!)
And finally, I spent MORE money on non-work clothes
(Had to stretched this one so you could read it LOL)
It was a GOOD TIME, though. We ate fried shrimp, corn on the cob, cotton candy; sat and people watched; overheard some PRicans exchange info on some hot acts coming soon to a venue near me (Marc Anthony, Eddie Palmieri, Johnny Pacheco...what? I'm SOOO there!!); and saw one of those little planes advertising BOY GEORGE at Terminal 5 in August. I am there as well...
The best part was that I FINALLY took my "Meat is murder. Tasty, tasty murder" T-shirt out for a spin, and no one threw red paint on me. Score ONE for the carnivores!
Mari Boogerface was in town, so the girls and I met her and Mami in the city for some quick shoe shopping and an early dinner at El Quijote, where N traded me her crabcake for almost half of my steamed mussels, and we had the tastiest coconut sorbet EVER! It was crazy expensive but whatever- you only live once!
On the way home, the babies and I deciced to walk a bit before we hopped on the train (thunderstorm warning be damned!) and came across a stickball game on 19th Street. A real live stickball game (pic isn't so great because DUDE in black got in my shot and then my battery died!)!
GOD- I *heart* this city so much!
Then, of course, came the rains. We still walked it to West 4th, because we're hard-core like that. Even stopped by a street fair over by Sheridan Square, but I suppose the rain gods meant business because it started to POUR and they were like, "Look, bitch. Get thee to a subway PRONTO." So we did.
And when we got home, K made cake. In an effort to NOT gain another 15 pounds, I took a nap while she was baking it. Only to have 2 slices of its fluffy goodness when I inevitably woke up at 10:30PM.
*smooches...really hoping we can save Coney Island*
that place won't be the same without Astroland Park!!
Fun weekend! My boys helped me cut the grass and do weeding. Ok, they watched me. Really, they played and pretty much ignored me. But they told the mama they did all the work.
Oh My God!
1) Some women should NOT be in leotards in public. I'm just sayin'.
2) That guy in the orange shirt was getting DOWN baby. LOL!
3) I am so buying that Meat is Murder shirt.
4) This post is evidence that the only way to save Coney Island is to burn it down. Look at that polace...what a friggin disaster. I am so bitter about that place. (And it has nothing to do with getting arrested there in 1992.)
I've never been to Coney Island. Matter of fact I think I only know about it from "The Warriors" movie. Anyway looks like ya'll had fun.
@wow- LMAO!! smart boys...
@irene- what the hell are you talking about? burn Coney Island down? you're just saying that to get my pressure up...
and LOL at the leotard comment... let the record show that IRENE SAID THAT, NOT ME!!! lol
@homer- you should try and visit it at least once. the boardwalk is such a great mix of crazies...
This was my favorite post EVER because it was about my favorite place in the world (Damn you DISNEY) CONEY ISLAND! I really hope we can save it too! I will be there this Sunday so CJ can go to astroland, and I can break my No red meat diet for a Nathan's hot dog.
LMAO at break it down, break it down video.
The BRC band girls were pretty lame at CI though, when they are on Linden Avenue they really break it down.
Uhm there are loads of other free concerts too, Hip-hop family day in the BK is july 12th. I'm going! I'll email you more.
Man, I miss living near the beach. You never know what you have until it's gone.
I love picture post, they are the best!
Your oldest daughter looks just like you!
Never had crabcake how is it?
Love the new t-shirts as well :)
the parades sure have changed since i was a kid. LOL. i don't quite remember the 1/2 way naked people.
the view from the top of the wheel, priceless. woke up just in time for cake i see.
also: and I'm not EVEN gonna ask what 'dookie booty' is so PLEASE don't tell me!! lol
LOL that video of your hateration was funny. glad you had a good time....and i def had to google the mermaid parade
@the f$%k it list- girl send ALL the free info my way. My wallet is all about the free stuff LOL
@rich- you know what's sad? I hardly ever go to the beach and it's right there, just a few stops away by train... you've just inspired me to visit again on the next sunny weekend!
@sexxy luv- she does look like me, doesn't she... lol
crabcakes are really really good, but you have to go somewhere where they know what they're doing. In NYC, it's def The Four Seasons. Their crabcakes makes me wann slap the chef!
but of course, the best crabcakes I've had were in Maryland while chaperoning a trip in Rehoboth Beach, Del
@don- you ever got woken up out of a sound sleep by some damn cake? this ish smelled so freakin good... my baby is turning into a pretty good cook. Both of them!
@kieya- I try not to hate... but it makes my babies laugh so I do it LOL
thanks for stopping by :)
you cut the video off too soon. i think the chick in the bikini was about to have a "dance off" with the dude. LOL
I was gonna try and make it to the parade...but comin' from Harlem to be caught in the rain...I'dda been just a tad bit irritated. That D train takes fa eva!
So...kinda salty to see it wouldna fine if I'dda came... wack. LOL
baby girl is hilarious with the wide eye...why does my 14 year old do the same thing...messin' up all the good family portraits...:)
ok done, check your emails. And I am finally done with my soundtrack. Whoosh that was a lot of fun work.
Looks like you had a lot of fun..
I love marching bands too..
and why did they put the thick one in the middle. To balance it out? I know one thing..she ain't have no business wearing that outfit. She dropped it though..can't say nothin bout that...
I'll holla
I died @ "if she can wear her bikini, then I can wear mine."
I thought the same shit.
I wanna hang out with the guy in the last video...he seems like he has the best time all by his damn self.
Why did the girls in the marching band have on the wrong tights. I don't think you should have on control top tights with those outfits. You could see the little line in the middle of the thigh and everything.
@q- and you'll find the tshirt. ENJOY!
@12kyle- LMAO @ dance off!! That would have been a blog post all on its own!
@blah blah blah- 14 and still with the crazy eye? dang...
@rashida- got it, THANKS!
@foia- yeah, I wasn't feelin her in that outfit, either but YES she can dance!
@bam- you know, I take great pains to camo the gelatinous belly I have developed from eating too much fries, and here she is putting it all out for the world to see... so I'm buying one this weekend!! lol
@suite b- YES! It was hurting me to see them in those tights! and I'm sure they could have done a better job of getting skin tone stockings... sigh...
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