Wednesday, July 09, 2008

There Is Someone For Everyone, I Guess...

...because C (my ex-husband to all you newbies) is "probably" getting re-married. I say "probably" like that in quotes because that's how he put it when he told me. "Probably." Just another reminder of how frustrating he can be.

"Probably?" Make up your freaking mind, fool! Ugh, sometimes I could just SHAKE him!

Anywayz, my girl L and I joked about it, already making plans to have her be my "Plus 1" for the ceremony (if I'm invited... WAIT- I'll be invited, right? HE'D BETTER FUCKING INVITE ME!) so we could witness the hilarity of it all and exchange notes and jokes afterwards, but wow. Now it's for real.

So I'm trying to figure out how I feel... because I think I should feel something, right?

There's definitely a lil jealousy- I mean, he found someone before I did; not that there was a competition... because certainly I'm not some uber-competitive crazy nut job who was trying to live happily ever after before him with some random dude I don't even love just to prove a point. No-sir-ee BOB, not me! I'm just sayin'...

And there's some apprehension because I want to make sure that the "probably" soon-to-be second Mrs. C does NOT try to steal or hurt my babies (LORD HELP HER if she does...). Because I am their mother. Their ONLY mother. ME. NUMERO ONLY. No compromise on that there ish.

She will have ZERO say on how things go down with my babies because why? See these here stretch marks (pretend I'm actually bold enough to post a pic of my stretchmarks on this site)? She didn't put in on this, Man, and I'll be damned if she comes along after the fact trying to be Mrs. Mommy Boss Hog. Nah, fuck that. I don't like people playing with my kids!

"Raise up off these N-U-Ts, cause you gets none of these... at ease" BI-OTCH!

...yeah, but otherwise, I can't say that I feel anything, really.

[side note- how funny is it that I bitch and moan about hating motherhood, but the minute it looks like someone's moving in on my territory I'm Super Mom? Who knew it would take C getting remarried for my maternal instincts to kick into OVERKILL? I crack myself up...]

I've never wanted to reconcile with him, so there's no lingering "let's give it another shot" feeling. Maybe I'll be a little weird about calling at random hours of the day and night as I have been doing when I can't remember some odd pop culture reference, because she might feel a little threatened by my youthful exuberance (she's like 47) and timeless good looks. I mean, really, have you SEEN me?? No? Here's a reminder:

Me with dark hair

Me with lighter hair

Either way, I'm the hotness and she knows it. I know she knows it, he knows she knows it and she cries into her pillow every night knowing it.

Here's another reminder for her:

OK, that was straight craziness and hateration, but you know what? Whatever! My ex is getting MARRIED for heaven's sake! I'm not a saint; I'm allowed to be just a teensy bit petty!!

It helps, though, that I will always remember- VIVIDLY- why he's my ex. In case you're new and don't know, click here and here.

I guess I'm happy for him; either that or still in a mild state of shock. I definitely feel less guilty about the way I ended things and really hope he doesn't fuck it up again for the girls' sake. They really could do with not seeing any more divorce in the family.

In the meantime, I'm gonna go out and celebrate the fact that I'm Single and Fabulous, exclamation point, and will resist the urge to go home with some strange piece of beefcake just to boost my ego. Maybe.

*smooches...realizing that green really, truly is just not my color*
so... who wants to party and help me forget that at the end of the night I'm going home alone??


12kyle said...


this is funny!! you are real funny santana. but i will tip my yankee's fitted to least you're honest about your feelings. nuffin wrong with a lil jealousy. you and mr.wimpy will always have a bond. no woman can break that.

i.can't.complain. said...

i say this with all the cyber-love and respect in the world for u


such sexy in the pics of u !

whoever "she" is.... its clearly gonna be a downgrade for him.

team Jaded !

p.s. did i mention how i adore the red hair on u.

i won't tell u that it makes u look super sweet (and waaaay less ... jaded :-P)


The Jaded NYer said...

@12kyle- ewww! why'd you have to remind me that there will always be a bond n shit. maaaaan, now I'm all depressed...


@-1- it WILL be a downgrade for him!

but wait- I look LESS jaded with red hair?

*reaches for bottle of black hair dye*

you don't say... lol

JACK said...

*points at -1* "AYE CHOOS!"

I've got to be honest here - I'm surprised by this post. Well, only by the mommy-territorial part. That you would totally post your pics again to prove your hotter than the old bag ... that's totally believable. And that we're insulting her because she's fifty-ish ... again, totally believable. (Is it believeable? Neither look right to me)

But the mommy-territorial part really threw me for a loop. You mean, when she lets out N's hair and rebraids it cuz she didn't like the way you did it ... you'd like be mad about that or something?

LMAO - i'm playin ... i'm playin!!!

*runs and hides*

JACK said...

oh, and I don't believe there will always be a BOND. I prefer to call it a TIE (and not the Colombian kind). Well, TWO ties. N and K. It's really external (hence, TIE) and not internal (hence, not BOND).


wait - did I just say that?

The Jaded NYer said...


*blood pressure rising*


ooh, damn, you really turned up the mommy button with that one...LOL

@jack, again- YES, thank you... no BOND but a TIE. that's much easier to digest

and LMAO @ "will someone marry PF?"

one can only dream, my friend, one can only dream...

Dave Van Buren said...

My 2 cents is that if he doesn't want you there making jokes he shouldn't invite you. So bring a friend break out a notepad and chuckle away.

And if she 47 she might not want to play mommy anyway. So you might not have to worry about it.

Eb the Celeb said...

Girl you crazy and I love love love it... yes you are too fly... and the first will always have a special place in their heart... she's that substitute love... in the words of Estelle...

anywho... your cynicism about the whole situation... and even though you didnt say it to him... he knows you well enough to know you will only clown his wedding... you most likely will not get an invite... so dont be upset... dont show emotion.... just crash

The Jaded NYer said...

@irene- you wanna go? word? shiiit- lets get a caravan going then! Who else wants in?

@super dave- she is older, but only has sons, so she might get all romantical about having little girls in the house.

but I ain't havin' it!

@eb- damn, you're right! he does know me all too well... aw man! I'm not getting an invite, am I?

oh well... guess I *will* have to crash it. thanks for the tip! lol

i.can't.complain. said...

no !! no black hair dye.

a little less jaded.

just a little.



ShardonaySays said...

wow! u jealous? hold the phone! but, he'll realize after the honeymoon that he had such a better thing before and he gon be blowing ur phone up so be ready for it!

Anonymous said... got married?

(Damn, where have I been since Tech?)


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

his loss regarding u
and just pray for thier happiness
great cut
would look great in a BMW

The Jaded NYer said...

@-1- oh, okay.

*puts down dye*

@detroit- I don't want him to reminisce about me, EWW EWW EWW, I'm just a lil salty because I'm still single... he beat me to the punch, darnit! lol

@linden- YOU FOOL!! Who did you think that man in the suit was that I was with at Irene's wedding?

crack kills, man. lay down the pipe and find Jesus...

@torrance- he knows it's his loss (although he's probably letting out a sigh of relief that he doesn't have to deal with my brattiness anymore) and I do wish them well.

He's got issues I just could not deal with; better her than me lol

JACK said...

First of all - the new wife may insist he invite you to the wedding because, let's face it - you're not going to let the kids go with SOMEONE ELSE, right? And if he's waiting at the alter, he can't very well play daddy. Unless, she leaves him waiting at the alter indefinitely.

OK, you know what - count me in! I want in!

*digs out jester outfit from last halloween*


The Jaded NYer said...

*choking on water*

OMG!!! That was freakin hilarious! dique "found my suit"

OK, so far that's three peeps at my table; who else wants in?

PCD (Pretty Circle Drawer) said...

aw! i'd feel a little weird if my ex were getting married. do you really want to go? if so, i hope he invites you. and watch out for those babies...there's something about step-mothers....especially if the kids are girls. its like they compete or something

am i being paranoid? not trying to be :-)

Bretthead said...

Congrats on your continued fabulousness and hotness my friend.

Judy D. said...

great post!
-good writez!

had me cracking up
cute pictures of u 2... glad yr over him... AND
that chick bets to not get her i think i am a mami feel on... ::rolls eyes:: lol

The Jaded NYer said...

@pcd- I want to go because I'm nosy as all hell LOL

and you're not paranoid because I was thinking the same thing. hopefully he let her know that me and my entire family are insane, so she won't try anything

@wow- thank you


@judy- gracias... it's very easy to get over someone you never loved, not like THAT anyway...

and if she does try something, she'll just have to find out the hard way that NO, that's not acceptable lol

Ms.Erika said...

Ha ha ha I really enjoyed your ramble of haterations on your ex. I would be salty too.

If your kids are in the wedding then you have to be invited.

Mo said...

Hey, I think after pushing out 2 kids, I think you're allowed to feel however the hell you feel like.

Girl, you get two snaps & a twist!!

The F_Uitlist said...

I love that you can be this honest here. And why shouldn't you feel a tang of jealousy, He "Might" be getting married. Your good because that would have sent me into a hysterical laughing fit.

Hmm I don't know him but I want in. I love to dance at weddings and laugh at broke down folks frontin' HA


dejanae said...

ur a trip
nice pics
show him wat he's missin

Don said...

enjoyed the read.

The Jaded NYer said...

@ms.erika- good point! he kinds *does* have to invite me... YAY!

@kieya- LOL thanks girl!

@the f$%k it list- you want in? cool. that's four people... who else? c'mon folks, "with six you get egg rolls" LMAO!!

@dejanae- see this is why I need to go to the wedding; imagine how funny THAT post will be!!

@don- thanks :)