Monday, August 25, 2008

Sign O' The Times

Remember a time when your milk was delivered by a friendly milkman every morning, the butcher knew exactly how you liked your steak trimmed, and the bag boy at your local grocery store offered to bring your purchases to your car?


Me neither.

Because the New York I grew up in is the kind of place where you can toss your own salad (he he he)

right across the street from the place that will help you kill your evil liver for only $3.00 a pop (boo-YAH!).

Yes, I know, I'm soooooooo immature. Like I care...

*smooches...wondering what took me so long to post these pics*
I pass by those signs everyday, and everyday without fail I chuckle like a little girl at the hidden meaning of one and candidness of the other. Ah, New York... how much do I love thee...

PS- make sure you tune in tomorrow... you don't want to miss the giveaways... oh yeah, I said giveaways...


Dave Van Buren said...

the toss salad man opened his own shop with 30 toppings and 15 dressings!!! I'm sure jelly and syrup are 2 of them... lmao

My liver is Evil but I think it needs more that beer to kill it. Vodka please.

Don said...

You're wrong for that @ cirrhosis countdown. Too funny.

On another note, have you ever read the book The 5 People You Meet in Heaven?

Kduh said...

that sign used to make me laugh every day too!

The Jaded NYer said...

@super dave- no, man, Vodka is like the cocaine of liver damage. Like, you can kill yourself with cigarettes but NOT with cocaine. You can kill yourself with beer but NOT vodka. See my logic here?? lol

@don- $3 beers can only lead to cirhossis!

and no, I haven't read that book. why read a book about people I'm not gonna meet because I already have reservations to hell. VIP all the way, baby!!

@kduh- why is it STILL so funny to me? I wonder if the store owners know what that means...LOL

Don said...

*searches the yellow pages for the name & number of the nearest exorcist*

JACK said...

*snatches phone from Don, smacks him in the head with it and sits back down in 1A*

clnmike said...

Lol, you getting out of hand with that camera.

Ms.LadyCop said...


The F_Uitlist said...

I'm with Super Dave I need more than beer to kill my liver. Beer is just EWWWW anyway (except redstripe ofcourse).

LMAO at Jack and Don, you two are crazy!

Sexxy Luv said...

LOL! yea those would make me laugh everytime i passed by as well. lol

can you stop with the fine small print! i'll be rushing over tomorrow to see whats FREE! :)

Sexxy Luv said...

oh and it better not be none of that mix chicks stuff cause i can't use that on my weave! LMAO!

The Jaded NYer said...

@don- didn't you see The Exorcist? Those poor, poor priests...

@jack- see, that's why you're in 1A to begin with!! LOL

@clnmike- you love it, admit it!

@jadore.tokeyo- *bows* Thank you, I'm here all week!

@the f$%k it list- well, I'll talk to the bar mgr and see what I can do

@sexxy luv- girl, then get you some of that indian hair weave LMAO!!

and I cannot stop the fine print- it's my trademark... ;)

The F_Uitlist said...

did you get the brunch invitation?