Friday, July 04, 2008

And Now A Word From Our Sponsors

Before I get to the post, I want to wish every one a Happy Independence Day; remember that as crappy as the Administration has been lately, and as much as we need to fix things in this country, it could always be worse.

And if those old, dead white guys had backed off and agreed to pay their damn taxes all those years ago, who knows if we'd even exist right now.

I especially want to shout out those in the Armed Forces and the Veterans who've laid their lives on the line for my lazy ass to be able to blog at work and talk shit about the Administration all the live long day. I don't agree with this war, but I support you all 100%.

(Visit to see more of Ray Sorenson's artwork at "Freedom Rock," all tributes to our servicemen. He's truly a talented young man, so I felt the need to feature him real quick.)

***** ***** ***** *****

Attention NYC Bloggers and the Readers Who Love Us:

We live in one of the most expensive cities in the country and shit ain't getting cheaper. Hell, I just paid $11 for a goddamn drink that would have been cheaper to make at home...

That's why I'm here for you with the FREE-ness for Saturday.

1- First Saturdays at the Brooklyn Museum. Free admission, programs, films and a hot hot hot dance party from 9-11PM. This month's theme... VIVA AFRICA!

2- Southpaw's The Rub. Monthly hip hop party in Brooklyn that promises to send you home sweaty and tired but very very happy!

3- Bembe. Y'all know that's my spot. Know why? NO COVER and cheap drinks. Well, except for the $11 coco loco. And you're guaranteed to make out with a hottie on the dance floor. Okay, not always, but most nights...

4- New York Philharmonic on Governors Island. For all you classic music lovers. 6:30PM

5- International African Arts Festival. Friday AND Saturday, 10am–9pm. Commodore John Barry Park, Navy St between Flushing and Park Aves, in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. An annual showcase of local, national and international performers features steel and jazz bands, gospel choirs, reggae artists plus other stuff

6- Central Park Summerstage: Rachid Taha, Dengue Fever, Apollo Heights. 3-7PM at the bandstand. Algerian raï-punk, Cambodian–infused psychedelic rock, and guitar-driven soundscapes direct from the Lower East Side. What more could you ask for?

Do you have any free shit going on that I can bring my broke ass to? Hit me up if you end up at any of these events and I'll be sure to look for you.

Me? Oh, I'll be everywhere... Have MetroCard, Will Travel...

*smooches...thinking maybe I'll finally buy my bike to get around easier*
until I can buy THE CAR, a bicycle will have to do...


Eb the Celeb said...

what's good in the hood today... I'm looking for a cook out to crash...

Hope you have a wonderful 4th!

Sexxy Luv said...

have a great 4th of July! :)

Anonymous said...

a a great 4th! b-day post is up, you will approve!

The Jaded NYer said...

@eb- girl I'm being a lazy-ass mo fo today! but tomorrow, lets go crash a BBQ my friend is throwing at the Army base... I'll send you an email offline...

@sexxy luv- you two, hon!

@q- your birthday celebration looked like a blast! and that tattoo is NICE!

The F_Uitlist said...

HAPPY 4th!

I love free as you know and I have another list I'll send you later.

@EB BBQ in Redhook, any takers? WE need to get something poppin off in Prospect Park for the NY bloggers.

The Jaded NYer said...

@the f$%k it list- Redhook? WORD? I might have to get off my couch.

and lets get the meet-up off the ground for real. and QUICK, before my kids get back LOL!!

Mo said...

this makes me mad lol
i def came home (to the bx) early friday morning & my best friend & I were def looking for stuff to do but couldn't find anything :-(

that internat'l african arts festival seems like it would've been hot.