Some of you might know- I'm a movie fanatic, and I have a short film written (that does have a killer soundtrack, too, by the way) and the treatments to a couple of other projects filed away, too. So this was right up my alley!
Except it was SO HARD to limit myself! My whole life has been about music and to narrow it down and fit in all the artists and songs that really move me... WHEW! This was such a chore. But a fun one :)
So here goes:
If your life were a movie, what songs would be on the soundtrack? Copy and paste the list of different scenes below and fill in your answers.
-Opening Credits: Dominicano Soy by Fernandito. What else? This HAS to be in the opening credits.
-Waking Up: Juicy by The Notorious B.I.G., cause EVERY MORNING, no matter where I live, where I end up, I need to BIG UP my home town! WORD!! "Spread love; it's the Brooklyn way"
-Falling In Love: Tu by Juan Luis Guerra y 440. This song is so beautiful and romantic that every time I play it I actually get misty. But please, don't tell anybody. I have a rep to maintain.
(it's the first song in the medley)
-Fight Scene: Back Off Bitch by Guns N Roses. I don't think I even need to elaborate.
(a fan video, but it had the best audio)
-Breaking Up: A Letter to Elise by The Cure. OMG, never in the history of breaking up has there been a better break up song than this. Trust.
(get your tissues)
-Make Up: I'm Still In Love with You by Sean Paul & Sasha. Oh, jeez... this song... I can't even explain what it does to me! But honorable mention to the Alton Ellis version, too, because it's so raw and damn GOOD!
-Secret Love: Say Goodbye by Dave Matthews Band. I talk about my adoration of this song here.
-Life's OK: Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves. Can you see it? Me, with nothing to complain about? Wearing hot pink Chuck's, black skinny jeans, a trillion black rubber bracelets and my "Save Coney Island" t-shirt, skipping across the Brooklyn Bridge and singing off key. Oh yeah, this would so fit.
-Mental Breakdown: OMG- it would have to be Slave to the Grind by Skid Row! That was always my favorite song to play when I was on the brink. And don't ask me, "On the brink of what?" because trust me- you DON'T want to know...
-Driving Scene: Stomp by The Brothers Johnson. This is the perfect driving song. And if you don't believe me go take out a loan, fill up your tank, find an open road at play that song really loud. It's perfection!
-Flashback: Quiero Ser by Menudo. And not the wack ass Ricky Martin Menudo but the pre-English language album Menudo that used to rock my world. The same Menudo to whose fan club I belonged. SHUT. UP.
-Happy Dance: Are You Gonna Go My Way? by Lenny Kravitz. This. Song. Rocks. PERIOD.
-Regretting: I Want Tomorrow by Enya, because I've always, always, always wanted to use this song in a soundtrack. So why not my own?
-Long Night Alone: Captain Jack by Billy Joel. And yes, this is actually what I play when I'm home alone throwing pity parties for myself. With my precious whiskey...
(warning: if you've never heard the song before, it's over 7 minutes long)
-Final Battle: Let's Go Crazy by Prince. I can totally see myself breaking a beer bottle over somebody's head during the guitar solo. I so can.
Um... now you KNOW His Purple Majesty does not allow his shit on YouTube. Just go play your Purple Rain album, 'cause you know you have one.
-Death Scene: Swan Dive by Ani DiFranco. With lyrics like these:
i'm going to do my best swan dive
into shark infested waters
i'm gonna pull out my tampon
and start splashing around
...it's hard to NOT include it for the death scene!! Don't you think?
-Final Ending: Over the Hills and Far Away by Led Zeppelin. I listened to this a lot from 6-7PM, on 102.7... gettin' the LED out...way back when in my old BK bedroom. It's fitting for the end of my life.
-End Credits: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds by the Beatles. Because everyone's end credits should feature a Beatles' song. Every One.
(Yellow Submarine is one bad acid trip, man... love that fucking movie!!)
*smooches...putting together a different list for the Director's Cut*
when I was a kid I always thought to myself, "I just want to be left alone in my room with my records!" but then I saw that Twilight Zone episode, you know, the one with the guy who wanted to be left alone with his books... and then his glasses broke? yeah, that'd be me, except I'd probably go deaf or not have an outlet or batteries for my record player. ARGH!
on another note, if anyone else would like to play along, I'd LOVE to hear your soundtracks, too!
Damn. I may have to try this.
This looks like fun.. But no MJ?
@irene- don't forget the Michael Bolton song you loved sooooo much
@homer- um... pedophiles with self-hate issues are not allowed on my site. MJ and I called it quits after his 3rd nose job.
bangs and a bun and a lovely smile
LOL! That was fun, and hard.
um, too much time on our hands, perhaps? Your eclectic taste in music notwithstanding, this just made my head spin. There's got to be a correlation somewhere between this exercise and the purple bra on the head - I've got to ponder and come back.
no prince????
Total trip and I'm definitely doing it...but you're right, it's hard as hell, so it's gonna take a lot of thought. But may I just say...Long Night Alone = Captain Jack and some whiskey...totally do this on a regular basis. Although sometimes it's gotta be Scenes From An Italian Restaurant. But always whiskey.
And yeah, go see The Happening, even if people try to dissuade you. Contrary to popular opinion it's honestly not the worst movie ever made.
@torrance- lol... thanks
@jack- what is this- too much time on our hands?? What else am I supposed to do when I'm wide awake in the wee hours of the night?
@12kyle- hey grampy- time to get new glasses... Prince's Let's Go Crazy is in there. Just no video because he doesn't allow his stuff on YouTube
@rachel- Billy Joel & Whiskey is all you need for a long night alone :)
and I will get to The Happening as soon as I can
Good job..wow this must have taken a lot of work. I ain't up for the challenge though..
oohhh fun fun fun! Look for mine on Wed.
AND YEAH For reppin' The Notorious one!
Your final battle would be the shit! Your soundtrack is awesome. I admire the fact that you handpicked the tracks. That would have taken me months to decide - hence why I went with the iPod shuffle option.
And yup - I would definitely watch you movie.
Geez, we have quite the little mutual appreciation society going on here!
@foia- it was easier than I thought; I just thought of the bands/artists I've loved for the longest and thought of THE song I felt represented both me and that artist.
okay, maybe it was hard work lol
@the f$%t it list- I can't wait to see yours. and OF COURSE I had to include Biggie! Otherwise I'd have to relinquish my BK card :P
@bangs and a bun- no wonder we found each other... it was meant to be :)
juicy and walking on sunshine used to be the bomb songs.
love the collage.
i know i'm slacking, but i got you coming. forgive me, God isn't finished with me, yet. (george carlin joke).
lol @ prince's let go crazy.
that would be some battle.
Ah the pressure :P hehe
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