Anything new to report? How 'bout that Democratic Nomination bizniz... crazy, huh? Was I the only one channeling Eddie Murphy, talkin' 'bout, "The motherfucker won?" Wow, America. I'm actually shocked. Or did you do this just for kicks? To dangle the carrot on the fishing line and then right when he goes to take a bite *POW* sniper on the grassy knoll?
OH, wait, before I continue- Let's just get a few things out of the way...
First, OMG, I'm sooooo happy to report that BROOKLYN is getting a new IKEA!!!! That's right; no more travelling all the way to Elizabeth or Long Island to shop for stuff I don't really need and that I'll have to build myself. Now I can just hop on the F, get off at 4th Avenue, and catch the shuttle to IKEA. IN BROOKLYN.
You're welcome to come along; Swedish meatballs on me! Okay, wait, that sounded gross... never mind...
NEXT, I want to give a few NUT JOB OF THE YEAR awards to a few people real quick:
To Irene- for having a countdown to my blog return on Twitter! Talk about pressure...
To Mari- for comparing my vacation to the recent Writer's Strike and saying to me, "All right, we get it. You need a break. Now get back to posting."
To Lani- for that photo on your blog... you know the one I mean... don't make me tell your bizniz!
And to Jack- for blatantly and unapologetically rubbing his stupid central air conditioning in my face when I told him I was melting in the heat.
Now, back to the topic at hand... Obama.
Jack made it a point to tell me that I stopped blogging right when history was being made, because B-Ma won the Democratic Nomination (R.I.P Clinton Campaign). And yeah, I guess he's right, but I was less concerned about dude's historical accomplishments and more with The Bet I made with Lani and Mari...
(I'll give you a minute to read the post in the link before I continue...
done? cool!)
But I maintain that everything will be okay; I will not have to date some greasy emo dude in skinny jeans because 1- this is still America, right? Where a black man still can't catch a break, right? Okay, just checking... and 2- emo dudes wouldn't come anywhere NEAR my stank and cranky self. EVER.
So go ahead; vote for Obama all you want. Put his weed-lips-havin' ghetto-ass in the White House. See if I care. See my hand here?

Steady as can be, bitches! I'm not afraid for my rep AT ALL.
*smooches...actually looking forward to election day*
I'm really curious as to how Mari is gonna pull this off... more power to ya, hon!
What photo? The one of the guy I met grabbing my boob for the camera? Oh yeeeeah. Right--don't tell anyone about that.
Let me tell you something--you know i am the ETERNAL optimist so you cannot shake my faith in the fact the he will win...and by a landslide. And then you have to hook up with a white boy.
You know damn well you can't carry them heavy ass IKEA boxes on the train and shuttle.
And I think Obama might win so you better start doing your emo homework... lol
@lani- YES, that photo... I can't BELIEVE you expected me to hang out with THAT last weekend... I'd rather watch CNN! LOL
and BRING IT ON, sister...
@homer- LOL @ the image of me trying to carry all those boxes on the train. 'cause you know I will, right? LOL
and LOL @ emo homework!! you're nuts!
Now you know I ride for Obama, like Biggie for BK. SO I guess you will be dating a real nice YT boy come November or I'll be commenting on your Blog from another country ( I hear Cuba and chopping sugar cane is a good look). Because 4 years under McCain is going to be like the 8 horrible years we just went through.
On better note, YEAH IKEA! I will be driving to and fro all next weekend, let the newbies get it all out their system...Did you see the people sleeping outside to win a couch first 100, second 100 get a chair.
Seeing as how I've seen your place (albeit it through a hazy drunken stupor after peeing on Key Foods), I know good and god damn well that this picture of your hand was NOT taken at home. Blogging from work again, I see. And those poor saps thought your increased work output the last two weeks was something that was going to stick. Ha! And about this power plant in astoria ..... (on newspaper on desk) ... don't they want central air in Queens?
@the f$%k it list- LOL @ you moving to Cuba... can I come with you?
@jack- *SIDE EYE*
he needs to keep his gloves on and i hear he just hired foprmer clinton staffer Patti Doyle - he better watch out for her
Sure! If its McCain we leave the moment he gets sworn it. And I'm sure I'll need you since my spanish could use a little tweaking/ its been a long time since my dad forced me to actually answer him in anything other than English
@torrance- word? he hired a former Clinton staffer? that's interesting...
@the f$%k it list- no prob. I will help translate. but as a fee I get to choose first among the hottie hot hot hot natives LOL
DEAL! Though I do love a dark skin cuban man, yum (ooh don't tell my hubby)
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