At first I wasn't going to make a big deal out of it, but then I figured it would be fun so why not? I even figured I could do a tiny give-away, which I've been discussing with the entire Cast of The Jaded NYer* for a while now. No better time than the present, right?
So let's get on with the extravaganza...
First, for all the newbies (and the-not-so-new but oh-so-nosy vets), I'm willing to take a page from the other blogs I've read and open myself up for questions**- TWO EACH TOPS, okay? nosy-ass mo-fo's... and I promise to answer it 100% honestly; The Cast will make sure I'm not lying.
Next, I'm gonna test your Jaded NYer trivia skills... for the first person to list my four celebrity crushes correctly in the comments, I will send you this, hot off the presses... drum roll, please......

The Jaded NYer TShirt!!! Yeah, bitchez, I finally broke down and made myself a shirt, and one for readers/fans/cast members. My shirt looks like this:

The graphic is a wee bit stretched out on my shirt, but what can I do? It's a blessing AND a curse...
Then, for the fifth person to leave a comment, I will send you this... hot off the presses, too, The Official Jaded NYer Academic Calendar, complete with gorgeous photos of MY New York- not the one you see in the movies.

Why an academic calendar? Because that's the kind I use... you got a problem with free shit? The nerve...
Finally, for the next three runners-up to the Name My Celeb Crushes question... an autograph picture of yours truly!!!
What? You don't want it?? Why I oughtta...
So now a time for reflection on this whole blogging game...
I first became aware of them through Irene- she introduced me to LiveJournal and we each had an account and I think I wrote like 5 entries and then gave up. Then I couldn't remember my login information- this happens to me a lot- so I never went back.
Then I read a peculiar news item about a woman in California who was fired for writing about her job. Today we know her as DOOCE, AKA Heather B. Armstrong, and she's still my favorite blogger of ALL TIME! To me, she's like the Don Corleone of blogging. *bows down to Don Dooce*
At one point I discovered blogger.com and started a blog in '04 that I recently deleted. At first it was just silly things like I have here, but then I found myself using it as a release during The Break Up Heard Round The World, so there was some real raw shit over there that I was reluctant to delete at first. Sometimes I would go over there and read it and applaud myself for getting through it all without slitting my wrists. Not that I'm that weak of heart, but you get my drift.
Here are excerpts from the first post:
What's the worst thing that could happen to a City girl like me? You guessed it- I'm moving to Jersey. Wait a minute while I puke...
I don't mean to hate on the Garden State (hey, that rhymes!), but blech! Never in a million years...
It's not even cool jersey- it's farm country jersey. BLECH BLECH BLECH!! On a side note, I've made this one, keen observation: all of my down-home peeps are like "ewwww, Jersey", and all of my Caucasian co-workers are like "oh, the country, I'm so jealous. You'll love it. It'll be so great for your kids" and I just want to smack them. You know what will be great for my kids? To see other kids of color in their classrooms. To be enriched by the glorious wonder that is NYC. Not to live next door to cows. No, literally. The property next door has cattle...
...Today's goal: find what died in my bathroom and get rid of it.
Then an ex convinced me to get on myspace (yes, the same ex from The Break Up Heard Round The World, and no it's not my ex-husband) and I started blogging on there. It was fun; I really started to develop my style over there, but then I had to leave. Because he dumped me and I didn't want to have to see his PUNK ASS on myspace all the time. Because OF COURSE I was stalking his freakin page. WHAT?
At this time I was also working at a horrible place my co-workers and I called The Basement, and so I started a blog where we could bitch and moan about it. Except I ended up being the only one writing; they CLAIMED that they'd rather read my rants. Mhmm... SIDE EYE to all my Basement Co-Workers!
Finally, with my myspace gone and the two blogger accounts on the D.L., I started this blog, called it Not Just Some Sniveling Girl, labeled myself The Queen of Brooklyn, and began sending updates to my friends and close family members.
I also started Stranger Than Fiction and another spot where I keep track of my writing samples (articles, stories, BAD poetry), but that was mostly for my own benefit and not really something I advertised. Sometime last year I switched this spot over to the new URL, The Jaded NYer, since that's what I was calling myself anyway, and here we are today.
At the 500th post.

What have I learned during all this?
1- The blogoshpere is JUST LIKE a John Hughes teen flick, where everyone is in a little clique and pretty much stays there without venturing out too far. And god forbid you have a falling out with someone in the inner circle... talk about domino effect of childishness... Hey, I do it, too! And it's real easy to get caught up in some bullshit if you let yourself, so just remember- none of these fools out here, me included, pay your bills, so fuck all the haters.
(and I would just like to add that I'm very thankful that the haters have not made their way to The Jaded NYer, or if they have, have kept their e-tongues in check. I'd really hate to have to e-cut a mo-fo...)
2- Every one has their own definition of TMI, and that definition changes from post to post. At one point I didn't want any pics of my kids on here. Now, since they're a little older and whatnot, I'm a little more lax. I still won't put their government out there, but one or two pics here and there have been okay with me so far.
And I used to talk about my dates (good and bad) but then decided that the dudes didn't really give me permission to do so, plus I had a tendency to be a bitch or jinx my own situation, so I stopped. From now on, you'll never know if I'm taken until you come over here and see the post title: The Jaded NYer Gets Married. HA HA HA HA!! Yeah, right... don't hold your breath...
3- The male bloggers have A LOT of female readers and the female bloggers have A LOT of male readers... hmmm... is Blogger the new craigslist?? Am I in the middle of a meat market and didn't know? Is that why some people flood their pages with pictures of themselves?
4- Blogging can easily take over your life, which is why I force myself to take breaks, regardless of the stank phone calls and emails I used to get from Mari. Sometimes I feel like, "Damn, I have loyal readers and I owe them something interesting to read," and then other days I'm like, "Fuck all you hos..."
5- I've been more open to trying new things JUST BECAUSE I can blog about it after I do it. So in a way I'm conquering a few fears and getting out more by having this blog. Like bungee jumping at Six Flags New England. Or being nice to my ex's new girlfriend. Not too shabby at all.
6- Be careful what you write; if you don't want it to come back and bite you in the ass don't push that "publish" button. Me? I stand by every word I've ever written. It may not be how I feel today, but it's how I felt when I published the words, and I'm not ashamed of any of it. Embarrassed, maybe. Ashamed? NEVER!
7- Some of y'all got some potty mouths and X-rated shit on your pages! TSK TSK!! What would the Baby Jesus say?
8- I'm not as well read as I thought! Some of the blogs I read and lurk around be schoolin' me sometimes (Brother Omi, I'm looking at you...). Sometimes I refuse to visit certain pages because the level of information I might take away with me will make me pass out. But seriously, keep it up, 'cause when I do visit I can just feel myself get smarter. And that makes this Nerd Girl very happy.
9- There are more good writers out there than I initially thought. Some of them are even super talented. And dammit- with all y'all out there how am I supposed to get my shit published? Haven't you heard that The World Needs Ditch Diggers, Too? Go dig a ditch and stay out of my way, dammit!!!
10- If I ever decided to close up shop, I would actually be missed. That's an awesome feeling, and I'm really, truly appreciative and humbled by the love I feel from all of you in the blogosphere.
Here's to another 500 posts!
*smooches, besos, bacioni, bejus, bisous, and all that good stuff*
*cast members? Yes, cast members; the people featured here on a regular besides the babies and me: Jack, Lani, Mari, Minnie, Irene, Cathi, with special guest appearances by Nina, Celia, Marcin, Mami and John Cusack.
**questions disclaimer: I reserve the right not to answer any question that I feel would infringe on someone else's privacy. so don't even ask it!
I just want the calender
Lol, Congrats on your 500th post, and looking foward to the next 500.
Eveything about blogging you said is straight up law.
Funny how the year before when some one told me they blogged I looked at them like they were from planet Mars, now I cant stop for real.
awww. congrats.
whew. 500 posts? that would take me until FOREVER. whew. *bows to jaded*
couldn't agree more with your list of things you've learned. i've learned a lot too. and i thought i was the only one who tried new things and took pictures of interesting things just so i could write about them on my blog. lol.
i actually really like the jaded by association shirt. you're not a business man, you're a business, MAN! lololol.
blogging can be therapy sometimes, i swear. reading other people's thoughts and discovering that i'm not as crazy as i thought has been very good for my self-esteem. lolol.
anyhoo, keep up the funny chica. i seriously think you should consider stand up. i think you'd rock. lol.
John Cusack
Slash from GNR
Sergio Vargas
This is sad because:
1. Its 5am and I woke up only to wrack my brain about your obsession
2. Reading your blog trumps my need to lesson plan, prepare for my classes, etc.
3. I will feel some kind of way if I dont win the damn shirt... ;-)
hhhmmm I know you have a crush on John Cusack, Johan santana and Slash. Does the BMW count? I think it should that's 4... I seem to remember some spanish singer, dude at the mets game I could cheat and look thru you old posts but I'm too lazy for that.
Questions... sorry, I can't really think of any.
500 Post. Really? It's funny how time flies...
Celebrity crushes: Slash, Boris Kodjoe, Johan Santana, John Cusack.
*best chris tucker imitation* ...I won, give me my mon-ey.
If I could give you an award I'd give you the True To The Game award because you are a true blogger, in the sense of what blogging was meant to be.
I've been reading The Jaded Nyer since '04 (okay okay...I mean 4 months) but every time I click on your site I know exactly what to expect from you, and I like that about your blog.
I could write a book entitled The Truth about Blogging. Of course I think I've witnessed everything under the sun since I began blogging.
I found your page thru 12Kyle's blog. I click onto your link after I kept wondering who is this italian chick who thinks she's black? I was shocked to eventually find out that you weren't italian but sicilian.
Finally, reading this blog post made me think of three things:
1) no matter how many times I come to your blog I will always be considered as 'the help.'
2) A bottle of Snap Back curl activator.
3) I suddenyl have a taste for baby melon(s).
Happy 500...
Congrats on the 500! Pop bottles! It's a celebration!
Love the t-shirts! Maybe I can steal the idea for the 12th Planet?
500 posts is a LOT!!! congrats! i haven't won anything...but i'm glad i can at least comment now, since pinky the wonder laptop was acting a monkey-doodle fool!
Congratulations! I found your blog through Lani and have been hooked ever since. I like the way you write, your openness and honesty, your in your face-ness. And it's nice to know there's another non-girlie-girl out there. Ha ha ha!
Congrats!! on the big 5-0-0. I enjoy your humor and honesty. The shirt is Phat! Do people still say Phat? They should.
Yay! congrats Babe!!!
I KNOW one of the crushes is John Cusack... dammit i don't know the rest
Hmm Unless you tombout lurkers my readers are chicas!
I'm like you on that I stand by what I Write so let a mofo come back being pissy about something he/she read
P.S: Baby Jesus would want him some of that
Real Talk
oh, my bad. i forgot to ask two questions.
1) have you ever been handcuffed to a shower curtain rod?
2) have you ever gotten drunk and had someone take advantage of you?
Congrats, Lady! Luv to see folks committed to their craft. Like I posted on twitter, I'm a fan of cynical and witty writing. Gets me ever time.
Going back over a few of your posts, I can see how you've evolved as a storyteller. I'm a fan.
1. Is there any topic you will not write about? Names changed to protect the innocent....
2. Would you stop blogging if your significant other did not support you because of the time committment it takes to blog?
Now, lemme borrower $5, so I can buy one of those shirts!
Am I too late?!? I want the shirt!!!
give me my damn shirt! i was up until 2am waiting on the post! i want my shirt i know where you live!
Congrats on the 500th! that's a lot not forsure if i have 15 dang....lol
2 questions:
are you shipping my shirt with pripority or standard?
what is your email so i can send you my address?
Thank you all for the well wishes! I just got in from drinking my ass off in Harlem, so excuse my lateness...
First off- Mari won the TShirt. Sorry to Super Dave and Don but although I have many a naughty dream about him, Johan Santana is an athelete, and I don't consider atheletes to be celebrities so he was not on my list. Sorry!
Second, Super Dave- you won the calendar. It's real nice, I promise, and I took all the pictures myself!
Next, Don- you get an autograph picture of me, which I know you wanted anyway!! lol
Finally, answers to the questions...
Don you asked-
1) have you ever been handcuffed to a shower curtain rod?
No I haven't. Because I'm a civilized human being who doesn't do stuff like that.
2) have you ever gotten drunk and had someone take advantage of you?
With me, it's usually the other way around.
Rezidl, you asked-
1. Is there any topic you will not write about? Names changed to protect the innocent....
I only keep my dating/sex life under wraps... to protect the innocent AND the guilty ;)
2. Would you stop blogging if your significant other did not support you because of the time committment it takes to blog?
What?!?! I can tell you're new... that fool would have to gets to steppin' if he couldn't handle my blogging!!
And again- thank you all for stopping by and reading and commenting and just having a good time at my spot.
I truly appreciate it ;)
Congrats Congrats Congrats Congrats Congrats....
I missed the blog party... but we did it big enough last night to make up for it... Thx sooooooo much for coming all the way to harlem from BK to hang with me... next time I promise I will invite some hot tall latino men for you...lol
Congrats on the BIG 500th post. You are sick with it!.
I forgot there was free stuff or I would have been here earlier (like yesterday when I posted and blogger decided to eat my damn post)
Anyway happy happy.
congrats, negrita..
never fall off..
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