Tuesday, September 30, 2008

As Long As My $9.43 Is Okay...

**Last night's show went well.. I'm starting to conquer my nerves a little more, and I had fun! And thank you 12Kyle for being a great co-host!

I know I said I'd do an "After The Show" post every Tuesday, but I just found out that the Blog Talk Radio site has an option to post a blog... so now every Tuesday you can leave comments on the previous night's show over there.

Here's today's link:
Monday Musings After The Show

And if you missed the show because you're 100 years old and you went to sleep early, here's that link:
Monday Musings- Sports in the News

Now back to our program, already in progress...

Can someone please explain to me why people are losing their fucking minds over the House not passing that bailout BS?

And what does it mean for the Dow to "plummet" by 700 points? Because it sounds kinda bad.

And wait- so what does that mean for my TIAA-CREF money? Oh hell nawl- are they messing with my TIAA-CREF? I *KNEW* I should have emptied that bitch out when I left The Waco School for Girls... UGH!!!

But seriously, the happenings on Wall Street are not my area of expertise at all. In fact, it's like a whole other language to me, one that I'm not sure I'll ever truly grasp. I don't have any investments anywhere, and not too long ago ING closed my savings account due to inactivity (the bastards!)- so it's just me and my checking account and my debit card.

So what is all the broo-haha about?

And why are McCain and Obama tryna act like they actually have the power to turn this mess around?? Even *I* know that the president has no say on economic shit; look at Bush's face next time he's talking about these bailouts, and tell me if it doesn't look like he's thinking "I hope the American public can't tell I have no power over this situation..."... that mess is a cycle: sometimes it's up, sometimes it's down... like the tides or my moods.

McCain and Obama need to stop lying to the people as if they can do away with these troubles by simply being sworn in. And Bush... man, he just needs to just GO SOMEWHERE already... TSK TSK... shame on all of you!

And while we're on it, if Bush wants to just GIVE AWAY $700 billion dollars, he can send the check to Raquel I. Penzo, or direct deposit it into my account at BOA... I'm sure he knows the account number... spying bastard...

*smooches...wondering if this is only be a rich folk problem*
but I figured I'd ask just in case I need to get into "survival mode" and hoard food and supplies like Grandma used to...


Green said...


But to be honest, I agree with you. But moreso, I think that these "changes" that everyone is planning on making if and when they get into office aren't goiong to be seen by the people who need it most. There is Middle Class America and then, there's a whole buncha people who ain't in middle nothin'. They live day in and day out, listening to these people rant and rave about the Bull on Wall Street, knowing that is has absolutely nothing to do with them. Its sad. But its true. All this Wall St. stuff...how is my life affected by it? I was a broke single mother before and I'm still a broke single mother now. No broker. Just as broke as I was before. And when whoever comes into office (Obama, whoop whoop!!), I'm not just gonna be transported to a condo with my name on it. My boss is still gonna be a dick, I won't get a raise, even if HE now has the money. I'm still gonna have all these damn bills.... UGHHHHH.....

I dunno

Dave Van Buren said...

It's a bigger issue if you need to borrow money. But if you just maintaining you should be ok.

Oh and if you have a 401k plan. It's probably worthless. when the market drops so does the value of it. but if you not retiring anytime soon don't worry about it.

12kyle said...

first lemme say thanks for letting me do the show last night. i had a good time. nervous? the jaded nyer? neva!!! haaaaa

what we're in right now is a HUGE mess. as much as i want obama to get in (and i think he will)...he'll spend at least the first 2 years of his administration cleaning up this mess. he may get a year to do his thing. then, he'll have to spend the next year campaigning just to get another 4 yrs to set the record straight. it'll be an uphill battle. but hey...somebody's gotta do it. we just can't expect him to wave a magic wand and heal all of the little towns people.

The Jaded NYer said...

@green- that's exactly how I see it.. my check is still not going to stretch as far as I need it to, I'm still going to need to pimp my writing out there like the dickens, and I'll STILL be in debt... so the market dropped and I need to pay attention why?

@super dave- okay, so that means that my TIAA-CREF is prob in the toilet right about now... oh well...

@12kyle- anytime, dude... if I see another segment that might fit you I'll let you know

and you're right- it will take YEARS to fix this mess, and elected officials need to work out LONG TERM plans for recovery and not a $700 billion get-out-of-jail-free card...

clnmike said...

It effects lender and people who need a loan.

Basically no one is getting there money back and the goverment is trying to pay the tab as opposed to finding out how they got in the hole in the first place.

Darius T. Williams said...

I'm with you...this economy sucks. I'm just sitting back and taking it all in!

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm happy they didn't throw that 700 billion dollars away. That guy just wanted to make it rain in the strip club. This little recession is every ones problem now, but I personally don't care, because I was broke before the recession. I see some new deal type of thing coming in the near future. Wow I officially made no sense in this post. Maybe its has to do with this hondurian rum. Vote for Obama

Ok I am a little bit scared. Cause two of my banks got bought out by bigger banks. So I'm wondering what that means for me.

The F_Uitlist said...

Well now you should have sent me an email you know this is what I do. Too much for the comment section but here goes...

The Dow is one of many stock indicies, it is comprised of 30 of the largest public companies (also known as blue chips). The Dow has been comprised of a lot of banks which as you know are failing and so the downfall of the market. It is pretty bad that it was down 777pts but it would have been worse if it had hit 10% because then trading would have been halted. So no trading is way worse.

If you have a Creff 401K plan and they are investing in the SP500 then you are probably down, check it out and make sure.

No this is not a rich folks problem. If AIG was allowed to fail the entire economy could have collapsed. The stats are that for every wall street job that is lost 2 "non-finance" jobs are lost. So waiter, the coffee tea guy can all say bye bye.

I was not for the buy out though, for two many reasons to list here.

The F_Uitlist said...

Oh and as for banks, no need to run and tuck your money under mattresses, your $$ is protected.

Keisha "Kitten" Isaacs said...

Hey Sistah!

I listened to last night's show this morning...Good stuff...it was great to hear both of your voices! Keep up the good work

One Man’s Opinion said...

I don't know about it only being a rich problem, but I know it is hitting their asses hard. I'm just a little worried about my 401k, but not that much. Like the song says, "I'm so glad....trouble don't last always." Of course you gotta believe and trust in my man Jesus to get that. Ya feel me?

Eb the Celeb said...

I may have to cut you off as one of my bestie's with you picking a country boy to co-host the show before a fellow newyorker like my fabolous self..

That may be the last lemon drop shot you get from me missy...lol

joking... maybe I will click on the link and see what went down

The Jaded NYer said...

@clnmike- hmmm maybe that's why Sallie Mae is sweatin me so hard!

@darius- word, man... what else can we do?

@dipsetjam- uh... can you NOT comment while drunk? thanks... lol

@the f$%k it list- that was a very thorough breakdown... it's still kinda fuzzy but I understand it more. thanks!

@keisha- thanks for listening!

@one man- Je-who?? I think you made a wrong turn somewhere... me and that dude had a falling out a while back...

but yes, trouble don't last, everything runs on a cycle, and things will get better. maybe.

@eb- LMAO!! you and Kyle need to make up already! besides- he told me he was from Jersey (not that that's any better...) :D

The F_Uitlist said...

I warned that its too much for one comment section. I'll have to break it down later.