Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dear Manufacturers Of Little Girls' Swimsuits:

Since when is a leopard print string bikini, complete with triangle bra top, an appropriate garment for little girls?

Are you freakin' kidding me?


*no smooches...because I'm so fed up with today's bullshit, sexed-up fashion for kids!*
whatever happen to cute lil one-piece suits with little fruits on them, or sailboats, or sand castles? Who the hell lets their 7-year-old wear a leopard print string bikini? I'm so sick over this...


Bretthead said...

I really did want a baby girl, but it's stuff like this that makes me thank my lucky stars that I have two boys! Big help I am, eh?!

12kyle said...

@ Jaded Santana
You know what's funny...me and mrs12 had this same convo over the weekend. she was at a pool party for her best friends daughter who just turned 13. and she told me about the bathing suits and everything. i couldn't believe it.

*good thing we have sons* lmao!!

clnmike said...

Man that's messed up, who was the designer Baby Phat?

A lot of women are treating their kids like Barbie dolls.

Thank goodness I dont have any kids.
(One uped you all.)

Anonymous said...

And people wonder what is wrong with kids these days. It's all the adults fault. Swimsuits for little whores, that' all it is. I have that same issue with Olivia, and she's only 15-months-old.

Anonymous said...

Ah Yes Prostitots fashions! classy way of welcoming pedos into our collective lives

Jaded I posed a book question/recommendation to you today in blog... I think you might have read it too?!

The F_Uitlist said...

I have seen those things, you can thank Kimora and Baby Phat for that ish ( I still love you Kimora but not your trashy clothes).

Have you seen the little high heel shoes. I saw them in the back of a magazine then here:


DAMN shame, a baby can't walk but she needs ho shoes!

The Jaded NYer said...

@wow & 12kyle- stop showing off your Y chromosomes... nobody cares!! lol

@clnmike- yup, Baby Phat. What the hell is Kimora's problem? she has daughters, too. Is this OK with her??

@irene- this is so ridiculous... where can we complain? to whom should I address a STERN (read: stank-ass) letter of disapproval?

@qucifer- YES! don't know that this just makes it that much easier for preditors?? ugh...

@the f$%k it list- what the...? those shoes are absolutely ridiculous and the makers should be flogged for that ish!!

*adds them to the list of people getting a STERN letter from me*

Don said...

that is pretty bad. things like that lead to other stuff which leads to even more stuff. so, i agree - everything is everything and it should be approached in that manner, especially when it involves mere children.

love the consciousness.

Keisha "Kitten" Isaacs said...

Hey Sistah!

Clothing lines can make that mess all day long ...but mothers...should walk right pass the items....It's sad how people that don't think of the long term effects...when it comes to their children....I guess it's just called ignorance! Peace & Blessings

Dave Van Buren said...

As with everything.. I blame Rap music... lol

My baby momma got my 3 year old a 2 peice swim suit. why do they even sell that? damn perverts.

JACK said...

I picked up a bathing suit for my daughter weekend before last - it was a one piece ... little mermaid. It replaced the two-piece she was wearing at daycare during water days. See, miss thing LOVES the little mermaid and I just knew this swimsuit would win her over. It came with a little itty bitty wrap that she calls a skirt.

Yes, baby - cover up. It's all good.

I have confiscated the two-piece. And in fact, even *I* don't know where it is. Maybe in the red bag
? I should burn that bag ...

We should start a clothing line: JJ Kids (as in Jaded, JACK) ... and our tag line should be "when you care enough to cover up the very best"


Don said...

*pages raquel*

The Jaded NYer said...

@don- I guess the almighty dollar is more important than our children's well-being

@keisha- YES! the mothers need to be slapped for that mess. if we all ignored the hoochie gear then it wouldn't appear on the racks anymore. but there's always that ignorant bunch who makes it harder for the rest of us who were raised right!

@super dave- please replace it as soon as you can!! your baby girl does not need a two-piece!!

@jack- so how many businesses we got in the works already? We're like the Headly's over here LOL

@don, again- who the hell is blowin' up my pager?

*checks beeper*

*mumbles under breath*
this fool again??

*on payphone*

yes? you rang?


Judy D. said...

that's just plain old nasty!
i am scared of raising my daughter is this sexual madness the media and the ppl are willing 2 accept

Don said...

Planeo tomar esa pared proverbial abajo ladrillo por ladrillo.

El reloj y ve.

Puede ser hecho...

The Jaded NYer said...

@judy- girl, I'm scared, too! good thing my babies are modest so far!

@don- *in the voice of The Great Cornholio*

"Are you threatening me?"

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

here here
what me to write the letter folk?

The Jaded NYer said...

@torrance- nah, man, I got this. Kimora WILL be hearing from me!

hmmm... maybe I should pass it around and let people sign it, let her know that the Black community- no, scratch that- that parents EVERYWHERE will not tolerate this nonsense anymore!

JACK said...

*cue music*

"...if you miss a DAY without your friend, your whole life's off track ......"

Eb the Celeb said...

the reason I dont want girls... too much pressure on too many levels from the time they come out the womb and I swear I would be snatching they asses up good anytime and inkling of hoochie came out in their personality....

The Jaded NYer said...

@jack- *DEAD*

@eb- I'm laughing at the image of you snatching up your hypothetical daughters for trying to vamp up their look!!! LMAO!

but you know what- that would make you an awesome mom. kids need to be snatched up and OFTEN! I learned that while teaching at a boarding school for troubled girls...

The Jaded NYer said...

@eb- and excuuuuuse me! love the new pic!!

JACK said...

Lemme see - we have the greeting cards from the dark side (which I still think is a keeper), now the clothing line ... dating for smart people ... wow, we be THEORETICALLY busy, don't we?

Don said...


did you...umm, tell me you didn't just come with a beavis & butthead quote. too funny.

Don said...

@ jack: '...help me sing my song..."

The Jaded NYer said...

@jack- and we're not even Jamaican... go figure LMAO!!!

("you only have tree jobs? you lazy lima bean...")

@don- yes. yes I did. in fact:


don't say I never gave you anything LOL


Sexxy Luv said...

I couldn't agree with you more! I was shopping the other day and see a baby phat two piece swim suit and it looked like something i would wear! SMH

JACK said...

This is all cute and fun until you and I start singing together ... that's just too weird.

You can sing with the guy over on my blog. He's not Jaded's amigo, and therefore doesn't fear getting a ladrillo thrown at him.

Unless .....



JACK said...

How the peoples here conversate:

"Mira, muchacho! Relojate!"

"oh, mah bayud "

"mhmm - te voy a dar un ladrillaso!"

"oi vey"


"VÃ¥kn, for Guds skyld"

"Esta bien"

"'bout damn time"

**fade to black**

Muze said...


this is funny because i was just shopping for an outfit for my goddaughter who turned 2 this week and all the short sets were friggin booty shorts!

it was amazing. mm mm mm.

wow @ the bilingual don. haha.

google sure does make people smart. lol.

The Jaded NYer said...

@sexxy luv- that Kimora must be sick in the head to think mothers would be ok with that mess


@muze- booty shorts indeed! what the hell is going on?!?!

and LMAO @ "google sure does make people smart" girl I'm over here clownin'!!! LMAO!!!

Foia said...

Hey..now..I know that seems wrong..

But my grandma..who traveled the world..said she saw lil girls in Brazil walking around in string bikinis..She was going to get me one..but she knew my grandfather paw paw wasn't gonna have it..

Would I let baby girl wear one HELL NO! Just felt like tellin you that lil ditty..

Mrs. MR said...

I was @ Manhattan Beach this past weekend and there were any number of little girls with stuff hanging out of too tight, too little, 2 piece suits. I vowed last year to stop buying bikini's for my 7yr old. Check Speedo.

i.can't.complain. said...

@jaded- agreed.

although i did just buy my little girl some boy-shorts.

she's 2.

they are so cute !!


The Jaded NYer said...

@foia- string bikinis... I tell ya, man... people are insane...

@mrs. ramirez- thanks for the tip. I actually bought her a two-piece that had shorts and those snug tshirt tops a surfer would wear... I forget what they're called... by Ocean Pacific

@-1- okay... I can't lie... boy shorts on a 2 year old in diapers is a lil cute...

Anonymous said...

There are to many designers and parents who really want to entertain the R. Kelly's of the world.

kit von b. said...

bwahaaahahaha!!! so true! they get shorter n skimpier each year!!!!!