Monday, July 28, 2008

Muslims Smoke Weed?...And Other Musings

Another weekend come and gone... here's what happened in my part of the world...

My Braid Game Needs Work!
Babies left with their dad again, so I had to make sure their hair was on point so that they are not embarrassing me all over Rockland County (OH LAWD.. I sound like mami...), and it literally took me over 4 hours to braid N's hair.

I've lost my magic touch! I mean yeah- she's got a lot of hair and it's crazy long, but DAMN! The style wasn't even that intricate or anything, just braids, and it took me FOUR PINCHE HOURS.

Now just imagine what's gonna happen when it's time to take those bad boys out... coƱaso!! That's not gonna help my carpal tunnel AT. ALL.

The Wackness Is The Dopeness
Saw the movie. Loved the movie. Highly recommend the movie.

Except... well... the dude that played Luke (the Josh half of Nickelodeon's Drake and Josh) has this thing he does... when he's waiting to deliver his line, he lets his mouth hang open. And it was kind of annoying. I was fully expecting saliva to start falling out. For real.

But other than that, the movie rocked. And the soundtrack? Fuggetaboutit!

My Radio Debut
Don't know how many of you listened, but I had fun. I think it went well although I kinda refused to listen to it at first on account of me HATING my voice and all... But when I did listen I liked myself on the air. Reminded me of my WALF days with Celia...3AM to 7AM, while pregnant, spinning the tunes for all the drunk frats and sorors on campus... ahh the good ol days.

I'm even entertaining the idea of hosting my own show. Can you imagine? Jadedness coming to you LIVE once a week? Can you handle it?

Shout out to Irene for calling in and taking some pressure off, 'cause you know your girl here was trying real hard to keep her stage fright under control, right?!

And special thanks to the host, Classy Deeva- girl, I had fun, and I will be tuning in from now on! If you missed it, you can listen to it here.

Muslims Smoke Weed?
DUDE- you are sooooo busted! Why even TRY and act like you were not just on the front stoop tokin' up with your buddy? Don't you know how that smell likes to linger?

And do you think I didn't notice how quickly you and your buddy high-tailed it off the porch as soon as you saw me approaching? Just how dumb do you think I am?

Wait 'til I tell your uncle...

Sergio Vargas And I Need To Have A Love Child
I don't care what anyone says...


When he sings, the whole world disappears and nothing else matters except that voice.

And I apologize for giving y'all vertigo with that video clip, but when Sergio sings I cannot stay still!!

That's what I had to say to Joey the Yankee Fan who was seated behind me at Friday's Mets game and kept trying to kick it to me. For real? In front of my kids? Yo- that's GRIMY!

I mean really, who does that? I'll tell you who: an old enough to know better PRican from the Bronx. That's who. He was attractive and all, but his approach was ALL WRONG, so he got two thumbs down... from me AND K, who by the way thought it was hysterical that I was being asked out... what's THAT supposed to mean? HMPH!

*smooches...looking to get into some new trouble while the babies are away*
meanwhile, I was serious on the show when I said the man who shows up at my door with a maid to clean my apartment gets me for life. For real. So hop to it, gentlemen... I ain't gettin' any younger... there's a home-cooked meal made with love by yours truly for the first one over here...


Unknown said...


man i miss being on the radio..

Dave Van Buren said...

So Opininated Diva said the wackness was wack and you say it rocks. I've never seen the trailer for it until just now. I think you might be right, it looks good, I might even download the soundtrack... lol

Keisha "Kitten" Isaacs said...

Hey Sistah! Shoot I can't braid like that AT ALL...If I have a daughter...she'll be talking me for my poor hair doing skills (like I did my mother)....or I'll be getting someone else to braid her hair....

Funny I never even heard of this Wackness movie you are talking about....

Enjoy your time while the kids are good! :)

The Jaded NYer said...

@brother omi- man, if you had a show today you know I'd be tuning in all the time. you should get one...

@super dave- aw, she didn't like it? hmmm, I guess I could see why someone wouldn't like it, but I think it was really good. The writing was excellent. perhaps she didn't care for the acting?

@keisha- what is this "good" you are talking about??


The F_Uitlist said...

Uhm yeah you want to come over and handle CJ's mane . Shoot

Hmm I was skeptical about the Wackness, because the clip I saw of Methodman was the WACKNESS with that fake ass Accent. YUCK!

The Jaded NYer said...

@the f$%k it list- LMAO!! yes, his accent was atrocious, but he's in the movie for like 5-10 minutes TOPS.

and bring CJ on by; I could use the practice :)

12kyle said...

@ Jaded Santana
Your braid game looks a whole lot better than mine! lol.

*wondering how well i'd do if i had to braid hair everyday*???

fyi...i am seriously considering doing a show on blog talk radio. it would be a sports show. i'll let you know. you can call with your Mets love and I won't first. lmao!!!

Anonymous said...

*Segio Vargas Swoon* I will fight you cause I've been on him since the Jehri curl Se fue y me niego a creer que se fue" days


Anonymous said...

and I have some Las chicas del can for you for tomorrow.. is the most cunty mess

The Jaded NYer said...

@12kyle- you know I will tune in and even if you're talking about cricket I'll bring it back to the Mets LOL

@qucifer- oh, we gonna have to fight it out... that's my boo for life! lol

and cunty mess with Las Chicas?? I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

JACK said...


2) K thinking it's funny you're being asked out. *give K pound*

You sayin he an old enough to know better prican from da bronx. *pounds on JADED*

3)Your infatuation with Sergio *calls Evanston mom to tell*

4) Braids and 4 hours. Well, it's not like you're african and there's 10 of you. Relax.

The Jaded NYer said...

@jack- *holding an ice pack to her head* OUCH! what? What I'd say?? Is he related to you?? If so, tell him to get some damn manners!!!

and WHY you gotta be a big ol tattle tale?? HMPH!!! shall I make a little call to your giggling benefactor??? HMMMM???? LOL

JACK said...

I didn't mean I was gonna HIT K ... I mean that I was givin her pound. You know, my fist taps her fist, her fist taps mine.

Will the Bed Stuy JADED please make a reappearance for this one reference? Thanks.

Giggling benefactor ... giggling benefactor. I'm at work! Don't make me think. hmmmm, giggling benefactor ...

Ok, I'm lost.

The Jaded NYer said...

@jack- I can tell you're at work... the ice pack was for me... LOL

and your benefactor... took you to the casino... and is funding your trip to NYC... ring any bells???

dios mio...

dessex said...

when I was in college I did a radio show in the was kinda cool cuz I had total control of the music that was being played. I was nervous as hell on my first show too

JACK said...

OMG! shhhhhhhhhhh, dammit!

*looks around suspiciously*

*departs suddenly*

Mo said...

You should try double strand twists....although those may not last as long as braids but thats two styles in one. At least the braids are neat...I've seen some that just got done but look like its but run over by a grass mower.

LOL @ folks smokin on your porch

...i think u just be loookin for reasons to hate on the Bronx sometimes lol