Wednesday, August 06, 2008

And So It Begins

Dear Lord,

I know we had a falling out and I talk shit about you and your peeps and all that, but I'm hoping we can put that aside for a little bit because I have a huge favor to ask.

Lord, can you please bestow upon me some patience? Not a little bit, but, like, enough for ten people? Otherwise, a certain 13-year-old will be coming home to you sooner than expected...

Do you know this HEIFER had the AUDACITY to run up my phone bill? So instead of the $120 I normally pay a month my current Verizon bill, which was at a lovely $0.00, is now damn near $400??? OOOH K was sooooo lucky she was with her father when I found out, because if she had been home... let me not even get my pressure all up about it...

DAMMIT, $400?!?! That's an extra $280 that I have to take from somewhere else to pay this damn bill! What part of STOP USING UP THE DAYTIME MINUTES does this child of god NOT understand??

And you know where that money is coming from, right? That's right- I had to cancel my plans to see Marc Anthony, Aventura and Alejandro Fernandez in concert on the 21st, and I'm wicked pissed about it!!!!!!!!!!

*deep, cleansing breaths*

So, when Miss K brings her chatterbox ass back home from camp, guess what? I gots me a new maid. That's right- she's paying me back every extra minute she was on the phone talking about boys and anime and the latest song by The Wombats she was into that week with COLD, HARD, BACK-BREAKING, CHARACTER-BUILDING LABOR.

She'll be scrubbing floors on her hands and knees, the windows, baseboards, rearranging and cleaning out closets, cleaning and re-lining the kitchen and bathroom cabinets, scrubbing the walls, ceilings, light fixtures... you name it, she's gonna do it. At a rate of $5.00/hour.

Slave wages, you say? Ask me if I care...

If anyone is gonna run up my phone bill, it's gonna be me!

*smooches...cracking the whip because I care*
or because it's hella fun... whatever works...

on a side note, I did accrue some extra charges on the text messages. so, um, certain PEOPLE who are not Verizon customers but have unlimited text messaging, please note that I do not... and that Yahoo IM is free. So bring the damn computer to the couch and IM me Y YA!

thanks, love you to bits!!!

second side note: we took Miss K to sleepaway camp on Sunday. I'm still pissed about my phone bill, but, *sniffle* it was hard to leave her there all by herself *sniffle* I hope she has fun...


12kyle said...

make her work! that'll teach her! i love it

she's 13? what is there to talk about so much at 13?? i remember when i was 13. we didn't have a damn thing to say on the phone. lol

Dave Van Buren said...

damn.. see now it's time to get her a nice pre-paid phone. So when the minutes are up she can IM her friends like normal people lol

Bangs and a Bun said...

When I have children, I nominate you to be their disciplinarian.

Keisha "Kitten" Isaacs said...

Hey Sistah!

LOL...sounds like Miss K will be learning consequences for her action....sounds like a great lesson to be learned! Be sure to take it a step further and explain how you basically have to work like that to feed her and her sister....once her laboring is over....

The Jaded NYer said...

@lena- hopefully she AT LEAST learns not to run up my phone bill. she's 13, though... I expect a lot more foolishness like this in my future!

@12kyle- EXACTLY! all she talks about with her friend is this anime comic they read online called "Bleach"... I'm like, can't you IM her about this mess??

@super dave- a prepaid is not an option because I need to be able to reach her when I'm at work. She just needs to learn to curb the nonsense talking

@bangs and a bun- you are not the first person to say that to me LOL

@keisha- she don't even KNOW... but she will... I don't play around! She's lucky I'm not my mom- *I* would have just gotten whooped for this mess!

clnmike said...

Dang 400?

Yup a little manual labor is good for the soul and common sense.

PCD (Pretty Circle Drawer) said...

WOW! thats a lot of money! why are girls so chatty? i could not be quiet for the life of me when i was younger...and what the heck was i even talking about? what was soooooooo important that i just HAD to write notes during every class (usually getting caught) and sneaking on the phone (way before cell phones were the thing). i'm glad you believe in teaching her to repay the debt. i would totally be right in line with you on the labor. and $5 is a good amount. can't be too high or she'll be done super fast and the lesson will get lost

The Jaded NYer said...

@clnmike- yes, $400 of my hard-earned dollars, handed over to Verizon because she can't control herself. *sigh* but I am having a good time listing the chores she will have to do!!

@pcd- I guess I was more afraid of my mom than she is of me because I never EVER played with her money like that!

I figured if I made her work it off we can avoid similar problems in the future, because no one hates housework more than K; a spanking, in this particular scenario, would have been useless.

Don said...

we've all gone through our periods of having to learn the hard way. i know i have. so i think you should just sit here down and explain to her that she must listen to you when you tell her something cause you aren't going to tell her anything wrong.

$400??? wow. You might want to switch over to a pre-paid plan. lol.

Anonymous said...

$400? Sheeeit!

I am surprised you didn't drive up there and whoop her ass. LOL!

Yeah, I think it mabe be time for a prepaid phone.

Ms. Go Getter said...

First time stooping by and I will def be back!!! Yea, my dad put me on that prepaid status when I made that mistake back in the day lol

dessex said...

$400....damn.....I wouldn't even know what to do

Mo said...

COLD, HARD, BACK-BREAKING, CHARACTER-BUILDING LABOR. -->i've been there and can attest that yes, it does build character

*twitches slightly from memories*

but damn...400?

my mom would've buried me in the park and said she didn't have a daughter lol

Judy D. said...

THATS RIGHT! Make her pay. Teach her a lesson on values and priority!

Sexxy Luv said...

I dpon't blame K, i blame K's mama!!!.....who is that you ask?....YOU!!!!


because you should have the unlimited minutes and text that T-mobile are offering for $149.99!

to much you say?.....well guess what?....that's for 2 lines!!!! Yup you read it right 2 lines!

lol, and don't curse me in spanish either!

Anonymous said...

Hellz Yeah!, shit I was the maid to my momma and my daddy for less shit than that, say, like, Just because!, forget it if I came almost Passing Math!!!

I says It worked so well that God forbid i should have kids... they'd be cute little indentured servants... shit my sister already trained her 2 1/2 year old to bring her own diaper and wipes for her and her lil bro

Foia said...

Damn shawty...Ya'll need metro in 58.00 a month and you can talk every minute of that month for that flat

The Jaded NYer said...

@don- a prepaid is not an option for us; she just has to learn to control herself

@irene- stop because I almost called you to give me a ride up to Nyack! lol

@ms. jones- thanks for stopping over... I don't get what there is to talk about at 13. I never was on the phone like that at her age...

@dessex- I'm telling you, I had to do some meditating to calm myself down!

@kieya- LMAO @ your mom's punishment! lol

@judy- I'm hoping that's what happens...

@sexxy luv- oh no honey, I could never abandon Verizon; all other wireless companies pale in comparison. the child will just have to learn to respect my money is all

and LOL @ me cursing you out in Spanish! you're nuts! lol

@q- HAHAHAHAHA!! your sister is a smart woman!!!

@foia- wow! $58?? now I'm salty...

Unknown said...

el diablo
$400... !


i feel you on the text messages, mofo's need to stop that ish.