Monday, June 16, 2008

OOPS I Did It Again...

I'll admit it- I have a slight tattoo addiction. As in, after I got the first one and couldn't walk right for two weeks because the residual pain was so bad, I thought I'd stop. But no, shortly after the pain subsided I started planning for number two.

And today, with no real agenda on my plate after meeting with my newly contracted webmaster... I got another one.

While sitting in Bryant Park afterwards, trying not to think of that burning feeling on my side as my nerve endings reminded me that "OUCH MOTHERFUCKER! TATTOOS HURT!" I wrote this little piece in my notebook... an homage to my new baby.

#3: Gemini.

This astrological sign fits me perfectly ... I am my own twin.

Some days you'll find Raquel and she's on task and she's fun and just A-OK.

But on other days you'll find her and she doesn't like people. Period. She doesn't want to be bothered. And if it weren't for the legal ramifications of it, she'd stab you in the neck for no apparent reason except maybe the shoelaces on your Chuck's were untied...

I wonder which Raquel I am today?

*smooches...already planning for number four*
don't worry; I'm not going to become one of those crazy tattoo'd up ladies. just three more to go and I'll be done


clnmike said...

Lol, I still havent gotten around to getting my 2nd.

lanibear55 said...

WORD UP!! Love it!! I am planning on number..oh I don't know, but my arms will have NO natural skin left on the inside of two years if I can help it!!

The Jaded NYer said...

@clnmike- hurry up and catch up then! lol

@lani- girl I will NEVER catch up with you, so I won't even bother trying :)

Anonymous said...

uummm 6 tattoos does make you one of those crazied tattoo'd up ladies. At least in my book, and that coun't right? people read my book don't they? No? damnit!

Welcome Back!

Kelly said...

I just got my third one ... for this year. I gotta slow down. But I was in Spain with family for my mom's 60th birthday. I've always marked travel to another country with a tattoo. Well, except Ireland where, when we landed, my mom turned to me and said, "you're not getting one on my watch." Gulp! I gotta go back to Ireland.

Congrats on the newest addition! I've got a big Libra on my arm, reminding me that I'm all about balance so, on my OCD days, I remember to calm down and breath. Ha ha!

Don said...

nice tat, raquel.

damn i must be a scorpio/gemini, cause you described me perfectly. don't stab 'em though...just ignore 'em.

The Jaded NYer said...

@homer- LOL!! I place my tattoos strategically so that only my doctor will see them if I so choose, so at the end of the day only the coroner will know I have 6 tattoos :)

@kelly- yeah, I'm not even going to mention this one to my mom. and since I'm never in a half shirt, I should be fine

@don- don't worry, I won't stab anyone. Anymore. I'm too pretty to go to jail...

Don said...


Ms.LadyCop said...

im in need of my 2nd tattoo!!! i think they ARE addictive....let me find out they put crack in that ink!!! lol

i'm a taurus/gemini...born on the cusp...people learn that 2 bulls are worse than 1!

The F_Uitlist said...

I'm still jonesin' for my second one. I need to figure out something soon, I think I want my name in arabic. Got to get on that.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

aw shucks = next u gone have a orange county chopper

The Jaded NYer said...

@jadore- I'm on the cusp, too, so I know exactly waht you mean LOL

@the F%$k it list- I'm cracking up at the thought of the phrase "fuck it" in arabic LMAO!!!

@torrance- don't get me started... there's a Harley shop by my house; I go there at least 3X in th summer and check out the bikes *sigh*

Eb the Celeb said...

hahahaha... I AM addicted to them. I have 9 and am planning #10

KatBouska said...

Tattoos are TOTALLY addicting!! That's super cute though, what are the plans for number two??

Anonymous said...

My # 4 Is coming right freaking up

Bretthead said...

Hey, welcome back!! Nice ink. Bonus points for the chucks reference!

The F_Uitlist said...

HAHA,I didn't even think of that. I think I'll stick with my Government name.

You almost made me fall off the bed

The Jaded NYer said...

@eb- I don't think I'll reach 9... but we'll see :)

@mama- number FOUR will either be the bracelet/cuff with my grandmother's initials or a sankofa bird on the nape of my neck. haven't decided which will be first. Then I have to touch up my "garden of eden" tattoo on my back... basically all I have is the apple/serpent right now so I need the actual garden LOL

@wow- good to be back ;)

The Jaded NYer said...

@q- what's your number four?? I'm so nosey...

Anonymous said...

That's it. At the end of the summer, I am getting my first and only tattoo. Who's up for a tattoo party? LOL!

The Jaded NYer said...

@irene- you don't have to ask me twice... and you KNOW lani will be there LOL

i.can't.complain. said...

super sexy