Monday, July 07, 2008

The Jaded NYer- Now Available In Red!

Sometimes I get bored with myself. Just wake up bored for no good reason.

When this happens it really isn't a good idea for me to be alone because I'll usually get into something not so good for me. Idle hands and all... you know how that goes...

Well that's how I woke up on Saturday. Bored. But instead of being all self-destructive about it, I looked in the mirror and said, "That's it!" and headed to The Heights to my stylist and told her in Spanish, "Josie, I need something new."

She came up with this:

I'm still trying to get used to it; it's been almost 4 years since I had red hair. For the past couple of mornings I wake up, go to the mirror and get a little startled because my hair isn't brown. It's like "Whoa- who are YOU and what have you done with Raquel?" Then I remember. Saturday.

The Voices are a little bit bolder when they're Red, too- just a warning- so we should all be in for one helluva summer...

[side note: did you know that they also dye your eyebrows when they dye your hair? That cracks me up!]

In other news, couldn't you just eat her little face?

Miss Olivia makes me almost, maybe, kinda, sorta, perhaps, but not really but yes really miss having a baby/toddler around. They're so much fun at this age!

Oh lord, I think I just caught baby fever...MUST. FIND. ANTIDOTE.

*smooches...invoking a lil Rita Hayworth with every keystroke*
now all I need is a bit of a tan to go with the new hair color and I'll be good to go... the first sunny day I see I'm heading to Coney Island!


PCD (Pretty Circle Drawer) said...

AWWWWWWWWWWW!!! that baby is so super cute!

and the hair looks good. i love playing with color and cuts. if i could, i'd changed mine frequently

Marielys said...

ayy chuz (is that how u would spell it???)....que linda. I am a BIG fan!! good job, josie!

The Jaded NYer said...

@pcd- isn't she though?! those cheeks, that squishy belly... that lil girl is dangerous! I keep hanging with her I'm gonna mess around and want another baby!! YIKES!

@mari- LMAO @ chuz!!! I guess that's how you spell it. Loca!!

JACK said...

LMAO @ aye chuz. How about choos? Who knows.

I like the hair, Miss thing. Well done!

Don said...

raquel, i like the new look. then again with those eyes and that smile...your hair could be green and you'd still come across.

well, not really green...but i'm sure you understand what i meant.

dessex said...

its been a while since I stopped by here...lovin the new hair.

The Jaded NYer said...

@jack- CHOOS?? LOL you and Mari are nuts!

@don- actually, I was thinking "green" but I got the thumbs down from the entire clientele at the salon LOL

@dessex- hey; yeah, I've been lurking at your spot, laying low, but that last post... yeah I just HAD to comment.

and in case you're wondering- yes, I really did copy and paste it into a word document for future reference LOL

Don said...

actually, I was thinking "green" but I got the thumbs down from the entire clientele at the salon LOL


love the sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

I'ma give you a shot of "they grow up to be surly ass teenagers who give ample lip"

But the hair is Teh. Hawt!

i.can't.complain. said...

loving the spicy red on u

makes u look a lot younger and innocent

not that u looked old and evil before



The Jaded NYer said...

@don- what's funny is that you think I'm kidding...

@qucifer- GRACIAS for the shot!! I lost my damn mind for a second there!

@-1- funny you mentioned younger; I told Josie: "Oh my god, I look too young" and she goes, "well you always looked young. Now you just look younger" like that's better!

and then proceeded to put my hair in a ponytail... with bangs out? I looked TWELVE! lol

12kyle said...

@ Jaded Santana
I like the new red. You look like Beyonce...johnson. LoL

Seriously, it looks good girl. You'll turn a few heads

12kyle said...

Btw...cute lil baby! Don't catch the baby fever! LOL

The F_Uitlist said...

FIYAH! Love that new red!

Baby fever, ok be at Marine Park on Friday at about 12:00 (maybe 1 you know how folks of color roll) and I will have the cure for you. Ha. CJ's bday party will cure you for good.

dejanae said...

i like
and awwww
look at the baby

Yasmeen Christian said...

Hot, of course.

Mo said...

love the hair color...i've been thinking of a change myself.

and she is the cutest thing...but after watching natural birth videos in my psych class last week...I'm all set on having kids for awhile lol

clnmike said...

The hair looks good on you but so would I.

Bretthead said...

She is sooooooooooooo cute!

You two make a good team. Ass kickin heart breakers!!

The Jaded NYer said...

@12kyle- I'm gonna ignore the Beyonce Johnson comment and just say Thank You lol

@the f$%k it list- LOL @ going to CJs birthday!

@dejanae- I missed the red, so just decided to go back to it

@yasmeen- thanks, hon

@kieya- ooh yeah, those videos are definite birth control. maybe I should get some

@clnmike- LMAO!! you old flirt, you!

@wow- she's my new partner in crime

Eb the Celeb said...

OK-K-K... I see you ... and I likes... lovely for the summer

and ahhh... I just want to pinch that babies cheeks.. my nephews are losing their juicy cheeks

JACK said...

*points at Don* "Aye CHOOS"

The Jaded NYer said...

@eb- it's such sadness when babies lose their cheeks! and don't even get me started on those chubby-wubby thighs they always have LOL

@jack- *SIDE EYE*

Cruz said...

Jessica Rabbit?

I feel you about the boredom part. This is how I get into trouble. Last time I was alone and bored I gave myself a mohawk...which led to me basically shaving the rest of my head bald because of how ridiculous I looked with my uneven hawk. Eh. They should make an 'Idle Hands II' and have me star in it, you could be the co-star. Idle hands....good f-ing movie, highly slept on and underrated. Granted it's a crappy movie (contradict much?) but I love crappy movies sometimes.

Twanna A. Hines | said...

TOO CUTE!!! :)

The Jaded NYer said...

@cruz- LOL @ uneven mohawk... that's what you get!

@twanna- thanks!!