Sunday, June 15, 2008

When We Last Saw The Jaded NYer...

...she was still recovering from her 2-week-long birthday celebration, a stress headache born from blog drama and a TO DO list that stretched across 5 states... so she played some Luda on repeat to help her relax (because nothing is more relaxing than misogynistic rap music urging me to shake my ass and work the pole):

She also took the babies out on day trips, melted in the early June heat wave, went to a Showtime event where she saw the premiere of "Weeds" (AWESOME!) and "Diary of a Call Girl" (STUPID and BORING), saw Iron Man and FELL IN LOVE with Robert Downy, Jr., gained like 10 pounds, and took many a random photo of her beloved NYC.

Then She Decided NOT To Go To Africa, For Real
I weighed the pros and cons, and I have too much I need to accomplish this year, so there was no room for Ghana right now, even with the offer of free tuition. I will apply again next year and see what happens. If it's meant to be, The Universe will allow it.

So thank you Jeff for the opportunity, but it was not in the cards for me right now.

Next, She Began Meditating Some
During the second week of my blog-hiatus I dove into meditation again. I felt this "ickiness" trying to glom onto my spirit and was like, "Nuh-uh, bitch, you ain't gonna catch me out there like Bobo the Fool!" This required a lot of discipline on my part, which is a struggle onto itself because y'all know I have bratty tendencies...

...and it led me to close one of my email addresses. One I've been holding onto because it had ties to this other "self" that I wasn't ready to let go of. But I let her go; don't want to be her anymore. She was mean and hella crazy. And a lil immoral. Yahoo is giving me a helluva time to delete it, but by the week's end, that ish will be a distant memory that Jack and I will sit around and laugh about...

That right there... weight. lifted. off. shoulders.


Shortly After, She Cancelled Her Trip To Atlanta
Guess what major NYC event is going on at the same time the Blogging While Brown conference is going on, besides Merengue Night at Shea Stadium, which I was almost willing to miss to go to Georgia?

The New York International Latino Film Festival. As in, the same festival I usually cover for clients.

I was this close to paying way too much for a plane ticket down south when I saw a bulletin from the NYILFF looking for volunteers... and then I remembered...

I'd like to thank the conference organizers, though, for being kind enough to refund my money in full. And sorry I had to pull back at the last minute!

And Finally, She Paid Down Her Debt
This year, for me, is all about getting out of debt. To that end both Capital One accounts and *soon* (as in Monday!) my Perkins Loan from Alfred (will) have been dealt with. They are all officially a thing of the past.

Again... weight. lifted. off. shoulders.

*exhales deeply*

All that's left now are two more credit cards and the Stafford Loans I took out for undergrad and grad school... I'm feeling pretty good. Can you tell?

*smooches...well rested with a shiny, clean aura*
missed me, didn't ya?! yeah you did, you missed me, punk!

I bet you were expecting a father's day post, huh? well, I already gave Papi his props here and there's nothing more to say on that except I LOVE YOU, PA, CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU THIS SUMMER.

and yeah, my ex is a good dad but ewww, why would I talk about him any more than I have to?

oh, and if you want to know about my triflin' ass, biological paternal parental unit, visit this old post.

but happy father's day to all the awesome daddies out there in blog land. even you, 12kyle *side-eye*


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

welcome back sister

Rich Fitzgerald said...

you have been missed, side eyes and all.

The Jaded NYer said...

@torrance- thanks, love. It's almost like I never left

@rich- aw, aren't you sweet. gracias!

clnmike said...

Back on the scene, good.

The Jaded NYer said...

@clnmike- yup... back again; it was a nice break, though!

Don said...

One I've been holding onto because it had ties to this other "self" that I wasn't ready to let go of. But I let her go; don't want to be her anymore. She was mean and hella crazy. And a lil immoral.



The F_Uitlist said...

WELCOME BACK! I was checking back to make sure you didnt slip, hehehe.

Sounds like the hiatus did you good!

The Jaded NYer said...

@don- I see we're gonna have to come to blows over this... you, me, 3PM, the school yard.

and if you don't show up, everyone will know you're chicken!! lol

@the f$%k it list- don't worry, I had a few ppl reminding me every five seconds that I said I'd come back on the 15th LOL