Thursday, August 28, 2008


I'm not 100% certain, but I think there used to be a car here:

I mean, it was there when I came home that evening... If you ask me, the Wigger Council had something to do with it...

*smooches...sad to see that crime visited my block*
but one car theft in two years is actually pretty good for Brooklyn, so let me not complain


clnmike said...

Damn I hate a thief!

They stole my first motorcyle right in front of my apartment right afet I got the tire fixed on it.

I wanted to throw up, I would of given anything, anything! to catch that bastard.

I would of let him have my car before that bike.

God I hate a thief!

On another note what the hell is going on in your neighborhood?

Dave Van Buren said...

see that's exactly why I don't live near white people... lol

The Jaded NYer said...

@clnmike- ouch! If I had known it was yours I never would've thief'd it! lol JUST KIDDING- please don't hunt me down...

@super dave- LMAO!!

Don said...

Either that, or someone left their window pane behind. LOL. I wonder when they will start making cars which are theft proof???

The F_Uitlist said...

Hmmm the Wigger coucil again. I told you to curse them fools out and hit them with the pepper spray.

JACK said...

*picks up bag of shards of glass*

Never know when this might come in handy.

*side eyes Don*

PCD (Pretty Circle Drawer) said...

thats ridiculous! i KNOW that person was s-i-c-k when they saw it. but, things can be replaced...rather this than being carjacked i guess

dessex said...

shit ain't safe no where....I'm still mad someone stole my scooter when i was 9.

12kyle said...

maybe a crackhead borrowed it for the weekend?

Foia said...


The Jaded NYer said...

@don- theft proof cars are available now; just keep a suge knight looking fool in front of your car! lol

@the f$%k it list- anything bad that goes down here I'm blaming them from now on!!

@jack- you can take the boy out of queens...

@pcd- when I was a kid, someone broke my mom's car window to steal the car radio... it's not a good feeling to find that mess the next morning!

@dessex- dang I said i was SORRY!! lol

@12kyle- everybody knows crackheads don't aim that high LOL

@foia- that's what I said when I saw the glass...
