Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Problem With American Children...

...is that they have no real consequences for stuff like this

and this

And don't even get me started on the OTHER 7 year old who drove his grandmother's car to the mall... HUH? WHAT?

I think I will open up a "reform" school where bad-ass kids AND their parents and/or caregivers will be required to live for, say, a month, and learn how to be PARENT and CHILD. After a month I'd work with them on an "outpatient" basis.

Because obviously, somewhere along the line, there was a communication breakdown on what that relationship entails. This includes but is not limited to:

>telling your kids grown folk business- can you just let your kids be kids, and not burden them with tales about how your boss is a dick and how your best friend is having an affair with the mailman? Thanks!

>not being afraid to put your foot down. So what if they say, "I hate you" afterwards. THEY'RE KIDS! They don't know shit. Once you accept that, it's all gravy.

>instilling the proper amount of fear in their hearts. I don't mean have the kid trembling and flinching everytime you pass by; I mean enough fear that when their friends say, "Hey, let's go steal this car right quick" they'll be like, "And have my crazy-ass mother come down on me? You're out your ever-lovin' mind!"

On a side note- my girls better never even have a passing thought about doing anything even remotely similar to what I've seen in these videos...LAWD, the ass-whoopin' that would commence would make Joan Crawford say "Daaaaamn, girl, calm down! They're only kids!!"

Mommie Dearest - Joan Crawford Abuse

shiiiit, I might as well buy my orange jumpsuit now, just in case...

*smooches...giving my kids a preemptive side eye...*
...and please don't get me started on parents who like to say, "Me and my [daughter/son] are like best friends!" I HATE that shit! YOU ARE PARENT AND CHILD!! NOT FRIENDS!!

get your own damn friends, you fucking losers...

What? oh, the weekend update? yeah, listen, I'm ridin' the crimson wave right now... I hardly have time to deal with photoshop. I'll try again for tomorrow's post!


Sexxy Luv said...

Can I get in on the order for the Orange jump suits? lol

Can't see the videos at work but from your reaction I can tell they need a azz whoopin'

I agree with the statement about the parents who say they are best friends with there 14 year old child! WTF

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

preach and it aint getting any better
hope u had a ball in bean town folk

JACK said...

"oh your uncle hates me, honey - that's why he won't talk to me." You mean like that? That's bad?

Re: J.C. ... that bitch shoulda not used a wire hanger. y ya.

and that little white kid who smacked his mother across the face?!?!? OMG - I can't even begin to explain the beat down that would follow if one of my kids did such a thing.

As it is - when we go through the mall or anywhere and there's a kid actin' a fool ... I look at the kids and say, "do WE act like that?"

"uh, no"

"you know what happens if you act like that?"

"we get a spankin"

"so long as you know"

Yuh - you can have whatever opinion you want about gay men being parents ... but JACK'S kids know how to act, you hear me?

Now about this school? Any job applications being sought?

Dave Van Buren said...

We passed that video of the kid slapping his mom around the office a while back and the census was that his dad must not have been around because he would have been tackled out of his chair for not only hitting a woman but hitting his momma. One of my co-workers said he would have squished his head like a vice grip.. lol That kid had emotional issues though, I feel bad for him. I would have givin him a nice body shot but afterwards we could have talked out his problems.

Anonymous said...

My parents have STAYED saying this for LIFE

Alongside with That's why American kids be fat , you the parent you buy the food, the end

and "Muchacho habla cuando las gallinas Mean"... which is to say NOT never!

The Jaded NYer said...

@sexxy luv- what size jumpsuit you need, hon? I think the more we order the cheaper the shipping charges. who else wants in? LOL

@torrance- why isn't it getting any better, and how can I fix it? I'd hate to have to go around disciplining other people's kids, but I will if I have to!

@jack- now you know you're my Dean of Students, no application needed.

@super dave- LMAO @ the name change... I guess you were serious about that, huh?

and no you didn't- a body shot and then talk about feelings? LOL

I can't lie, though, if I was her I could not have just stayed in my seat with that shocked look in my face!

There would have been consequences and repercussions the likes of which even hell hasn't seen!

clnmike said...

LMAO, yeah american kids are spoiled rotten.

i.can't.complain. said...

u and bernie mack could go in together for that childcare situation

hell, they way mine has been acting the last 2 days i may need your services....

what's up on 15% off for bloggers kids...

lemme know


Blah Blah Blah said...

The kid who slapped his momma... I can't even imagine a scenario of my boys doing that...so i ain't gonna try.

Just now...my boys are both taller than me...and stronger...but believe me when I say...they are always looking at me for the slightest thing...yea buddy...that's that "certain amount of fear" you were talking about.

Foia said...

Hey you've been tagged..

The F_Uitlist said...

My son is not even 2years old yet(9 more days) and he knows better than to act like this. Slap his momma,ha my no spanking would go out the window.

If I would have stolen my mom's car you would be receiving this comment from a ghost.

Eb the Celeb said...

and people wonder why I dont have any... because I would be whooping they ass up and down the street from the time they come out the womb to make sure they dont end up like this... whew!

The Jaded NYer said...

@clnmike- exactly!

@-1- 15% off? deal!

@blah blah blah- you could come work at my school, too!

@foia- tagged? I'll think about it

@12kyle- you wanna head up the satellite school in ATL? lol

@the f$%k it list- LMAO @ comment from a ghost

@eb- you'd only have to whoop them once or twice... they'd probably learn after that... lol

Mo said...

my mom & grandmother instilled the fear of God, Jesus Christ & Mary in me. And I'm glad they did. Cuz when I got to college & folks were engaging in......seriously illegal sh*t, I flashed back to the "I brought you into this world so I can take u out" speech, shook my head & took my ass to bed lol