This is the very rare "off the cuff" post, so enjoy this precious gift.
Some very literarily (yeah, I made it up, AND WHAT?) inclined bloggers started an online book club, and I encourage all of you to sign up for it.
Now that I'm out of school I'm totally missing the whole intellectual vibe I used to get sitting in on workshops. It's one of the main reasons I'm pressed to go to graduation each year- to see my writer friends (hey y'all!!!) and get that old magic back... every time I come away from it with a new story idea.
The first book we will be discussing is The Secret Life of Bees which I've yet to read but I can't wait to get it.
You know I'm not always dressed to the nines or anything; clothes have started to mean less and less to me since I moved back to Brooklyn, and NO not like that you pervs, so far be it from me to make fun of someone's attire.
When you step out of your house in a dark turquoise zoot suit- YES, I said ZOOT. SUIT.- and pink cowboy boots with the pants tucked into the boots, a pink cowboy hat AND a pink, metal cane... I mean, it's like you're ASKING for me to talk about you!
Just be glad that I respect my elders... and that I didn't have my camera with me because you soooo would have been put on blast, old timer!
I usually put songs I'm feeling over at my other blog, but today I'll give you a bit of a treat.
Today I spotted one of my old Freestyle mix CDs that this kid made for me back when I worked at Horace Mann and I popped it into Ns boom box. Guess what song came on as I chatted with Minnie real quick on the phone (much to her chagrin)?
(was there anything better than freestyle in the 80's? I think not! lol)
Afterwards I came out of the room to munch on something and a song came on Ks yahoo music player that reminded me of this song
(it always take me back to HS when I was totally into classic rock. how funny that now this is all that K will listen to...)
And just for kicks, because I can't get enough of Skeletor, here's the song I play on repeat until I hear N yell from her room, "AGAIN?!?!"
(check the deep percussions when the chorus first hits... DAMN every time I hear it I lose my mind!!)
*smooches...hoping the rest of the week goes by quickly*
oh and I finally got Ks report card (we never picked it up in June) and although she went down two percentage points in her overall average from where she was last fall, she still made it out of the 7th grade with a 91 average.
hopefully that is enough to get her into the HS of her choice!
this is totally off topic... but i'm sitting here watching tv (VH1 to be exact... which i hardly ever watch) and it's all about the different stars that have stripper poles and various sex-enhancing rooms/toys/items and how much they cost. wow. be glad you don't have a tv. really.
now... lol. ooooh an online book club. signing up, pronto. even though i'm already a member of two others in 'real' life...
wow... ludacris has a spinning circular bed. goodness.
okay. sorry. back to post. the secret life of bees... can't WAIT to see the movie.
O.M.G. to wearing or even being able to FIND a zoot suit anywhere. just wow. and pink cowboy hat and boots? WOW. maaaan i'm mad you didn't have a camera. whew.
classic rock never gets old. your little K sounds uber cool.
hope all is well lady.
Hey - remember this is your book club too. I read that you referred to is as "their" book club...nah, you're down now - it's us! Our! We! Together! Get it? Good!
Your body needs water so drink that shyt!!! I sing that song everytime I go to the water fountain
@muze- that was more than I ever wanted to know about Luda... lol
you'll be a welcomed addition to the book club
and I'm finding that K and I are starting to bond more these days, mostly because of the classic rock and old movies we're into
@darius- you are very correct, sir. I will rectify the situation post haste!
@super dave- that video NEVER gets old...
I mean, it's like you're ASKING for me to talk about you!
I knew humor wouldn't be too far behind.
I can't see the videos @ the moment, but I wouldn't mind joining that bookclub myself. I think I'm now inclined to press myself literary, and become more of a 'I can tell you about this book from beginning to end' kind of person. Oh, btw, did you enjoy Chyna Black? ha.
You are so proud of your daughters. I always hear it within your words. Good deal.
@don- ahem, the word is "literarily" and you won't find it in the dictionary because I just made it up lol
but yeah, join the book club, and then you can be smart like me :D
and I'm still gonna get you back for that Chyna Black mess... just you wait... (PS- it was so bad I had to tell my co-workers about it and now one of them wants to read it! lol)
you read a lot! i ain't mad at cha. i really should read a lot more
i wanna BEE in the book club
cute, hunh.
guess ima head over 2 that other blog for the details
Signing up for the book club right now!
Oh yes The giggles was the SHIT! I almost thought you found Denise Williams Black butterfly. I hate that song when I was a kid, now I love it again. I also love Silly, ooh that song makes me want to cry even now!
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