Monday, for dinner, we went along 7th Avenue for some book shopping at Barnes and Noble (for the babies; N got a Chef's kit, K got the latest Coldplay CD), then some very delicious Italian grub at Tutta Pasta (stuffed mushrooms, seafood ravioli), and finally, our favorite frozen treat- Haagen Dazs (cookies n cream, butter pecan and cookie dough).
Ahhh 7th Avenue... how could I have ever talked so nastily about you, when I love you so? Even if that Brownstone I've been drooling over is $2.6 million...
Plus the Miracle Mets are in first place :)
Now I know you haters are gonna dis my boys in the comments, but nothing you say can bring me down off this high!
I feel so good that I'm gifting this "feel good" playlist. No need to thank me. Just play it and feel good :)
*smooches...with T minus 4 days until MERENGUE NIGHT @ Shea*
in other news, I went to the 25th Anniversary of Video Music Box on Friday in Central Park, and SPECIAL ED took the stage looking just as FYNE as he did when he first came on the scene... is The Jaded NYer gonna have to stalk Special Ed?
Glad you are enjoying your self so i will refrain from cursing the Mets out.
I really need to revisit New York. My first time back in the late 80's I wasn't really feeling the city. Maybe it was the company I was keeping.
@clnmike- yes, please, lets leave my babies alone lol
@rich- well if you make it back over this way let me know and I'll point you in the general direction of WHERE IT'S AT (AKA Brooklyn! lol)
@ Jaded Santana
2.6 for a brownstone??? WTF?? Maybe Mr. Santana can buy it for you? Haaaaa
As for the NY Mets, they are in 1st place and it's July. Weren't they in 1st place this time...last year??? Hmmmmm
*wavin goodbye at Raq before she finds a shoe to throw at me*
@12kyle- yes, 2.6 MIL... and that's on the cheap end. don't even get me started on the beautiful townhouse I saw in Gramercy Park or the Mansion I almost went to see on the Upper East Side.
these open houses are going to be the death of me...
And I'm going to choose to ignore that comment... because we have Santana now, and he was the missing piece to the puzzle so SHUT UP!!!
You know how long I've been trying to find at least ONE of his albums? Maaaaaan I was gonna hate on the Mets but shiiiiiiiiiiiiiid! Now I'm hating on YOU for seeing him live.
Nice blog by the way...
wow. so You've also been drooling over a brownstone. that is my dream. i want to own my very own brownstone. don't laugh - i actually pray for that money to finance.
oh, so you just gone up and laugh @ my dream. aight.
i cop'd the new coldplay. You are the only person i'd ever tell though.
oh...come and get jack. HURRY !!
So how was the show? I was going to go but once I saw the lineup realized I just saw 95% of those people three weeks ago.
YEAH AMAZINGZ METS! And look this is a new time. They are going to pull it through (holding my rosary.
Nice try ... but you can't stop JACK's ubiquitiosity.
THAT's rite - I made it up. AND what?
@da vinci- thatnks for stopping through
and YES, SPECIAL ED! He performed I Got It Made, The Mission and The Magnificent and I was there drooling like a school girl, rapping along, me and these two 40+ dudes I was standing next to. We had a blast!
@don- so listen, you and me should gather up like 10 of our friends and all pool our money... maybe then we can afford the down payment,a nd take turns living in it. I call July!! HA!
and re: jack... honey you are on your own... I told you not to encourage him... LOL!!!
@the f$%k it list- it was hot and humid but I had so much fun!!! can I just say that Melly Mel AND Treach need to stop working out in the prison yard. That's right. I said it...
@jack- LMAO!!! Me LOVES the new word, babycakes!
umm, if i gather ten of myM friends and their money i might would be able to buy some furniture...[insert laughter]
jack is cool as a fan, but i've used that word before. the breakdown of syllables is the Key when it is pronounced. Raquel was right - You are good.
Crawlt: verb. The past tense of having crawled in a drunken stupor.
i.e.: That dude was so tore up he crawlt to the toilet and didn't even make it.
Have you used that? I'm changing the name of my blog to PLUS the bars.
Dique taking out the watering hole. SMH
@don- LMAO... you need new friends... lol
@jack- what the...
*throws hands in the air, exasperated*
loco viejo...
Mybe my friend who bankrolled the casino trip will supply the down payment on the brownstone - we gotta go three ways though ... I call June and December.
(Dec cuz it's Jesus' birthday and June cuz it's somebody's ELSE's birthday just as important)
who's bday is in JUNE?? 'cause mine is in May and I can't think who's more important than me and Jesus...
if we calling TWO months, I call July and October. I bet the garden will be real nice and breezy in October
can we get a dog?
Oh wait - October is my favorite month of the year. I change my vote to May and October.
And if Don don't speak up soon, I'm calling another month.
and i am appreciating said gift
but u know u gotta get me a personal one right?
@jack- dammit! fine you can have October and May, but I get July (as previously stated) and, um... FUCK IT- I'm taking August, too! That's right- I'm spending my summers in the brownstone HA HA HA HA HA!! SUCKERZ!!
(I think Don is actually working... what you think? should we call another month? I want December...)
@dejanae- girl I love putting together mixes... you're in for it now. Expect something by Friday :)
Used to live in the Slope and loved those 7th Ave. strolls also, but the Slope is a changing. METS!! 4Life!
Uhm yeah I think that every time I see Marley Marl, its just too much.
and la di da look at who finally stopped stalking you My sister ^^ Mrs. M. Ramirez and commented.
ok I'm working on this dinner next week, but Sofritos is not on the list. So sad!
@mrs. ramirez- yes, 7th avenue reminds me why I stay over here
@the f$%k it list- sofrito's is NOT on the list? BOOO!
eh, who am I kidding? I'm a foodie... point me in the direction of the food and I'll be there to eat it LOL
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