Thursday, August 14, 2008

Grace Under Pressure

  • I feel like it's my last days at this job. Just a feeling deep in my bones. Not that I can afford to be unemployed right now but I can smell something afoul in the air.

  • My ex is bringing his girlfriend to N's birthday party on Sunday. It doesn't really bother me except now I have to be all polite and graceful n shit. Now I have to actually comb my hair and press my clothes. Dammit!

  • Sallie Mae is hella pissed at me. She keeps sending me angry letters. But what can I do? Contrary to popular belief, there is no money tree in my backyard. She needs to settle for what I can manage or kick rocks!

  • My apartment looks WORSE than a bachelor pad. I can honestly say that this is the absolute rock bottom of disgusting messiness and filth. But every night I come home and just PLOP on the couch and do nothing.

  • My TO DO list resembles a scroll that can extend from Brooklyn to Cleveland and I can't, for the life of me, clone myself fast enough to get it all done. And the two clones I did manage to make last week absconded with my savings and went to the Cayman Islands. Rat bastards...

It's all I can do to not curl up into a little ball and cry inconsolably. But of course, it's not on my TO DO list so I can't even think about falling apart.

HOWEVER... I truly do surround myself with the best people... just when I'm ready to give in to the stress and the tears and the binge eating, J sends me the Leela James CD I asked him to send me a few weeks ago.

Like, how did he know I needed that shit RIGHT THIS MINUTE?

Leela James - A Change Is Gonna Come

*smooches...hanging by a thread, though you'd never know it unless I told you so*
I'm not certain how much longer I'll be able to "SMILE AND NOD" my way through life. I'd hate to be the person sitting next to me on the F-Train when I finally snap...


Anonymous said...

Girl, you need to go home tonight, blast the music, and clean your house. A clean place always makes me feel better. That and a little rum.

Then you need to prioritize your "to do" list and start knocking out the easiest or most pressing items first. I am sure 'finish my thesis edits' is on there somewhere. LOL!

12kyle said...

@ jaded santana
tell sallie mae to kick rocks and get in line. they aren't the only people who you owe money to. stand in line and take a number. lol

PCD (Pretty Circle Drawer) said...

noooooooo, dont snap on the train!!!! i'm with up is guaranteed to make you feel better!

Dave Van Buren said...

please don't snap on the train like that dude in Canada. I don't want to see you on the news.. plus you still owe me that shout out at your acceptance speech.

The Jaded NYer said...

@irene- yes, you're right. I'm cancelling my doc's appointment and just going home to "put my house in order"

prioritizing the to do list... that's another story. for some reason in my mind, everything needs to be done YESTERDAY! lol

@jack- LMAO! no, wrong J... you so silly!! If J-Money had sent a CD I'm sure it would have been some Winans or something... you know how he rolls...

@12kyle- I tried to tell them, but they ain't trying to hear it... whatever. I'm done with them! lol

@pcd- LOL! I almost snapped today on some dude who would NOT scoot over into the empty seat next to him and instead stayed in the seat next to me. And then had the sniffles so he kept doing the coke-head sniff. UGH he was soooooo almost gonna get it!

@super dave- you're right, you're right... I'll try to hold it together until after the Oscars...

Anonymous said...

Ok, send me your "to do" list. I will prioritize it for you.

No, seriously.

The Jaded NYer said...

@irene- I was hoping you would say that... lol

I'll type it up and send tonight...

The F_Uitlist said...

You want me and your BOO to come over to help you clean?

And da hell with smiling and nodding thru life, honestly is the best policy. Then you won't snap on the train....see!

i.can't.complain. said...

u remember that show

grace under fire

i think that was the name of it


kudos to u for being a big girl and facing all the shit life's throwing at u


hang in there

(as if u had any other choice)


Eb the Celeb said...

Ok I cant wait to hear how this bday party went